What He Left Behind

“Good idea,” Michael murmurs.

“Agreed.” Ian gingerly stands, cursing under his breath as his knees and ankles pop. As he does, Michael gazes longingly at the thick bulge beneath Ian’s jeans, and I know that look—he wants to blow Ian. He made it past one barrier tonight, and now he can handle Ian going down on him, and I can see in his eyes how badly he wants to return the favor.

But he doesn’t. That’s one line he just hasn’t been able to cross yet. Not even with me.

My stomach tightens. Night after night, the three of us fuck like rabbits, Michael getting more and more confident with every touch, and still Steve manages to keep a chokehold on him.

We’ll get there. I refuse to believe we won’t.

And for now, there are plenty of other ways to keep Michael’s mouth entertained.

I gently turn his head toward me, grin and pull him into a kiss.

Afterward, the three of us lie beneath the sheets, Michael in the middle again. Ian gets up to let the dogs in—though they stay downstairs—and joins us again, draping an arm over Michael and propping himself up on his elbow, facing us both.

“Are they tired out?” Michael asks.

“Pretty sure they’ll sleep well tonight.” Ian kisses him. “Pretty sure you’ll sleep well tonight.”

“Kind of hard not to after you guys are done with me.”

I chuckle and kiss the top of his shoulder. “I don’t think there’ll be any insomnia in this house any time soon.”

“Definitely not,” Ian says.

I watch them both for a moment. “So, I see you two have gotten comfortable with each other.”

“We already were,” Michael says.

“But enough for oral?”

Michael nods as he runs his fingers along Ian’s arm. “I think it was a foregone conclusion that it would happen eventually.”

I smile. “That’s probably the most optimistic thing you’ve said since we started out.”

He smiles too. “I guess you guys are fucking the cynic right out of me.” He and Ian exchange grins, and Michael shrugs. “Tonight, I decided I was tired of getting so hung up on oral. Because I know I love it—I just had to get past that mental barrier. We started kissing before you got home, and—”

“That was fucking hot,” Ian whispers. “One minute, we’re kissing on the couch. The next, he’s asking if the offer is still open to suck his dick.” He shivers, running a hand over Michael’s hip. “Damn right it was.”

“Yeah, it was.” Michael lifts his head and kisses Ian lightly. “Thank you, by the way. It seems like such a stupid thing to get hung up—”

“You don’t have to justify any of this, Michael.” Ian rests his hand in the middle of Michael’s chest. “You’ve been through hell. Getting past that is a process.”

“Still.” Michael swallows. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Ian kisses him, then turns to me. “You’re, um, not upset, are you? About us starting without you tonight?”

“No, definitely not.” I shake my head. “I was just thinking.” I study them both. “Out of curiosity, when you guys started fooling around tonight, would it…” I hesitate. “Would it have been different if I hadn’t been on my way?”

They exchange puzzled glances.

“How so?” Michael asks.

“I mean, do you think you’d be completely comfortable one-on-one with Ian?”

Ian’s eyebrows jump.

Michael’s eyes lose focus. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“Josh does have a point,” Ian says. “Whenever you and I have been together, Josh has been here, or he’s been well on his way. We didn’t even get started tonight until, what, ten minutes before he got home?” He trails the backs of his fingers up Michael’s arm. “If you want to see what it’s like without him as a safety net, then—”

“I don’t see how I’d freak out with you, though.” Michael smiles. “I know you. I trust you.”

“Exactly,” I say. “So it makes perfect sense. If some nerves or past trauma come out at an inopportune moment, you’ll be in good hands. I know it’s kind of baby steps, but that’s probably the best thing, you know?” I search Michael’s eyes. “Only if you want to, though. Of course.”

“I do.” Michael chews his lip. “But you guys have already gone above and beyond for me. I don’t this to turn into something that’ll cause problems between you two.”

“It won’t.” Ian squeezes his arm. “If there was a problem, none of us would be here in the first place.”

Michael’s eyebrows pull together. “So…”

“If you’re game to try,” Ian puts a hand over Michael’s. “There’s one way to find out if you’re comfortable with just me.” To me, he says, “If you’re really okay with it.”

“Yeah, of course.”

We both turn to Michael, and he shrinks back slightly, as if the double scrutiny is more than he can handle.

I slide my hand under his and Ian’s. “It’s up to you. If you’d rather keep to all three of us…”

“No, I trust Ian. There is.” Michael glances at me, then turns to Ian. “Meet me at my apartment tomorrow night? After work?”