Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

We ended up at Pies, Shakes, & Things to grab a few burgers after we left school. Well one for me and three for Keiran. I shook my head at his appetite. Men.

I couldn’t believe we were skipping. It was something I’d never done before and I thought about how many times my aunt would kill me if she found out. She writes sci-fi so she knows things.

“Can we go back now?” I finally asked after we finished eating.

“Just eat my food and ditch me huh? Heartless.”

“As I recall, you kidnapped me from school.”

He shrugged. “I could have eaten you instead of the burger.” My face grew hot and I tried not to melt in my seat. “You’re squirming again,” he observed with a smirk.

“Can you stop?” I was irritated that he was calling me out on my shit.

“Am I bad company?”

“You’re unwanted company.”

“Don’t be such a bitch.”

“I have every right to be! Or did you forget?” I didn’t care if I sounded like a shrew. How dare he call me a bitch after the hell he put me through?

“I didn’t forget. You remind me every chance you get. Can’t you let that go?”

“No. I don’t trust you.”

“I want to be friends.”

I laughed, “That won’t happen.” But it would. This was my chance.

He was about to respond when the chime over the door sounded and an expensively dressed woman with short brown hair entered. She looked out of place as she looked around as if searching for someone.

“Fuck. Let’s go,” he stated throwing money on the table.

“Keiran?” She stepped over to our table just as we were rising to leave. “I thought that was your car I saw outside. How are you darling?’ She moved to hug him but he sidestepped her bringing me with him and headed for the door.

“Take care of yourself, Joan,” he said not bothering to answer her question.

“Tell your uncle to call me!” she called out. I so wanted to know who that was and why Keiran was rude to her. Then again, Keiran was rude to everyone.


I watched his fingers clench and unclench the steering wheel as we drove. His mood had shifted from playful to dark and I didn’t know if it was my refusal to have anything to do with him or his run-in with Joan. I was curious what kind of relationship she had with the uncle I have yet to meet.

“Does your uncle have work that keeps him away? I’ve never seen him around.” I decided to start off asking unassuming questions.

“Why do you want to know?”

“Think of it as an interview of sorts.”

“An interview? For what?” He briefly took his eyes off the road and regarded me with narrowed eyes.

“You said you wanted to be friends.” He grunted.

“You are something else you know that?”

I stared at him wide-eyed, projecting innocence. “What do you mean?”

He shook his head and licked those luscious lips and I instantly remembered the way they tasted. Like mint and sin. “Tell you what – we play for your answer.”

“Play?” I watched him warily.

“Basketball. One on One.”

“But you’ll beat me. It won’t be a fair fight.”

“I’ll make it easy. If you can get two shots before I get ten I will answer your question.”

“It’s just a simple question that needs a simple answer.”

“I’ll sweeten the deal. I’ll answer one question for each additional shot you can make. Two shots get you your first answer. Every shot after that gets you an additional answer to any question you want to ask.”

This could work for me. “Any question?”

He nodded and waited for my answer. “What do you get out of it?” There had to be a catch, I thought as we pulled into his driveway.

“If I win then you give us a shot.”

He didn’t hesitate to answer and it was then that I knew I’d been setup. My heart pounded in anticipation but it wasn’t for the game. “To be friends?” I clarified.

He looked into my eyes and I knew they were exposing my deepest desires and showing him exactly how much I wanted him. The forbidden was always the hardest to fight. I just hope he couldn’t also see how much I hate him.

B.B. Reid's books