The Bet

CHAPTER Thirteen

Kacey checked her phone for the tenth time that night. Nothing, not even a text from Jake.

What the heck was wrong with him? She was here helping him! And he had work? She didn’t buy it. She wasn’t stupid. But it did make her feel awkward when his parents kept giving her concerned looks.

They finally went to bed shortly after the pie incident, which she decided was one of those freak moments where you lose control of bodily function as well as logic and make bad choices. Kind of like when you’re drunk, which she wasn’t, because according to Jake’s parents she was carrying his love child.

Damn Jake Titus.

“Kace!” Travis strolled into the room, absolutely shirtless and wearing nothing but pajama pants. Was her tongue hanging out of her mouth? Oh God, she was beginning to sweat. Geez, at least turn the air on in this place.

Averting her eyes, she managed an awkward laugh. “What’s up?”

“Movie night.” He threw a pillow at her and went to the DVDs.

“Um, is it naked movie night? I’m not sure I got that memo.” She looked him up and down when he turned around.

“I’m sorry, does my masculinity frighten your prudish nature?”

She snorted. “Please, I just don’t want to get last night’s skank on me. I hear diseases travel through too much skin contact.”

He rolled his eyes. “I’ll put on a shirt if you take off yours.”

How tempting that was…. “Take off my shirt? So you can finally see my boobs? Oh gosh, Travis. Let me think. Give you the fantasy you’ve been dreaming of for years or keep my pride? Yeah, I think I’ll keep my pride.”

He shrugged. “Suit yourself, but it really isn’t a slumber party if you’re not naked.”

“What the hell kind of slumber parties were you subjected to as a child?” Kacey asked.

Travis grinned shamelessly. “Only the good ones. Now seriously, go change into sweats. I’ll wait.”

“Fine.” She hopped off, her heart beating erratically out of her chest. This witty banter had to stop. For crying out loud, they were adults! Not teenagers! She grabbed some short Victoria Secret shorts and a black tank and put on her slippers to make it look less… seductive. Not that she was seducing him. Her stupid skin betrayed her in the mirror as it turned a very nice crimson color.

She really needed to start dating more.

Taking the stairs two at a time, she went back down to the living room and saw Travis opening a bottle of wine, thankfully he had put a shirt on. She wasn’t sure she could handle any more of his glistening muscles that evening. “Thought you could use this, even though it’s not good for the baby.” He winked.

“I would drink that whole bottle if I knew it wouldn’t get me completely drunk. I miss wine.”

“Um, you haven’t had it for one night, and you miss it?”

“Clearly, you underestimate my relationship with wine and what I do on the weekends when I’m by myself reading.”

“You wild thing, you.” Travis nudged her and filled her glass to the brim. He should be sainted, immediately.

Their fingers brushed slightly as he handed the wine over. His eyes flickered to her shorts, and he cleared his throat. “Those are nice.”

“Thanks.” She inwardly smiled.

“Are they shorts or underwear?”

Was he being serious? “Shorts, you ass. Now what movie are we watching?”


“Not in the mood, not near enough wine in my system for me to embark on such a strenuous activity.”

“Ah, pregnancy brain, it does it to ya, it really does.” Travis got up and turned off the lights, then pressed play. “I thought you might want to watch a horror movie.”

“Horror movie?”

A cartoon popped up on the screen. Kacey blinked as the music came on, then nearly fell out of her seat. “Oh my gosh, we can’t watch this, Travis. I can’t watch this. It’s been forever and…”

“Conquer your fears, Kace.”
Kacey scooted a little closer to him, just in case some of the cartoons did in fact decide to pop out and devour her.

He pressed pause and laughed. “Kace, really? I thought you’d be over this fear by now.”

“It’s not a fear.” Kacey drank her wine faster. ‘”It’s a scary movie!”

“It’s Alice in Wonderland.”

Kacey shook her head a few times and drank some more wine. “Damn that Cheshire cat.”

Travis held up his wine. “To conquering old fears?”

Something shifted between them then. His eyes, though it was dark, seemed to be hiding something, as if he was talking about more than her stupid phobia. She leaned in, now completely relaxed from downing half her wine already and whispered, “To conquering old fears.”


Travis knew it was a double meaning for him. He really did need to conquer his old fear and actually kiss the girl, and once and for all, get it out of his system. Great, now he had that damn crab singing Kiss the Girl in his head. Swell.

He sighed, surely that would make this blinding attraction go away. God, it was hard enough watching the movie sitting next to her, breathing in her scent, let alone viewing her shapely legs.

He wanted to run his tongue up and down her thigh until…

Stop! He needed to stop, or he was going to have a serious problem staying comfortable during the stupid cartoon. And then she’d probably assume cartoons somehow turned him on. That’s just what he needed, for her to think Alice in Wonderland made him horny.

He reached for the wine bottle twenty minutes into the movie, only to find they had nearly finished it. He blamed Kacey. She was drinking it like water, not that he could blame her. One dinner with his family was likely to do that to a person, especially when Grandma had a tendency to flaunt her liaisons.

