Tell Me You Crave Me (Search and Seduce #3)

Shuddering and aching and desperate for more, for less, for everything, her mind was gone and so was her sense of anything around her. Anything but East. She cupped his face and yanked him to his feet and kissed him hard.

She clawed at him and pulled on his belt so hard she almost whipped it clean off. She had to taste him. Had to have more of him while he was hers to have. Because he’d go back out into the world, and so would she, and neither of them belonged to the other. But right then, he was there for the taking, and she had to ride this feeling out for as long as she could.

She wanted to make him feel how he’d just made her feel.

She was frantic, ripping at his jeans as she scooted off the counter. Then it was her turn to hit her knees.

“Whoa, baby, you don’t have to—”

“Will you shut up?” she said. She unzipped his jeans and tugged them low on his hips, forcing his hard cock to spring free. “Stop assuming that I don’t want to do this… Because I do.”

She leaned in and licked him from base to tip.

“Oh…fuck…yes,” he said with a satisfied moan. He slowly traced his fingers along her face as she took the head into her mouth. But he didn’t force, didn’t move, just held her, as if he simply wanted to feel her mouth working him over at her own pace.

And she liked that idea. It was a small act that once again made her feel cherished. Like she wasn’t just some random woman, she was herself. And she was giving East pleasure—awkward Natalie could make him melt. He’d made such a point of reminding her and himself what they were doing. And despite all the reasons it could and would never work, in that moment she just wanted to enjoy him.

She sank down on him, taking as much of his impressive cock as she could into her throat, then slowly came back up.

On her way down again, she glanced up to gauge his reaction. His eyes were heavy and watching her, and once again she felt seen. So damn seen, in fact, that she almost shook from the intensity of his gaze. And it gave her confidence.

She moved her tongue along the crown of his cock as she watched his face.

He liked that.

Then she sucked hard at the tip, while moving her tongue…

He really liked that.

Then she sucked and sank down again, faster and faster, sucking harder each time and pushing herself to go just a fraction deeper. His chest heaved, and she watched him grit his teeth. His hands stayed gentle on her face, but his whole body was wrought with tension.

She wondered if he was feeling what she had just felt. That painful need for more. Deeper, harder, more. But he was staying gentle, not pushing or even moving, as if he was concerned, maybe.

Maybe he didn’t see her as lover material and was trying to spare her? Because only a few nights ago, he’d smacked her ass and fucked her hard against a wall, and now he was holding back?

Oh hell no.

East had never once let her hold back. And she wouldn’t be “Little Natalie” or his buddy’s baby sister. Not now. She would show him exactly what she was capable of. Because that way he made her feel? Like she was seen? She wasn’t ready to give that up. Not just yet.

He didn’t want to move? To reach out? Fine.

With a small smile, she let her lips come to the crown of his cock and linger for just a second. She took a deep breath, reached out, and gripped his ass with both hands.

With her nails digging into his muscled flesh, she yanked hard and made him fuck her mouth. She moved her head and pulled him deep on every thrust, urging his hips forward to pump into her throat.

“Holy, shit, Natalie…I’m gonna come. Oh God, you have to let me come.”

Oh, she’d let him come. And she was ready for him. Easton wasn’t going to hold out on her, not this time. He tried to pull out, but she didn’t let him, just grabbed him harder and held him close.

With him deep in her mouth, she felt his release hit her tongue, and she drank him down and continued to take him over and over until his groans turned into a yell and his body was shaking. Just like he’d made hers shake.

Serves him right.

When she could tell that he was humming and his pleasure was coming down from the high, she slowed her attention and finally let him fall from her mouth. He looked almost in pain from the intensity. And she knew exactly how that felt.

She rose to stand, faced him and adjusted her clothing. East looked stunned, half asleep and half confused, but one hundred percent blissful.

I put that look on his face…

And she felt pretty proud of that.

“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my cupcakes.” She moved past him and headed toward the back, right as the ding of her oven timer went off for the final batch of cupcakes. The last thing she’d seen was East with his jeans around his knees and a look of shock on his face.

She couldn’t help but feel exceedingly powerful and utterly stupid.


Joya Ryan's books