Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“My nephew wasn’t exactly cooperative with the men I hired. Took three of them to bring him down. They roughed him up pretty good.” He shrugged as if it didn’t matter either way to him.

“Why Keenan?”

“I’ve decided to go after all of it. We are essentially the last of a dying breed and I could give two shits about continuing the line. If I kill them all then all the monies are mine.”

“No.” I shielded Keenan with my body. I had to do whatever it took to keep him safe.

“Oh don’t worry. I won’t kill him just yet. He is extra incentive to get Keiran here.”

“What about his father, your brother?”

“I’m saving him for last. I want his death to be slow and painful.” As he spoke about his brother I couldn’t miss the deep hatred lacing his tone.

“You would take your brother’s life too?”

“My brother has taken much more from me.” He looked in Keenan’s direction brief before shooting his eyes back to me. “Now make the call.” He dropped the phone in my lap but I let it lay there untouched until he suddenly pulled out a gun and aimed it at Keenan.

“Ok!” I held out my hands in surrender before picking up the phone.

“Good girl. Keiran trained you well.”

I dialed Keiran’s number and prayed he didn’t answer. But when he finally did I realized how much I loved and missed the sound of his voice even though now it sounded gruff and full of impatience.

“Who the fuck is this?” he barked.


“Lake? Where the fuck are you?” he asked. I could hear the rage but I could also hear the desperation in his voice.

“I don’t know.” I instantly broke down crying. Mitch snatched the phone out of my hands.

“Hello, son. You haven’t forgotten about your father all these years have you?” I didn’t hear the rest of the conversation. Mitch had walked out, locking me in the room with an unconscious Keenan.

I was afraid for him with not knowing the extent of his injuries. Not to mention being unable to form a clue as to how to get us out of all this safely. I wasn’t dumb enough to believe that Mitch would let me walk away from this. Not after everything he had revealed.

“Keenan,” I whispered. “If you can hear me, you need to wake up…please wake up.” I nudged him and amazingly he began to stir and groan in pain. When his eyes finally opened he instantly shut them squeezed them closed again.

“Shit,” he grumbled.

“It’s worse than shit,” I half joked.

“Lake?” he groaned out.

“Yes, it’s me. Can you sit up?” He exhaled and slowly moved until he was sitting on the floor next to me. “How bad did they hurt you?”

“They?” he asked with a confused look.

“You don’t remember?” He was quiet but the moment he remembered what happened his expression changed to anger.

“You mind telling me who the fuck that guy was?” he growled.

I blanched and stared at him. This time I was the one confused. “You mean you don’t know?” He shot me an impatient look and my frown deepened.

“No, I don’t.”

“He’s – he’s your uncle.” Silence stretched between us but a look of incredulity was plastered all over his face.

“My uncle? I don’t have an uncle. The only uncle I would have is Keiran’s father and he’s dead.”

“Well the dead have risen from the grave because that is him.”

Are you shitting me?”

“Fraid not.” He blew out a breath and shook his head. “Not to rock the boat or anything but the guy is whacked.”

“Yeah, thanks, I hadn’t noticed, “he said sarcastically.

“Did he say anything to you at all?”

He frowned. “Only that it was time that I paid what was owed to him. Who says shit like that?”

“How much do you know about your inheritance?”

“Inheritance? I have a college fund my dad said was set up for me but that’s about it.”

“Well apparently you’re worth millions and he wants it.”

“No way.”

“It’s true.”

“Son of a bitch,” he groaned. “We need to find a way to call Keiran.”

“Already did.”

“How?” he asked with his eyebrows raised.

“He made me. He wants to kill you both.”

“Well fuck…”


B.B. Reid's books