A Shade of Blood (A Shade of Vampire 2)


What the hell am I doing here?

The Black Heights was the last place I would expect to find myself. I hated the mountain caves and its complex network of dark tunnels. They brought about too many memories of more desperate times.

Still, despite the adverse reaction I had to the caves, I found myself inside them, following a guard, who guided me through well-lit stone corridors leading to the cell where Claudia was being held prisoner. The Cells had changed drastically since the last time I visited. Much had been done to develop the caves. Flat, concrete flooring, electricity, doors… those were just some of the modifications that made the place feel more like the interior of an actual building instead of what it used to be – dark, dank caves, void of life and light.

The guard stopped in front of a gate – or at least what looked like one – light white-blue rays formed the bars keeping Claudia prisoner.

“What are those?” I asked, pointing at the bars.

“UV rays, your highness,” the guard responded.

“How many of these types of cells do we have?” I was curious.

“Three. We rarely ever have vampire prisoners.”

Of course. The Cells are mainly for humans after all. He pressed a button and the rays retracted. I entered the cell and found Claudia sitting cross-legged on top of the small cot she was given for a bed. Her blonde mane made her round face look small. Her blue eyes were set on me. She was wearing a simple white smock – a contrast to the garish outfits I was used to seeing her in. The simple get up and the lack of makeup made her look like a regular teenager. A seventeen-year-old with old eyes, eyes that have seen too much…

I could hear the rays close in behind me, imprisoning me with her.

“Just call when you wish to leave, prince.”

I nodded and waved him off. I focused on the beautiful blonde I had before me.

“The almighty prince pays me a visit. What did I do to deserve such an honor?” If she was resentful of me, she was hiding it. Her golden lashes fluttered at me, a playful grin forming on her lips.

“I wanted to ask you a question.”

“Oh?” Her head tilted quizzically to the side. “Ask away then.”

I hesitated. Why am I here?

She stood up and moved toward me, studying me. “You’re always so tense, Prince Derek. That’s your problem. You don’t know how to loosen up like your older brother does.” She brushed her fingers over my cheek.

I stepped away from her, revolted by her touch.

“When was the last time you laid with a woman?”

Every night since Sofia left. I had Vivienne send me a girl or two to keep me company in my bedroom. Without them, my chambers reeked too much of Sofia and her scent. Even with other women to distract me, she was still on my mind.

“I could help loosen you up…” Claudia offered.

I pushed her away before she could lay a hand on me. “That’s not why I’m here. Sit down, Claudia. I wish to discuss something private with you.”

Her brows rose. “Something private.” The idea obviously delighted her. “This ought to be interesting.” She turned her back on me to return to her cot.

I was surprised to find the back of her smock lined with blood stains.

I grabbed her arm to stop her. “The wounds from the lashes… they haven’t yet healed? It’s been days since…”

She shrugged my hand away from her arm and sat back on the cot. “My dear prince…” she hissed. “You really should find out what the extents of your punishments are before you dole them out. I was injected with a serum to delay the healing before the lashes were inflicted on me. As long as the serum is in my system, I will not heal.”

I swallowed hard.

“Oh, don’t worry yourself too much about this,” she smiled bitterly. “Someone has been coming to treat the wounds.”

“Who?” I raised a brow. I didn’t know why I even asked. I already knew the answer before she gave it to me.

“Yuri,” she responded. A sudden spark of delight appeared in her big brown eyes. “Are you going to punish him for helping me? You really should… his ‘treatments’ hurt like hell. I’m starting to think he just enjoys hearing me scream with pain.”

I had half the mind to ask her about the younger Lazaroff, but decided not to. The thought of exploring Claudia’s twisted mind wasn’t all that inviting and it wasn’t why I came.

“Anyway, do tell me why you’re here, Prince Derek. I’m dying to know.”


Her eyes flickered with recognition at the mention of the name.

“You remember him?”

