Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

I don’t remember the ride to school. After the breakfast that I ate alone, I looked around for Keiran even though I knew he was gone. I purposely made it to school with only a few minutes to spare. Even though Keiran was no longer terrorizing me within these walls his attention put me on the receiving end of glares and snide comments from his ex-cum buckets – Anya especially.

I was surprised that she was walking around unscathed and even still claiming Keiran after Trevor’s confession that she was a part of the setup. The irony of the situation did not escape me. Maybe he really did have feelings for her…

I entered art class and found that my seat was taken. I didn’t think it was a big deal until I noticed that the only seats left was one beside Keenan and the other next to a member of Anya’s twat squad.

Keenan didn’t seem to hate me anymore but I wouldn’t exactly call us buds. I tossed my head back, annoyed, before marching over to his table. He looked up and grinned when he saw me. It was still uncanny how much they looked alike. I reluctantly sat down next to him.

“Sup sis-in-law. You still mad at me?” I tried not to react to his nickname for me. People were getting ideas about Keiran and me that I wasn’t particularly fond of.

“Not mad. Aware.”

He frowned before saying, “I didn’t make the best impression…”

It was more a statement than a question. I shrugged and left to retrieve my project. I returned to my seat and looked at him curiously. He was glaring at his poster like it offended him. I took a peek and saw that he was drawing a picture of Sheldon doing one of her routines at a game. I was impressed with how good he was and the detail he captured. His art really seemed to come to life.

“You’re pretty good. Is art something you want to do?” Making conversation was my way of a truce…sort of. I didn’t owe Keenan anything but I wasn’t going to be a bitch either.

“Huh?” He jerked his head up and looked at me. “Oh…maybe. Hey, uh…can we be friends?”

“Why?” He definitely threw me off guard with that one and I didn’t try to hide my surprise or suspicion.

“Because I was a dick to you? I’m sorry for how I treated you.”

“I get it. You were protecting him.” I didn’t get it but that didn’t mean that I had to be the dick.

“Keiran hasn’t had the best experience with having a family so I try to have his back.”

“I know. Last night, he told me about his mother be a prostitute and a drug addict after I dug up some things from his past.” Keenan’s expression was mixed with surprise and confusion.

“He told you that?” he asked as his brow furrowed from his deep frown.

“Yes.” I studied the expression on his face and then asked, “Did he not tell you?”

“Uh, yeah. Yeah, he told me. I’m just surprised that he was so…forthcoming about it to you.”

“Yeah, no kidding.” I said absently. Keenan’s look was more than just surprise. “Anyway, do you think he would have done the same for you, if he doesn’t believe in family?” He hesitated and I could tell he was thinking his words over.

“He would have done much worse.” I studied his face and saw something odd hiding in his eyes. I recognized that look.

“Are you afraid of him?”

“No. I’m afraid for him.”

“Why?” He hesitated again and I could tell he didn’t want to answer my question but I wasn’t letting this go.

“We can’t be friends, if I can’t trust you.” I knew it was manipulative to use that against him but these two have done much worse. He looked amused before shaking his head.

“Keiran is going to have his hands full with you,” he chuckled.

“No more than I will with him. Tell me.”

“I’m afraid for him because every day he has to fight the person he is, to be the person he wants to be.”

“What happens if he loses?” I asked while the hairs at the back of my neck stood up.

“People get hurt.” I didn’t miss the sad look that passed over his face before he focused on his poster and began working on the picture.

“Something tells me you aren’t going to elaborate.” I knew Keenan knew more than he let on to Sheldon or anyone else. I can’t imagine living with someone like Keiran and not see more than the rest.

B.B. Reid's books