Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Because I couldn’t save her.” His eyes had glossed over with some unnamed emotion when he spoke. It was a look I’d never seen on Keiran’s face before. It was regret.

“Save her from what?” His beeping phone interrupted whatever he would or wouldn’t have said. When he spit out a harsh curse and his face transformed into a savage mask my attention shifted to whatever held his attention now.

“What is it?” I couldn’t help asking.

“Reynolds made bail.”



Chapter TwentyOne

The sunlight on my skin woke me up and I swear I could hear the birds chirping outside and I felt like singing. I’m such a dork. I stretched and my body felt sore in all the right places and remembering how it got like brought a smile to face.

“Good morning, baby.”

I was surprised to hear his voice even though I knew he stayed the night. After we found out that Trevor was out – probably thanks to his dad – I’d wordlessly gotten back in bed and closed my eyes, wishing for sleep to come quickly. I told myself I didn’t care what Keiran did or where he went, but when he climbed into bed and spooned me from behind, my heart did jumping jacks all over my chest.

I finally opened my eyes and found him sitting on the floor next to the bed. His knees were bent with his arms draped across them. He wore an intense expression on his face and I wondered what he’d been thinking.

“Why are you on the floor?”

“You kept kicking me. I nearly fell off the bed…and you snore.”

“I do not!” I threw a pillow at him and then realized I had no way to hide my flushed cheeks. He laughed when he caught the pillow.

“You’re pretty wild.”

“Well I’m awake now. So come on.” I patted the bed and looked at him with a look that I prayed was seductive. He smiled sheepishly and shook his head.

“I’ve created a monster. We don’t have time for the bed.” He stood up and headed for the door and I pouted. “But if you come get your sexy ass in the shower with me I’ll give your first quickie,” he tossed over his shoulder before leaving.

I wasted no time hopping out of the bed and running after him. I already decided sometime between him pounding me against the shower wall and my screaming orgasm that it was my favorite place to have sex.

Not long after, we were downstairs making breakfast when he said, “I want you to stop digging into my past.”

“I can’t do that,” I said without looking at him. I heard him slam his cup down and felt his eyes burning through me.

“Why the fuck not?”

“Because I want answers that you won’t give me.”

“And for a damn good reason. Damn it, Lake. This goes beyond you and me. You’re going to uncover some shit you’ll wish you didn’t and I won’t be able to save you.”

“So what happens then? You’ll kill me too?” Instead of answering, he shot up from his seat and was around the table before my brain caught up to common sense. His hand was in my hair, pulling my head back and my eyes met his stormy gaze.

“It won’t come to that because you’re going to do what I say. I don’t want to have to hurt you again. Don’t push me that far. Are we clear?”

I peered into his eyes and saw something I never thought I would see in his eyes ever. I saw fear. “What are you afraid of?” His gaze shifted from my face before he met my stare again.

“I’m not afraid of anything,” he answered, shortly. He let go of my hair and left the kitchen before I could respond.

“Everyone has something to be afraid of,” I whispered to an empty house.


B.B. Reid's books