Tell Me You Crave Me (Search and Seduce #3)

“Maybe a little…” she said.

“Oh, sweet Natalie,” he said, and moved her panties down her legs and off. “Can’t we just get along?” And then his tongue snaked out and hit her clit in one strong lash.

“Oh! God yes!” she said and tunneled her hands into his hair.

He ran his mouth the entire length of her core, then back down again, slowly sampling every inch of her. He sucked gently on her soft folds. Then his strong arm wrapped around her waist and yanked her closer, and he impaled her on his stiffened, waiting tongue.

“Oh yes!” she cried again, the only word she could think to say. There she was, in her shop with the sexiest, most infuriating man between her thighs, and all she could do was turn into a puddle for him and beg for more.

It was this kind of feeling she didn’t know what to do with. The kind that was addicting. The kind that could get her heart into trouble.

“How’s my finesse now, baby?” he growled, and then flicked the sensitive bundle of nerves with his tongue.

“Good…so good…”

She was so close. The sides of his face pressed against her thighs, and the soft scratch of his stubble tickled as his jaw moved with every swipe of his tongue. Her skin was alive, and every move he made delivered a fresh jolt of intensity.

He was devouring her.

The man was beyond finesse. He was a master. She felt made of smooth caramel that he warmed up, only to retreat before melting her again and again.

He shoved his tongue deep, then pulled away to suck at her clit and everything in between. The way he kissed along her folds and then ran the tip of his nose along the cleft of her sex sent her into a spiral of crazed need.

She didn’t just feel seen, sexy, or beautiful…she felt worshiped.

A man like East, on his knees before her…

The idea was enough to snap a flare of deep, hard lust from her stomach to her breasts. This wasn’t the quick, wild passion of their other encounters. It was slow, raw passion—consuming and just steady and deep enough to really, really feel it—everything he’d ever made her feel but on another level.

She loved fast and hard and everything else about how Easton fucked her. But this was something else entirely. And she liked it, too.

She shivered as a ping of heat crept from her toes to her ears.

“Mmm, you’re close, baby.” He licked her, with long and purposeful strokes. “And you’re so fuckin’ sweet. Drenching my tongue.” He licked again. “Best damn dessert I’ve ever had.”

He sure knew how to talk, and how to back up that talk with some serious action. She slid her fingers through his hair, gripping the strands harder when he gently nipped at her clit. She wanted to come so bad. For him. Because of him. She wanted to stay in this moment of feeling wanted. Feeling everything except awkward. Because when East was near her, inside of her, she didn’t feel awkward. She felt like a woman.

“You ready to give it up to me?” he said between skilled licks and kisses.

“Yes.” And she was. So, so, ready.

“I want to feel all of it,” he said. His voice was husky with desire and a hint of warning. She didn’t exactly know what he meant. But when he brought his free hand to her opening, she got a pretty good idea what he intended.

He wanted to feel all of her.

“And I want to feel you buck and squirm while you come. Don’t you dare try to stay still.” He circled her entrance and every muscle in her body tightened. She was desperate to be filled, had never felt the need for anything so much in her life. She thought she would die from the wanting. In fact, she was certain. Death. That was the only thing that awaited her unless East let her come.

“I want to hear you say my name. Can’t have you forgetting who’s making you feel this way,” he reminded her.

He slid his finger ever so slightly inside her, and just like he said she would, she squirmed and groaned.

“Trust me,” she breathed. She tried to scoot her hips toward his finger, but he held her firm. “I know who makes me feel this way.”

She looked down and saw his intense eyes gazing up at her.

“Good,” he said. She watched his mouth settle over her clit just as he thrust his finger to the hilt.

“Easton!” She cried out his name, which only made him latch on and suck her harder. He thrust in and out, hitting deep and curling his finger to touch the spot inside that drove her wild.

She held on to his head like it was her lifeline, and her skin pricked with flashes of white heat so intense it felt like ice cubes shattering through her veins.

She came apart.

Her whole body shook so much she thought she’d fall off the counter, but East was right there to hold her. His insistent mouth just kept going, drawing out every last ounce of pleasure until she couldn’t see anything but a flash of light, or hear anything but her heartbeat in her ears.

Joya Ryan's books