Forget About Midnight (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #9)

“Thanks, J.”

Kale remained behind to speak with Justin as I continued into the club. I paused near the entry to take in the flurry of sensations. This was my first venture out into such a populated public place. It was an attack on my senses in a way that was both pleasing and excruciating.

The lighting was dim, easy on the eyes for the most part, but bright enough for people to find their way through the club while leaving many shadows for those seeking seclusion and privacy. The stage lights flashed various colors, drawing people to the shadowed dance floor in front of it. I didn’t know the band playing. Crimson Sin must have been playing at The Spirit Room, the human-dominated rock bar where Jez went to find a fix.

My ears were painfully sensitive. My wolf cringed at the noise though the vampire part of me heard much more than that. Rather than the combined sound of instruments and voices, I was able to pick out specific notes from each musician and even focus in on conversations happening a great distance away.

Perfume and alcohol lay thick on the air. Beneath it was the intriguing odor of sweat and desire. But the blood pumping through so many pounding hearts drew my focus.

One thing I hadn’t noticed before the turn was the many flavors of blood. I could easily pick out specific things like age, health, and toxins. None of these things would harm me, but it definitely affected the experience. A rich-blooded, healthy young thing was the cream of the crop.

Perhaps best of all was the heady energy that filled the building. Between the vampires present and the lusty humans looking for a power trip, it was like bathing in a sea of bliss. The freely exuded energy caressed me like a gentle summer breeze, and I knew I could take it all in should I want or need to.

Heads turned as I made my way through the swarm. Not a vampire in the place failed to react. From obvious gaping to concealed glances, they all took the opportunity to look me over. One of them was even bold, or stupid, enough to metaphysically reach out to touch me, much like Shya had.

I pinned this vampire with a fierce stare and slowly shook my head. He wouldn’t get another warning. For too long they’d had run of this city. Now it was mine. They could co-exist peacefully, or they could die.

The bar drew me because it was often my first stop. It was where I’d find Willow and toss back a few whiskeys. I gazed mournfully at the whiskey bottles perched on the shelf behind Josh, the often-grumpy human bartender.

“It’s about time you turned up,” Josh greeted me with a frown. His lack of reaction wasn’t surprising. He was rarely impressed by anything he saw here. “This guy has been in here every night for almost a week asking for you. Now you can deal with him.”

He jerked a thumb toward a man seated at the far end of the bar, nursing a beer. The guy was middle aged, average build, a trace of grey at his temples and a few fine lines around his eyes and mouth. He wore a partial frown that appeared to be part of his natural resting face, making him look perpetually unhappy. The cell phone in his hand appeared to have his attention, but the tight set of his shoulders indicated that he was more aware of what went on around him than it seemed.

“Get me a whiskey,” I said, receiving a questioning stare from Josh who shrugged and poured me the drink. I just wanted to smell it.

I lingered where I was, whiskey in hand. Studying the man, I tried to guess what it was he wanted. It wasn’t often that humans came in here asking for me. Pretty much never actually.

Raising the glass, I gave a sniff at the contents. The strong aroma brought forth a surge of memories, many of which I hadn’t realized I’d associated with the drink. Following the brief nostalgia was a gut-turning sensation low in my stomach. The sudden urge to toss the noxious liquid was strong. Bummer.

I left the glass sitting on the bar and made my way over to the stranger. Placing a hand on the shoulder of the man seated next to him, I pushed a little power forth and said, “Take a walk.”

The man blinked a few times before getting up and vacating his bar stool. I slid onto it, and the stranger turned to look at me. He did a double take, and his dark eyes widened.

“You’ve been looking for me,” I said. It wasn’t a question. Suspicious, I felt him out, finding that he possessed no supernatural power.

“If you’re Alexa O’Brien, then yes, I have.” He was unafraid, something I found interesting considering he was face to face with me as a vampire inside my own vampire club.

“The one and only. So, what do you want?” Might as well cut to the chase. I’d learned that small talk was useless in these situations. Beating around the bush was for cowards and idlers.