What He Left Behind

In almost no time, he’s nearly there. His cock gets thicker, harder, and he curses and gasps as he tries to thrust into my mouth. I crook my fingers, and—

“Fuck!” He nearly comes up off the bed as semen jets across my tongue. “Oh my—” He’s muted again, his cries reduced to barely audible moans by Michael’s mouth, and between us, we keep him coming until he breaks the kiss to whisper, “S-stop…please…”

I swallow as I carefully withdraw my fingers.

Ian sinks back down to the mattress. He covers his eyes for a moment, just catching his breath. “Wow.”

“I agree.” Michael nuzzles his neck. “You two are fucking hot in bed.”

I chuckle as I come up to join them. “You say this like it’s a surprise.”

“Oh, it’s not.” He grins at me over my panting, trembling husband. “But you’ve gotta admit—experiencing is believing.”

“Good point.”

Ian lowers his hand. “Don’t know. Might have to do it again. Just to be sure.”

“You want to catch your breath first?”

He nods vigorously. “Yes. Please.”

Once Ian can stand, we all get up to clean ourselves off, and then collapse on the bed again, Ian and me on either side of Michael. We’re all still lethargic and relaxed, but I feel more coherent now. Michael’s eyes are clearer. Ian has returned to planet Earth. None of us are quick to fall asleep after sex, so as the dust settles, we’re all wide awake. Just relaxed. Really relaxed.

Michael glances back and forth between us. “So I guess this means I’m good with other guys. Not that Ian’s a stranger, but…”

“I know what you mean,” Ian says. “I’m new to you. In this sense, anyway.”

Michael nods. To me, he says, “You were right. This was a good idea.”

Ian arches an eyebrow. “Oh, so this was your idea?”

“Are you surprised?” I ask.

“Hmm. Well. Now that you mention it…”

“That’s what I thought.” I smooth Michael’s hair. “You did still get nervous. Maybe this is something we should keep doing. Just until those nerves settle.”

“So, all three of us?” Ian asks.

I nod. “Or the two of you. Whichever works.”

Michael runs his fingers along Ian’s arm. “Well, I’m definitely not opposed to one-on-one with either of you. But both together?” He grins. “I’m not going to say no to that either.”

Ian laughs. “Yeah. What he said.”

They both turn to me. I show my palms. “Hey, don’t look at me for the voice of reason. I’ve been fantasizing about the two of you at once for ten years.”

“Oh, have you now?” Ian asks.

“Are you really surprised?”

His lips quirk. “Actually, no. And I may have thought about it once or twice myself.”

“Uh-huh.” Michael raises an eyebrow. “Is this why you guys kept inviting me over to hang out in the hot tub?”

Ian and I both laugh and shake our heads.

“No, of course not.” I shrug. “But, I mean, it didn’t hurt…”

Michael snorts, rolling his eyes. “Guess I should’ve brought over some stronger wine.”

Ian wrinkles his nose. “Assuming it didn’t taste like the horse piss you brought last time.”

Shaking a finger at him, Michael says, “Shiraz. Christmas. Your argument is invalid.”

We all laugh again, and they nudge each other playfully.

As the moment passes, Ian turns to Michael again. “In all seriousness, this arrangement”—he gestures at all three of us—“obviously works. And if this helps exorcise some of that jerkoff’s demons, then I’m definitely in.”

“Thank you,” Michael whispers, caressing Ian’s face.

Ian kisses his wrist. “You’re welcome to stay here tonight if you want.” He meets my eyes and his eyebrows flick up. Right?

I nod. “Definitely.”

Michael smiles but shakes his head. “I can’t leave Cody for the night, or I definitely would.”

“Completely understandable.” Ian turns Michael’s head toward him and gives him a tender kiss. “Why don’t you bring him next time? Ariel wouldn’t mind some company.”

Michael laughs. “Well, Cody hasn’t had a playdate in a while.”

I chuckle. “Guess that means he gets one, and so do you.”


“Yes, it is.” Ian kisses Michael again. “The dogs will be entertained, and we can have you all night.”

Michael just shivers.

So do I.

Chapter Sixteen

Michael isn’t just comfortable with Ian as well as with me—the three of us can’t get enough of each other. I can’t even say for sure if it’s in the name of helping Michael anymore, or if we’ve just turned something loose that doesn’t want to be contained again. Our hot tub nights take on a whole new dimension. And Michael’s at our house—and in our bed—more evenings than not. I don’t think Ian’s ever been so insatiable, not even back when we were both bathhouse sluts, and Michael’s in heaven.