Capture & Surrender (Market Garden, #5)

Can’t wait.

By the time everyone had finished eating, the sun was going down, and most of the guys were too stuffed to play, on the field or off it. Before Frank knew it, they were breaking down the tents and grill.

Stefan dropped his bag into the boot of Frank’s car, the heavy thud seeming like a declaration that this was now Stefan’s territory. Or at least it would be until they arrived at Frank’s place. Possibly even a little longer. And when he looked at Frank? The arrogant and mouthwatering expression in his eyes backed up that declaration.

Your car is mine for the night.

And so are you.

He’d made the rounds to say goodbye to the others, checked around for abandoned or forgotten kit, then slapped Geoff on the shoulder. “I’m off. Are you guys up for dinner at the end of the month?”

“Who’s cooking?”

“Not me, thank God. Emily is trying her new taster menu. Said she needs guinea pigs with, quote, ‘not too refined palates until I’ve perfected it.’” He was teasing. They’d done it a couple times already, so Emily knew exactly what kind of crew she would be feeding.

Geoff lifted an eyebrow. “Mike can taste the difference between a habanero pepper and a Scotch bonnet, so he’s out.”

“Tell him to cheat.” Frank walked backwards and was about to turn when Geoff tsked at him.

“You’re taking that guy home?”

“Guy’s got no car.” Frank turned and headed to his car, glad for any excuse to evade more well-meant warnings. If they were going to lay into him for making a mistake, at least let him fucking make it first.

He passed Mike, who looked at him quizzically. “I’m out. Talk to Geoff, you guys are invited next week for food.”

“Uh. Sure.”

Frank managed to disentangle himself from any further conversations and escaped into his car. Well, den of the lion, really, as Stefan was already sitting there, just sliding his phone into his pocket.

“Anything urgent?”


Likely clients begging for some workout on a Saturday. Saturday was always a busy day at the Garden, and he almost felt bad hogging Stefan on the weekends, but that was when most of his friends had time. Maybe it was good for Stefan to not work one day of the week. How much did he need for rent anyway? Frank didn’t know the numbers offhand, but Stefan faced brisk demand.

The silence was the other side of uneasy, but it helped Frank get the car out of the forest and on the road. He was about to switch on the radio when Stefan caught his hand in mid-air.

“You’re worried.”

“Uh. Yeah.”

“Don’t be.” Stefan let go of his hand. “I know safety.”

Frank put his hand back on the steering wheel and blew out a breath. “You didn’t fuck any of the others today.”

“I got what I wanted.”

Oh, son of a bitch. Frank’s stomach tightened. His balls, too. “Okay. So. Pain.”

“Yeah, pain.”

Frank cast a glance to the side. “You going to make me spell it out?”

“It’s just a word right now.” Stefan grinned at him. “Limits. What are your turn-ons. I was going to hit some of your buttons tonight.”

“You’ve already hit a good many of them.”

“Have I? Do tell.”

“So you can gloat?”


Frank laughed. “More fun to let you figure them out. See if you can find them again.” Bloody hell, what am I thinking? He let out a breath and held the wheel tighter. “Listen, today was . . . it was hot. It was fun. But are you sure about—”

“Frank.” Stefan’s hand slid over Frank’s thigh. “Don’t kill it.”

Frank’s mind screamed at him to listen to the kid, but that quiet little voice in the background said that things needed to be discussed before they went any further. He moistened his lips. “I’d . . . I’d rather kill it now than have it blow up in our faces.”

Stefan’s hand lightened on Frank’s leg, as if he were debating pulling it back. Frank put his hand over top of it, and Stefan’s hand relaxed.

“I’m not sure what else I can do to convince you I’m okay with your situation.” Stefan’s fingers bent slightly, pressing into Frank’s leg. “I told you. I’ve been there. I know how to keep us both safe, and I’m sure you do too.”

“It’s more complicated than that, and you know it. Keeping you from . . . from getting infected is only the beginning.”

“I know. I probably understand that a lot more than you think I do.”

Frank glanced at him, eyebrows up.

Stefan exhaled. “I was with my last boyfriend through the worst of it. The last of it.”

Frank winced. “I’m sorry you had to go through it.”

“Likewise, but we’ve both been there. So you know damn well I get it.”

L.A. Witt & Aleksandr Voinov's books