He still couldn’t figure out why Grandma seemed to be doing so well. She was supposed to be bedridden, ill! Instead she was sneaking across the street to see the neighbor.

Oh, that mental picture did wonders for his aroused state. Consider him officially turned off.

The music started up, and it was the part where the Cheshire cat appeared for the first time.

He looked at Kacey to gauge her reaction.

She closed her eyes.

“Kace,” he whispered. “Open your eyes. The cat isn’t going to magically float into the living room.”

She peeked behind her hands then reached for the last bit of her wine, downing its contents and handing him her glass. “More.”

Far be it for him to deny her anything. He went in search of another bottle.

The minute the cork was out, Kacey held out her glass, still not taking her eyes off the TV. She really did have a weird fear when it came to that dang cat. To her credit, she didn’t scream like the last time, which would have been when she was fifteen, but she did inch closer and closer to him until her thigh was touching his.

Sweet torture.

He began drinking to keep his hands and lips occupied, and as the credits flashed, he realized they had finished two bottles of wine.

Kacey, however, looked wired. “We have to watch something happy to get rid of those mental images.”

Travis shook his head, feeling way more relaxed than he should, his arm draped around her, pulling her closer. “What do you want then?”

What he meant to say was Well, what do you want to watch then? But he was slightly drunk and a little loose-lipped.

She shrugged, snuggling closer into his body. His arm, once on her shoulders, caressed her back, moving lower and lower until it grazed her butt.

“Kace?” he asked again. She hadn’t moved, and the room was spinning, partially from the wine and partially from his lust-filled state.

“Hmm?” She looked up. God, she was beautiful, and so damn close to him he could nearly taste the wine on her lips.

“Your call,” he said, lowering his head to hers.

“This means nothing,” she whispered against his lips. “We’re drunk, and it means nothing,” she repeated as her hands tangled in his hair.

With a moan he shook his head.

“Right, nothing.” He licked her lower lip, tasting the red wine then running his tongue along the bottom of her jaw.

She arched her back, and he pulled her closer. His control was hanging on by a single thread.

When his lips grazed hers, she opened her mouth to him. All hell broke loose. He hadn’t expected her to taste so good, to feel so ripe, to feel perfect in his arms, to moan his name.

His tongue tangled with hers. Kacey ran her fingers up and down his biceps then tucked her hands underneath his shirt, peeling it off his body.

“Told you naked slumber parties were more fun,” he said between kisses.

She giggled and reached for her own shirt. No way in hell he was going to miss watching this. He leaned back mesmerized as she began to strip, and then… the lights flipped on.


“Travis! Kacey!” She put a hand over her heart.

Oh God, this was it. His grandma had just seen him getting ready to screw his brother’s fiancée. He was going to be the reason for her death. He just knew it.

She tilted her head. “Kacey, that brassier is quite charming. Pink. Now why don’t I have any pink lingerie?”

Travis hid his head in his hands, praying to disappear.

Grandma shrugged. “You kids be sure to clean up now. Don’t want Jake coming home and seeing remnants of your lovemaking.”

There was something so wrong about his grandma saying lovemaking as a woman was straddling him.

She waved goodbye and turned the lights back off.

But the mood was officially gone.

“Do you think she was drunk?” Travis asked pleadingly.

“Either that or high.” Kacey pushed herself away from his chest and pulled her shirt back on. Sadly, he wanted to shed a tear of selfishness that their little party was over.

“I should, uh, go to bed…” Kacey got up, a little unsteady on her feet.

Travis grabbed her arm. “Let me help you. I’ll just throw away the evidence and help get you to your room, okay?”

She nodded and stretched her arms above her head.

He quickly tossed the wine bottles in the trash, put the glasses in the sink, folded the blanket, and turned off the TV.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yes.” She didn’t look him in the eyes.

He walked with her up the stairs and led her to the guest room. She began to protest when he walked in, turned on the lights, and made sure the windows were open. He knew she liked fresh air when she slept, something he was sure she probably never got tired of.

“Off to bed.” His gut clenched. It should be him in that bed, not the damn teddy bear or even the other pillow. He was jealous of her pillow? He needed to take a cold shower.

“So…” She shrugged and looked at the floor. “About tonight.”

“Kace, don’t. We’re drunk.”

“I’m not that drunk,” she whispered.

He chuckled. “Me neither.”

“I still hate you.”

He smiled. He couldn’t help it. “Kace, don’t worry. I still wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last girl on the planet.” Lies all lies.

“Fine!” she yelled. “I don’t even like you anyways!”

“Well, don’t worry, Kace, my brother’s sloppy seconds aren’t really my type anyway.” Where the hell did that come from?

Her hand came crushing across his face. He totally deserved that.

“Kace, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“It’s safe to say I know exactly what you meant, Travis. Good night.” She slammed the door in his face.

He was a complete ass.

Rachel Van Dyken's books