Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Why are you doing this? You were behind the break-in, weren’t you?”

“Why does anyone ever do anything? For money, dear girl, and yes, I did leave the photo. Sad, what happened to that little girl.”

“But my aunt isn’t here and she isn’t rich.” He laughed as if I’d just told a joke or said something witty. Or maybe the man was just nuts. The latter explanation fit better.

“I don’t want money from your aunt or you. In fact, this has little to do with you at all.”

“What? Then why –”

“You are merely bait, Lake.”

“Bait for who?”

“Are you really this blind or is it by choice?”

“I’m sorry Mr. Martin. It must have been the blow to my head I recently received. You’ll have to help me with this one.”

“Well for starters my name isn’t Martin. It’s Masters and I’m here for my son.”

Chapter ThirtyOne

The time it took for me to process what he’d just said was two and a half seconds. No shit – I counted. “But everyone thinks you’re dead.”

“No, I’m very much alive.” He crossed his leg over the other and appeared way too casual for my liking.

“If you’ve been alive all this time then why are you just now coming around?”

“Because my son would have put a bullet in my head the moment he saw me,” he answered, full of disdain. I frowned, because like everyone else, I was under the impression that Keiran had never met his father.

“If Keiran is your son…why would he want to kill you?”

“I haven’t been the best father.” He shrugged, noncommittally. “I’ve told a lot of lies, Miss Monroe and have done many ugly things. Things that were necessary to get what is rightfully mine.”

“Are you even sorry for it? Why should I believe you now?” There wasn’t a hint of compassion in the way he talked about his estranged son and his dead mother.

“I really don’t care if you believe or not. You serve one purpose and that is to bring Keiran to me. I’ve watched you both for some time now. Long before I ever made myself known to you. I must say it was intriguing to see the way my son treated the girl he loves.”

“What makes you so sure he’s in love with me?”

“For your sake I hope he is.”

“I’m sure a man such as yourself wouldn’t be willing to risk so much off of hope…that’s if you really even believe in it.”

His eyebrow lifted and he pursed his lips. “My son lets you get away with a mouth like that?” His eyes darkened much like the way Keiran’s often did and I was smart enough to know when I was out of my league.

“What amount of money is worth all this?”

“Millions.” His eyes shone with greed. “Millions that should have been mine years ago.”

“How do you expect your eighteen year old son to pay you that kind of money?”

“You and I both know Keiran is far from being helpless and more than capable of doing many illegal acts. Oh yes, I know all about Anya Risdell and Trevor Reynolds. I have connections too,” he said in a conspiratorial tone. “Keiran is part heir of a vast fortune that he will inherit once he turns twenty-one.”

“Where have I heard this before?”

“I realize the situation is extremely cliché and yet extremely real.”

“You said part…”

“Yes, the other boy – Keenan.” I didn’t miss the contempt in his voice as he spoke his name. “And my brother as well…if he ever marries.”

“So won’t you get part of the fortune too?”

“Unfortunately, I’ve already received the first portion of my inheritance. The same portion that Keiran is set to inherit in three years.”

B.B. Reid's books