Mid Life Love (Mid Life Love #1)

“Have you heard about Hannigan from TruCorp, Jonathan?” He didn’t wait for him to respond. “Differences aside, I think he’s really onto something with his new data configuration board. It looks pretty promising.”

“I’ll have to look into that.” Jonathan stated dryly. “Thank you, Damien.”

“What are bitter rivals for? I’m actually glad you decided to show up here for a change. It’ll make for a more interesting week.”

“Yes.” Jonathan narrowed his eyes at me. “It will definitely be interesting.”

Chapter 32


Coming here is the worst decision I’ve ever made...

I was sitting near the edge of the resort’s private beach, pretending to read my e-reader, but secretly watching Jonathan walk alongside the shore with another woman. However, this woman wasn’t just any woman. She was Stacy Rodriguez, world class supermodel and designer extraordinaire. She was easily one of the sexiest women in the world—beautifully tanned and slim body with naturally huge br**sts, wavy jet black hair, and dark gray eyes with speckles of light blue that glimmered in the sunlight.

I’d been watching her and Jonathan all day: At the conference’s first breakfast, they’d sat too close for comfort, laughing at little private jokes that I’d strained to hear. While Damien and I were taking a tour of the art gallery, I’d looked down from the windows and saw the two of them having a private picnic on a blanket below. I’d even seen the two of them driving carts around the resort’s perfectly trimmed golf course while we were eating our lunch.

“Stop it, Jonathan!” She squealed as he tossed her into the water.

I jumped up, tempted to run over there and slap him for letting her get that close to him, for letting her touch him. Yet, I quickly sat back down, realizing that too many people were around and I didn’t want to make a scene.

Jealous, I put down my e reader and narrowed my eyes at the sappy scene that was playing in front of me.

How can he possibly be upset with me about Damien when he’s dating a damn supermodel? And of all supermodels, Stacy Rodriguez, the most famous one?

“Daiquiri?” Damien stood in front of me with an umbrella drink.


“You’ll have to pay me for it first...”

“What? What do you—”

He bent down and kissed me—a slow, passionate, ‘I-know-this-is-making-you-melt’ kiss. He tilted my chin up, pushing his tongue further and further into my mouth, softly biting down on my bottom lip each time I tried to control the pace.

I didn’t care though; I kept trying to force him to let me take the lead. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressed myself against him, and let my tongue explore every inch of his mouth.

“Whoa...” Damien pulled away from me. “Kiss me like that again and we’ll have to lock ourselves in the suite for the rest of the week.” He smiled and handed me the drink.

I took a sip and saw Jonathan staring at me out the corner of my eye, knowing that he’d just seen me kiss Damien.

His fists were balled at his side, his face was a deadly red, and his eyes were thin slits. He took a few steps in my direction but Stacy grabbed his hand and tugged him down the shore.

“Are you okay, Claire?” Damien put his arm around my shoulder. “Is something wrong with the drink?”

“The drink is great...” I tore my eyes away from Stacy and Jonathan. “What other events are happening today?”

“Well, I have a few tech sessions to go to this evening, but there’s the late night benefit ball at midnight.”

“There’s literally a ball every night this week? I thought you were joking...”

“I wasn’t. It’s a tax break thing.” He laughed. “There’s an early entry for the highest contributors, so you and I will have to be there a little early.”

“What happens at early entry?”

“It’s just a bit more intimate than the regular ball—dimmer lights, small candle-lit dinner, and first dibs on the silent auction items. If you want anything that’s up for bid, let me know and I’ll buy it for you.”

“Oh, I probably won’t even go near—”

He pulled me on top of him. “You should...And you should let me buy whatever you want.” He placed a light kiss on my lips. “I want you to enjoy yourself this week so don’t be shy about doing things that make you happy.”

He began rubbing my back and I looked over my shoulder—to see if Jonathan was watching, but Damien turned my head back around to face him. He slipped his tongue into my mouth again and all my thoughts blurred, leaving me lost once more.

“Just like that, Claire...Two steps forward, one step back...Very good...”

Damien spun me out of his arms and quickly drew me back. “You’re a wonderful dancer, Claire. Did you learn or are you a natural?”

“I learned...”

“Well, whoever taught you is one hell of a teacher. I’m impressed.” He placed his hands around my waist and I leaned against his chest.

Whitney Gracia Williams's books