Gabriel's Redemption (Gabriel's Inferno #3)

The afternoon before the date, Julia stood in the kitchen of their home and called him. The phone rang only twice before he answered.

“Hello, gorgeous.”

She flushed. It never ceased to amaze her how, with a word or two, he could increase her heart rate and cause her skin to heat.

“Hello, handsome. Where are you?”

“Just picking up a few things. Where are you?”

“At home.”

Gabriel paused, and Julia could hear the sound of a car door slam. “You’re home early. I wasn’t expecting you until six.”

“Professor Marinelli canceled her seminar because she has laryngitis. I think I’m going to go upstairs and have a shower. Then I might take a nap until you get home. I was up really early this morning.”

The sound of the Range Rover roaring to life filled Julia’s ears.

“You do that. I’ll be home soon. See you then.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Julia heard what sounded like a chuckle before Gabriel disconnected. She wondered what he found so funny.

She poked around in the kitchen for a few minutes, noticing that Rebecca hadn’t prepared anything for dinner. She wondered why.

Perplexed, she climbed the stairs to the second floor. She didn’t bother to hang up her clothes but simply dropped them in the bedroom before entering the shower.

A hot shower would revitalize her after an exhausting day.

She’d almost finished her shower when she heard the shower door open.

“Why, hello there.”

Gabriel stood in front of her, naked and smiling. He leaned forward to kiss her.

“Did you need a shower too?” she asked, trying not to ogle him and failing miserably.

“No. I just wanted to be where you are.”

She kissed him again. “Thanks.”

She ran an appreciative hand down the center of his chest to the deep V that bracketed his hips. Then she switched off the shower, squeezing the water out of her hair.

Gabriel retrieved a towel and handed it to her.

That was when she noticed the way his eyes were alit in anticipation, his smile growing wider.


“Did you forget what day it is?” He trailed a finger down her arm.

“No. Our special day is tomorrow.”

“We’re starting early.”

“Do you think that’s wise?”

“I don’t give a damn. I’ve waited long enough. A man can only stand so much.”

“Oh, really?” She cocked her head to one side.

“So prepare to be pleasured, my dear.”

She quickly ran the towel over her body, drying herself, then wound it over her hair.

Gabriel picked up a glass jar and held it out to her.

“Chocolate Body Paint,” she read. She glanced up at him. “Now?”

“Now.” He wiggled a small paintbrush under her nose. “You said that you enjoyed our foray into body painting while we were in Selinsgrove. I decided we should try it again.”

“But I thought you’d want to do other things. You’ve been doing things for me for three weeks. I’ve been able to do very little for you.”

“Foreplay is for me as well as you,” he whispered, his eyes darkening. “And I have plans for both of us.”

“Wow.” She breathed.

“I thought about trying it in the bedroom, but things could get messy.”

He crouched in front of her, his face level with her navel, and opened the jar. He dipped the paintbrush in the chocolate, spreading the confection liberally over the delicate strands of the brush, before winking up at her.

“Shall we begin?”

She nodded, her eyes half closed.

Slowly, he began to draw a heart around her navel.

The feel of the chocolate and the brush gliding across her warm skin caused her to fidget. And of course, despite the fact that it almost tickled, Gabriel would not be rushed.

“There.” He put the jar and brush aside and licked his lips. “Now comes the fun part. Ready?”

“Yes.” The word came out as more of a squeak than a statement.

She reached out a shaking hand to grasp a railing when Gabriel’s tongue made contact with her skin, swirling through the chocolate and dipping into her navel.

He steadied her by splaying one of his hands across her backside.

“It tastes better than I expected.” He nibbled at her. “Then again, that’s probably because I like how you taste.”

His tongue blazed a trail to her hip bone, where he began placing openmouthed kisses.

“I think we need more chocolate. What do you think?”

“Yes, please.” Julia nodded furiously. “Definitely, more.”

Gabriel picked up the chocolate and the brush.

“Then you’d better hold on tight, darling, because I’m planning to be thorough.”

She leaned forward, cupping his chin.

“As am I.”

Chapter Fifty-four

As November progressed, Diane and Tom continued to receive positive reports about their baby’s health. Surgery would still be necessary, but the baby was developing and Diane was also healthy.