“Of course. He was special… that one… hard to forget. I regret ever taking him with me when I visited you, but how could I have known that your fiery little pet once knew him? How is she anyway?”

Ignoring her, I got straight to my point. “I’m assuming that you already had a taste of his blood from the first night you had him with you. Am I correct?”

She confirmed my suspicions with a nod.

“How did you manage to drink of him for so long without ending his life? How did you have that kind of control?”

She grew pensive, as if she too were surprised by what she was able to accomplish. “Why do you ask?” She stalled answering my question.

“I crave a girl. I’ve tasted her blood and now I’m desperate to finish the kill.”

“Your lovely redhead? Such a beautiful thing to waste on one kill…”

“Answer my question.” First, Vivienne. Now, Claudia. The constant mention of Sofia was grating on my nerves.

“Always so feisty.” She pouted, and then gave my question thought before responding, “I was never able to control myself from finishing a human off for more than a week or two.”

“But he was with you for many weeks… He was brought to The Shade not long after Sofia was…” Her name left a bitter taste on my mouth.

“He reminded me of someone. Someone from the past.” Something dark and wicked marred Claudia’s countenance. “As I said, he was special… I wanted to keep him for as long as I was able.” She shrugged. “Perhaps rage toward a human gives us some form of control.”

I shook my head, slowly comprehending. “Not rage… emotion…”

“Perhaps. Is that all you came to ask?” She stretched her back and winced at the wounds she forgot she had. She cast me a fleeting glance – unintentional and full of rage.

I did this to her.

“Pretty little Sofia…” Claudia’s gaze was now blank, her words full of venom. It was as if the girl I was speaking to only moments ago was gone and she was now possessed by a whole different person. “Ben spoke of her in his sleep. What is it with her that has got him and even you so wrapped up in her?”

She revisited the memory of their reunion, and forced me to relive it right along with her.

“Do you remember the look on their eyes when they saw each other? The way they embraced each other… so young… so in love… How does that not bother you?”

I swallowed hard. Unwelcome imaginations of Ben and Sofia in each other’s arms, happy and in love, rushed through my mind. I wondered if Claudia was taunting me, but the anger blazing in her eyes told me that she too was living out the jealousy she felt upon seeing them together. Her rage was directed not at me, but at him, at her.

I remembered that day all too well. Claudia came to pay me tribute and Sofia arrived from a walk outside. It was clear to see that she and Ben held affection for each other, so I asked Claudia to give Ben to me – for Sofia’s sake. I remembered how I held Claudia and pulled her body against mine as I gave her my request. I used Claudia just to see how Sofia would react to me placing my hands on the sultry, blonde vampire.

I did not imagine it. I knew I saw jealousy in Sofia’s green gaze.

I didn’t know what spirit possessed me to do it, but all I could think of was exacting revenge on Sofia for leaving me. I wanted to make her jealous again. Before I could make sense of what was happening, I had Claudia on the cot, her body writhing beneath mine.

For a short span of time, my mind was too consumed by Claudia, Ben and Sofia for it to have room for my craving for Ashley, but I was fully aware that by sleeping with Claudia, I’d just hit a new low. As I got off her and began putting my clothes back on, I realized that she was softly sobbing. I looked her way. Her back was turned to me. The fresh, matted wounds that criss-crossed her back made my stomach turn.

Gone was the raging vampire seeking to mete out her revenge on Ben and Sofia. In its place was a broken little girl.

The guilt I felt reminded me of the humanity I still allowed myself to have. In my longing to ease my guilt, I unintentionally did the worst thing I could do to one such as Claudia. I told her that I would lessen her sentence for “the service” she afforded me.

The glare she gave me was meant to inflict horrible pain before going for a kill. I realized my mistake immediately, reminded of what she once was and the broken creature it made her out to be. It was not what I meant to do, but I just offered her payment for sex and I knew that she would never be able to forgive me for it.