Up From the Grave: A Night Huntress Novel

The brunette got out on the street level and headed straight to the sidewalk where she’d parked. No surprise to see that the briefcase she’d arrived with was now gone. From her thoughts, she was less watchful since the drop had been successfully made, but she still gave her surroundings a thorough once-over as she walked toward her car.


Which meant she saw Ian the moment he staggered into her path, the stranger he’d accosted now shoving him and ripping at his pants. My brows went up, but then the man snatched Ian’s wallet out of his front pocket and, with a final shove that sent him sprawling, ran off.


“Blasted sod stole my wallet!” Ian shouted.


The brunette paused about a dozen feet away. I was focused on her thoughts, so I knew the moment when her natural—and correct!—wariness was trumped by something else. She stared at Ian, who was on his back with his legs splayed and head bent. Then he flipped his hair back, revealing his face as he sat up so slowly, you couldn’t help but notice the muscles rippling across his chest and abs.


Oh yeah, he was piling it on thick.


“Do you have a mobile?” he asked, his English accent more pronounced. “I should call the police. I’ve just been robbed.”


“Mobile? You mean cell phone?” she asked while Stop STARING, Barbara! flashed across her mind.


Barbara. Now we knew her real name. No one used an alias to talk to themselves.


“Yes,” he said. Then he looked down at his bare chest as if he hadn’t ripped his shirt open himself.


“What a state I’m in,” Ian continued, actually managing to sound rueful and shaken at the same time. “Bloke near tore my clothes off trying to get my wallet. Drugs, I suspect.”


Caution urged Barbara to leave the gorgeous stranger alone, but she ignored that and came closer anyway. I was both glad and disgusted. Way to blow up Ian’s ego and deflate feminism at the same time, Barb!


Then a cluster of people blocked them from view. I tensed, ready to spring into action, but in the next moment, feminine choruses of “You poor thing!” “Are you okay?” and “Let me help you!” rang out.


Ian’s other admirers had descended on the scene.


“Unbelievable,” I breathed. By merely walking down the street shirtless, he’d managed to round up a harem.


“Ladies, thank you, but I’m well taken care of,” Ian said. Barbara’s thoughts split between logic telling her to leave and pleasure over the handsome man’s confidence in her. When Ian continued to rebuff the other women in favor of her, her indecisiveness crumpled.


“Are all of you deaf?” she snapped, her authoritative voice rising above the others. “Leave, before he calls the cops for harassment, too!”


With a few final grumbles, the would-be harem dispersed, allowing me to see the look of gratitude mixed with sensual promise that Ian bestowed on Barbara.


That did it. She closed the last few feet between them without hesitation, holding out her cell phone. When his fingers curled around hers as he took it, “Cold hands,” drifted through her mind before his gaze locked onto hers and lit up with bright, mesmerizing green.


Oh shit, was her last conscious thought.


“I told you this would be easy,” Ian said, and he wasn’t talking to her.


Bones started the car. I looked away, not needing to see Ian climb into Barbara’s to know that the two of them would soon be following us.


“There’ll be no living with him now,” I said under my breath.


Bones grunted in amusement. “As always, Kitten.”








The good news was, after hours of questioning Barbara, we knew the location of the facility where Tate, Juan, Dave, and Cooper were most likely held since that’s where the vampire blood samples came from. Then, like the not-actor James Franco, Barbara was sent on her way with a lower blood count and a new memory.


Ian was going to throw in a bonus service (“I’m many things, but a tease isn’t one of them,” he’d stated), yet I stopped him before he could make good on his former, unspoken offer to Barbara. We didn’t have the time, plus, her previous attraction didn’t equate to current consent in my book.


The bad news was, I didn’t know how we could break into the facility without getting caught.


Frost, Jeaniene's books