Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“No.” His tone was flat and unapologetic.

Well shit. I stared up at him dumfounded not knowing what to say. “How? I mean…why not?” He shrugged his shoulders and got off the table, pulling me up with him to a seating position and then he was standing between my legs. “Well what about my aunt? Are you still having her followed?”

“No,” he said as he stared down at me. His hands started rubbing up and down my jean-clad thighs slowly. I wanted to pull the hood off his head so I could see all of his features and maybe run my hands through his hair. I started to relax when he confirmed that my aunt was now safe until something occurred to me.

“Are you trying to distract me?”

The corner of his mouth lifted in that half-grin I was growing to love. It made him look boyish and not so scary. “Is it working?” he asked.

“No.” I lied but he didn’t have to know that. He gave me a skeptical look before removing his hands and balling them into his sweatshirt pockets. I wanted to snatch them back and he must have known that from the cocky look on his face.

“Look,” I took a deep breath, willing the courage for what I had to say. “I can’t stop you from hating me, so we have nothing more to say to each other.”

“No, we have so much more than words we owe each other. I’m done hating you for something that isn’t your fault.”

“But you hated me before then.”

“I’m not talking about the set-up.” His mesmerizing eyes stared back into mine, willing me to understand. I didn’t.

“I don’t understand and I don’t care. We’re through here.”

“Then let me make it clear for you.” His eyes had turned cold at my dismissal and belied everything he’d just said. “You messed up when you let me near you. You messed up when you let me touch you. But you fucked up when you let me have you.”

“I didn’t have a choice!” His hand shot up to my neck to hold me lightly. His thumb swept my lips and I unconsciously licked my lips, tasting his skin. His eyes were now also dark with lust. He was hot and cold at that moment. I shivered wanting to run away and yet get closer.

“I decided the first time you let me in between your sweet thighs that guilty or not, you were mine. I’m done denying myself what I want. You want me just as bad.”

“News flash, I had you,” I retorted, “and I’m over you.” I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him defiantly.

“These bitches are seriously fucked!” Dash gritted, bursting from the bookcases and interrupting whatever Keiran would have said. I was so wrapped up in Keiran that I’d forgotten about Willow and Dash.

I took in his appearance and felt my eyes widen. His hair was tousled, sweat dripped from his skin, and his belt was now unbuckled. It was no question as to what they had been doing.

“What did you do to Willow?” I jumped off the table to confront Dash but ended up trapped between Keiran and the table when he refused to move. I looked up to glare at him and he glared right back.

“Nothing yet,” Dash stated ominously and looked at Keiran. “You ready, bro?”

Keiran ignored him and gripped my ponytail lightly in fist. “Go take care of your friend.” He kissed the tip of my nose and I felt my body soften against my will. “But remember what I said,” he ordered.

He had to go and ruin it.


They finally left and I rushed to find Willow in the bookcases. I found her crying quietly and immediately wrapped her in my arms. “Willow, look at me.” She shook her head no and kept her face buried in my shoulder.

B.B. Reid's books