Up From the Grave: A Night Huntress Novel



With that single, glorious sound, the pressure on my forehead vanished. Dr. Obvious didn’t hear it, though. When I turned my unfettered head all the way to the side, she was staring at her computer, mentally running comparisons on the percentage of similarities in my genomes versus the percentage in human and normal vampire cells.


She wouldn’t get a chance to finish her findings. Anger had always been the catalyst for my abilities, but in my near-crippling state of grief, I’d forgotten that. How fitting that Bones’s memory had reminded me. Now all I had to do was let my rage flow forth, and considering everything that had happened, that part was easy.


With a fury-fueled push from my mind, the other six straps snapped open with multiple clicking sounds. That got Dr. Obvious’s attention, but before her hand could finish flying to her mouth in disbelief, I was across the room and yanking her up by the lapels of her lab coat.


“We were never properly introduced,” I said in a vicious purr. “I’m the Red Reaper, and you’re dead.”








After I crushed her larynx, I stripped the late Dr. Obvious’s lab coat from her and put it on. Not because I thought I’d fool anyone into thinking I worked here, but there was something unsettling about walking around stark naked while on a murder spree. Then I searched the room for weapons, keenly aware that I only had moments. Like every other place in this facility, there were security cameras. Sure enough, soon the whoop of an alarm went off. I’d only managed to find two semi-automatic pistols and two extra clips, which wasn’t much, but it would have to do.


Then I burst through the doors right before they shut and thick bars slid into the doorframe in some sort of automated lockdown. Once in the hallway, I ran toward the cluster of thoughts approaching me instead of away. As soon as the soldiers rounded the corner, I flung myself forward, belly-flopping onto the tile with enough force to break my ribs. The pain was fierce and immediate, but their shots went over my head. I kept my arms straight out as momentum and the polished tile carried me forward while I fired until both guns were empty.


The guards dropped with multiple thumps. They’d been outfitted with Kevlar vests and mesh steel collars around their throats, but while their tinted visors were proof against mind control, they weren’t bulletproof.


I dropped my handguns into my pockets along with the extra clips. Then I snatched up as many of their assault rifles as I could carry.


Now this was more like it.


Not a moment too soon, either. In the hallway ahead, another stampede of booted strides sounded. I glanced around, decided being out in the open was too risky even with my new arsenal, and propelled myself upward hard enough to blast through the ceiling. It left my head ringing with more than the sounds of gunfire as the next set of soldiers found their buddies and began shooting at the hole I’d made, but I was long gone from it by then. The outer shell around this facility was too reinforced to blast my way to daylight, yet like most hospitals and laboratories, it had interstitial spaces between its floors.


And this one, at least, wasn’t guarded or equipped with automated lockdown doors.


I jumped over pipes and other equipment as I ran toward what I guessed was the vampire cell section, based on the thoughts of the employees plus the fact that it had a solid wall of steel going all the way up into the next floor. Before I could attempt to shoot my way through the base, though, I had to duck a barrage of bullets. The soldiers had found their way into the space between the floors, too.


“We have Specimen A1 cornered above Section 9!” someone barked.


That was followed by a reply I didn’t catch when I had to dodge another hail of gunfire. I took cover behind one of the steel buttresses, keeping low as I fired back. With the distance and smoke from all the gunfire, I didn’t have nearly the same success rate. Only a third of the guards dropped with their visors shattered, and I heard more reinforcements coming.


Frost, Jeaniene's books