Capture & Surrender (Market Garden, #5)

Stefan finally caught some of his breath. “First night I walked into Market Garden, I wanted you.”

“Likewise.” Frank pulled back as much as the tree behind him would allow. “But now that you know . . .”

Stefan slowly ran the tip of his tongue across his lip, brushing Frank’s. “It didn’t change that.”

“Don’t try to tell me it doesn’t change anything.”

Stefan shook his head. “I didn’t say that. I said it didn’t change the fact that I wanted you. Still want you.”

“Do you have any idea—”

“You’re not my first, Frank.”


Stefan loosened his grasp on Frank, and broke eye contact as he wiped some of the semen off his stomach with his hand. “You’re not my first. Another boyfriend. He was . . .”


Stefan nodded. He pulled a small towel from between the spare hoppers on his belt and cleaned off his hand. “I know the risks. I know the precautions.” He looked Frank in the eye. “And I know what I want.”

Frank held his gaze, then broke away to clean himself up and straighten his clothing. Wordlessly, they put their masks back on. It was weird to see Stefan behind the mask again, with his camo blouse buttoned and the visor over his face, when Frank had seen him so exposed and, if only for a moment, raw.

“We should get back.” Stefan picked up his marker. “They’ll probably send a search party after us before too long.”

“I’m pretty sure they won’t worry if someone’s missing with you.” Frank chuckled halfheartedly. Though Mike and Geoff were probably wondering what the fuck was going on. That would be an interesting conversation.

What the fuck just happened? No idea.

What is going on? Not a clue.

What now? Fuck if I know.

They made their way across the field. Frank stole a couple glances at Stefan. Challenging, with a mask on, since the lack of peripheral vision meant turning his head, which killed the subtlety. Stefan didn’t seem to notice.

As they covered the last few metres before the ready area, it occurred to Frank that he’d finally had the opportunity to see Stefan come without the mask obscuring his face, but he’d been too lost in a kiss to take advantage. On the other hand, he’d been able to feel him come, and kiss him while he came, but damn, he wanted to see his face.

Maybe next time.

Stefan had mentioned a next time, hadn’t he? And as much as Frank steadfastly refused to get involved with his employees, well . . . Stefan. Fucking Stefan.

And as they stepped out into the ready area and took off their masks, the guys noticed the change. A few applauded. A few gave Frank a sideways look or exchanged puzzled glances. And Geoff and Mike? Frank could almost see the WTF? floating above each of their heads.

Not far from them, Chris stared wide-eyed at Stefan and Frank. His lip curled slightly, and as he turned away, shaking his head, he tossed a wrench into his toolkit with a loud clang. Frank ignored him. There was no room for territorial bullshit at a sexual free-for-all like this.

Stefan and Frank grabbed some water from the communal cooler, and then went about stripping off their gear for a break between games.

As Frank unbuttoned his jacket, he wasn’t at all surprised when Mike appeared beside him.

“Am I hallucinating, Frank?”

Frank raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know, are you? You put some of those weird mushrooms in your lunch or something?”

Mike huffed. “Well, I’m starting to wonder if you or Geoff slipped something into my tea, because I could swear I just witnessed you and Stefan slinking off the field like you’ve had a little romp in the woods.”

“Slinking?” Frank snorted. “Please. I do not slink. At six-five, I’m incapable of slinking.”

“Mm-hmm. So you say.” Mike pointed across the ready area to Stefan, who was laughing with some of the other guys. “That one, however, slinks. And he does it whenever he’s finished with a conquest. I know this because he did so after he fucked me rather soundly.” Mike paused, fanning himself. “Bloody hell . . .”

Frank chuckled. “Need a moment to collect yourself?”

Mike shook his head and punched him lightly in the shoulder. “No. It’s okay. I’m all good.” He sobered a bit. “One thing, though. Promise me you’ll listen, okay?”

Frank nodded and shrugged, pushing his hands into his trouser pockets.

“Take care of yourself. I mean, he’s a player, right? He’s a rentboy. I was kind of hoping you’d . . .”

“Settle down with a nice guy?”

“That’s it.” Mike leaned in. “The sex is great, but don’t get hurt, okay, big guy? You’re pretty amazing, and Geoff and I both think you deserve . . . something good. Especially now that you’re open to it again, because, bloody hell, we were worried.” Mike was always the guy more in touch with his emotions. He’d do fantastically well as a gay extra in a female romcom.

L.A. Witt & Aleksandr Voinov's books