Black House (The Talisman #2)

Ty's dresser is mahogany, a piece of furniture that came to them from the estate of some distant relative on Judy's side. Moving it really isn't a one-man job, and under the circumstances, that suits Fred just fine. He slides a rug remnant under it to keep from marking up the floor, then pulls it across the room. Once it's been placed against the far wall, it covers most of the scratched area. With the bald spot out of sight, Fred feels better. Saner. Ty hasn't come home for lunch, but Fred didn't really expect he would. He'll be home by four, at the latest. Home for supper. Take it to the bank.

Fred strolls back to the master bedroom, massaging the small of his back as he walks. Judy still hasn't moved, and once again he puts an anxious hand on her chest. Her breathing is slow, but steady as she goes. That's all right. He lies down beside her on the bed, goes to loosen his tie, and laughs when he feels his open collar. Coat and tie, both back at Goltz's. Well, it's been a crazy day. For the time being it's just good to lie here in the air-conditioned cool, easing his aching back. Moving that dresser was a bitch, but he's glad he did it. Certainly there's no chance he'll drop off; he's far too upset. Besides, napping in the middle of the day has never been his thing.

So thinking, Fred falls asleep.

Beside him, in her own sleep, Judy begins to whisper. Gorg . . . abbalah . . . the Crimson King. And a woman's name.

The name is Sophie.


IN THE READY ROOM of the French Landing P.D., the phone on the desk rings. Bobby Dulac has been mining for nose-gold. Now he squashes his latest treasure on the sole of his shoe and picks up the phone.

"Yell-o, Police Department, Officer Dulac speaking, how can I help you?"

"Hey, Bobby. It's Danny Tcheda."

Bobby feels a prink of unease. Danny Tcheda — last name pronounced Cheetah — is one of French Landing's fourteen full-time RMP cops. He's currently on duty, and ordinary procedure dictates that duty cops radio in — that's what the R in RMP stands for, after all. The only exception to the rule has to do with the Fisherman. Dale has mandated that patrol officers call in on a landline if they think they have a situation involving the killer. Too many people have their ears on out there, doubtless including Wendell "Pisshead" Green.

"Danny, what's up?"

"Maybe nothing, maybe something not so good. I got a bike and a sneaker in the trunk of my car. I found 'em over on Queen Street. Near Maxton Elder Care?"

Bobby draws a pad toward him and begins to jot. The tickle of unease has become a sinking feeling.

"Nothing wrong with the bike," Danny continues, "just sitting there on its kickstand, but combined with the sneaker . . ."

"Yeah, yeah, I see your point, Danny, but you never should have fooled with what could be evidence of a crime." Please God don't let it be evidence of a crime, Bobby Dulac is thinking. Please God don't let it be another one.

Irma Freneau's mother has just been in to see Dale, and while there was no screaming or shouting, she came out with tears on her cheeks and looking like death on the half shell. They can't still be sure the little girl has become the Fisherman's third victim, but —

"Bobby, I had to," Danny is saying. "I'm ridin' solo, I didn't want to put this out on the air, I hadda find a phone. If I'd left the bike there, someone else coulda monkeyed with it. Hell, stolen it. This is a good bike, Schwinn three-speed. Better'n the one my kid's got, tell you that."

"What's your twenty?"

"7-Eleven, up the hill on 35. What I did was mark the location of the bike and the sneaker with chalk X's on the sidewalk. I handled them with gloves and put the sneaker in an evidence bag." Danny is sounding more and more anxious. Bobby knows how he must feel, sympathizes with the choices Danny had to make. Riding solo is a bitch, but French Landing is already supporting as many cops — full-time and part-time — as the budget will bear. Unless, of course, this Fisherman business gets totally out of control; in that case, the town fathers will no doubt discover a bit more elastic in the budget.

Maybe it's already out of control, Bobby thinks.

"Okay, Danny. Okay. See your point." Whether or not Dale sees it is a whole 'nother thing, Bobby thinks.

Danny lowers his voice. "No one needs to know I broke the chain of evidence, do they? I mean, if the subject ever came up. In court, or something."

"I guess that's up to Dale." Oh God, Bobby thinks. A new problem has just occurred to him. All calls that come in on this phone are automatically taped. Bobby decides the taping machinery is about to have a malfunction, retroactive to about two o'clock in the afternoon.

"And you want to know the other thing?" Danny is asking. "The big thing? I didn't want people to see it. A bike standing all by itself that way, you don't have to be Sherlock Fucking Holmes to draw a certain conclusion. And folks're getting close to the panic line, especially after that goddamned irresponsible story in the paper this morning. I didn't want to call from Maxton's for the same reason."

"I'm gonna put you on hold. You better talk to Dale."