Mid Life Love (Mid Life Love #1)

“It could be ten times worse.”

“But the car won’t be wrecked! She won’t even be able to tell that I drove it once you replace it! I’ll be telling on myself for nothing! I’ll be—”

“You could’ve killed someone tonight, Ashley.” My voice was stern. “You’re lucky nothing happened to you or that you weren’t pulled over. Why were you drinking anyway? You’re only sixteen.”

She frowned. “I did it because I didn’t want to seem lame in front of him...I’ve never done it before today and I promise I’ll never do it again...Do I really have to tell her that part?”

“Do you want me to replace the car?”

“Fine...” She sighed. “I’ll kiss my social life goodbye.”

“It’s only temporary. Who knows, maybe she’ll see you as being responsible for telling her and get you and Caroline separate cars for your birthday.”

“Could you please talk her into that? That would be so awesome!”

“We’ll see...” I pulled out my phone. “Greg? I need a tow truck. Yeah, for the Audi Q7. We also need to buy another one in the next few hours—same model and we’ll need to get the custom upgrades that we got before. See if you can work out something with the VIN number...I’m in the parking lot at Haven Foods on Tim Street. Could you also bring something to eat for Ashley? Yes...McDonald’s will be fine.” I hung up.

“Thank you for helping me with this...” Ashley looked down at the ground.

“You’re very welcome.”

“You know, I really like you, Jonathan. I think my mom still likes you too, but she’d probably like you even more if I told her that me and Caroline are kind of missing you since you two broke up. I mean, we are missing you. Not many people understand our Physics jokes and I like your pasta a lot better than my mom’s... So, I’m thinking...If you want me to put in a good word for you, I think you should reconsider—”

“You’re going to tell her about the car, Ashley.”

She laughed. “It was worth a try.”

Chapter 30


“How was your trip, sweetheart?” Damien lifted my hand and kissed it.

“It was amazing. I had a lot of fun.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the awards ceremony tonight? The organizers swear it won’t be as boring as the last one. ”

“I’m sure.” I placed my carryon bag in my lap and buckled my seatbelt. “I just want to unpack with a glass of wine and slowly readjust to the real world tonight.”

He laughed and leaned over to kiss me. As he ran his fingers through my hair, he tugged at the strings of the sea shell headband I was wearing and whispered, “I missed you.”

“I missed you too...”

He kissed me a few more times before moving away and revving up his car. He sped through the airport terminals and entered the highway. He looked over at me every few minutes, smiling whenever I looked at him.

He was definitely sexy as hell and my eyes couldn’t get enough of him, but over the past couple weeks it seemed like “attraction” was the only thing holding us together. Even though he was a few years older than me—forty three, had experienced divorce just like I had, and seemed to be a perfect match, there was something missing.

Our conversations weren’t that deep, our time together was hardly memorable, and he seemed to be more into impressing me than getting to know me.

Maybe if you actually gave him a fair chance, you would think differently...You haven’t honestly done that yet...Maybe you should open up about your past a bit—maybe even tell him about Jonathan...

I cleared my throat. “How was your week while I was away?”

“Terrible. In addition to not being able to see the most beautiful woman in the world every day, I got crushed by Statham Industries for the year to date presales.”

“What do you mean?”

“They’ve outsold us by fifteen percent for the year so far and they haven’t even opened up the pre-sales for their sPhone red yet...I hate Jonathan Statham.”

What?! “Why?” I tried to sound indifferent.

He drove onto the exit ramp. “Okay, I don’t necessarily hate him—No, I do hate him.” He laughed. “We’ve been at it ever since he started his company. He’s our biggest competitor and he knows it. I can’t deny the man’s a genius, but sometimes he makes moves just because he can, just to be a showoff so he can say that his company is number one.”


“Like releasing a new product days before my company does. We’ll have a marketing plan in place months in advance. We’ll have commercials and billboards all over the country for a product that comes out on Friday, and just to be an ass, he’ll release his competing product on Thursday.”

Whitney Gracia Williams's books