Unintended Consequences - By Marti Green



He watched as the investigator retrieved the note from the car’s windshield, saw his eyes widen as he read the words. He knew it wouldn’t scare him off, but still, it had made him feel better writing it. Made him feel in control. He knew the man was trouble. The words he spoke didn’t matter. It was about the child’s death. That’s why he had come. He knew that from the detective, his friend now, always forthcoming when he called asking about new developments in the child’s death.

The investigator scanned the parking lot before taking a briefcase from his car. He took something from the case and then the note disappeared. The man got into his car and just sat there. Had he made a mistake leaving the note? He’d always been careful, meticulous in covering his tracks. Could his fingerprints be lifted from the note? He hadn’t worn gloves, but so what? Even if the man took the note to the police, even if they found fingerprints, it wouldn’t lead back to him. His fingerprints weren’t in any file.

The parking lights of the man’s car were turned on, and the car was slowly backed out of its spot. He waited until the man’s car turned toward the exit before sliding into his Honda Civic. He started the motor and, keeping his distance, followed him. He stayed two cars behind, careful to avoid detection. When the man turned onto Highway 28, he thought he might be headed to the airport. He dropped back behind another car; it was easier to see up ahead on the highway. Besides, he knew the exit for the airport. He could move closer to the man’s car when he approached the exit.

He’d been right. The investigator drove straight to the car-rental return at the airport and then boarded the shuttle bus. He stayed behind the bus and watched for the man’s terminal. United Airlines. They flew all over the world. The investigator could be going anyplace, but he supposed he was returning to New York. He knew that’s where he’d come from.

There was nothing more for him to do. He didn’t even know why he’d followed him to the airport. The investigator’s showing up at the hospital had told him everything.

Marti Green's books