You Only Die Twice

Chapter TEN

Before he entered the woods, Kenneth called Ted on his cell. When he answered and Kenneth heard the elated panting of Ted’s breath, he knew the chase was underway.

“She’s quick,” he said. “Quick as Satan.”

“Where are you? On the path?”

“Too smart. Went right of it. Getting close to the wetlands. Could be over soon.”

“Don’t kill her without me there. Shoot her in the leg or something. I want to be there.”

For forty-two, Ted Carpenter was in fine shape, but he sounded as if he was moving so fast that he was running out of breath. “Got it. The other one going to hell?”

Kenneth reached for the Glock in his jacket pocket, checked the magazine, felt his pants pocket for the other two, and moved into the woods. He removed his cap and his sunglasses―no use for them here.

They’d never done two at once. This was an experiment to see if they could do so easily. “No idea. Don’t know if she’ll take the bait.”

“Do you think she saw the photos?”

“I’m sure she did.”

“That could do it.”

“Could isn’t will. But this is an experiment. We’ll see if she takes my advice and ends her life. It’s doubtful―we both went into this knowing that―but it could happen. Shame could undo her. The threat of exposure could lead her to her own death. We’ll see.”

“You need to hurry, Kenneth.”

“Can you see her?”

“Barely. She’s fast. And I fell. But she fell twice.”

“Don’t lose her.”

“I don’t intend to.”

“If you shot her right now, in the calf or something, would it be too soon?”

“I think so. She’s wearing high-heeled boots. She’s barely keeping ahead of me. She can’t win this.”


“You’ll have time to get here.”

“I’m on my way. Keep after her. I’m coming. I promise.”

“I can’t wait for this, Kenneth.”

“Same here.”

He clicked off his phone.

The question now is whether Patty Jennings, who had swallowed him whole the night before and thought nothing of it, would be fearful enough for her soul to do the right thing.

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