Touching Melody



Do What Comes Naturally

We practice our duet for thirty minutes. I’m having a hard time concentrating. I thought as soon as we got in the music room, Kyle would demand I tell him what the girls said. He didn’t. Instead we go to work. The duet is sounding great. Kyle plays with such emotion. Sometimes I think my heart will break with the passion radiating from his notes.

Kyle looks at me. Smiles. “Had enough?”

I have, but I don’t want to leave this room. When we’re here, together, it’s like nothing else matters. It’s just the music and us.

“I guess,” I finally say.

“Come here.” He says the words while quirking his finger at me. It’s the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen. Walking is a challenge because my inner thighs are aching with desire.

He pats the spot next to him on the piano bench. I sit and do what comes naturally. Play a song I’ve been working on. It’s simple. The right hand plays broken chords while the left keeps the beat. As I’m playing, thoughts of me tied to a bed while Kyle does things to my body. They flash through my head. My face warms. When the last note is finished, Kyle puts a hand over mine.

“That’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

“It’s still a work in progress,” I respond, enjoying a contented glow at his compliments.

We sit like that a second, and then he asks, “What were you thinking about while you were playing? Why were you blushing?”

I take a deep breath. Time to spill. “I was thinking about you and me in a secret room. I’m tied to the bed, and you’re doing things.” As I speak, my face burns. I’m too embarrassed to look at him, but I’m so glad I finally said it. Got it out there.

“Why would you have thoughts like that?” Kyle whispers.

I look at him then. His features are filled with a strange sadness, his jaws are clenched.

“Beth and Baby. They said that’s what you did to them.”

Fury replaces the sadness. He wipes a hand over his face. “What else have you heard?”

I clear my throat. There’s no reason to backpedal. “I’ve heard you like your sex k-kinky.” I stumble over the last word, humiliated at saying it out loud.

His features harden further. “Anything else?”

I get the feeling he’s mad at me, but I’m not sure what I’ve done. “No,” I whisper.

“No mention of whips and handcuffs?”

Then I remember I texted him that when I thought I was texting Gina. “Oh, yes, that too.” My stomach is twisting with worry. He’s upset. Angry. I’ve seen what furious Hadleys look like. The end result isn’t pleasant. I slide away, ready to stand, leave him alone. But he grabs me around the waist and pulls me back. “I think we’re through.”

“We haven’t even started,” he says huskily. Wraps a hand around my neck. Strokes it softly. The movement sends tingles through my body. Shifting, he throws one leg over the bench so he’s straddling it, then pulls me against him, leaning my head against his shoulder.

The movement takes my breath away. The idea that he wants me causes my body to shudder.

With both hands he pulls my hair off my shoulders. He takes the ponytail he’s made with my hair and wraps it around a hand, gently pulling my head back so my head is on his thigh.

I gasp, closing my eyes, allowing my body to feel every delicious sensation.

He kisses a necklace across my neck. Licks a trail from my ear to my shoulder with his tongue. With both hands I trail up his thighs to his stomach, his chest, and into his hair.

I shift so that I’m straddling the bench. His eyes are hooded, lusty. His eyes focused on my mouth. I put my legs over his. He pulls me against him, and I wrap my legs so I’m tight against his body. He sucks in a breath, moans. His face is so concentrated. I feel bold and kiss his cheek, his jaw. He raises his head, giving me access to his neck. I copy what he did. Licking and kissing a trail from his ear to his shoulder, forcing his shirt out of the way when I need to. He lets out a growl from deep in the back of his throat.


The sound of my name on his lips lights me on fire. His hands find their way under my shirt. He’s stroking my stomach, my back, and over the top of my bra. I can’t help but whimper in pleasure. It comes from a place inside I didn’t know existed. I clutch him tighter to me with my legs.

His lips finally claim mine, and his tongue explores my mouth. There’s a tension building between my legs every time his tongue delves deeper into my mouth. The feeling is electricity and pain, a delicious pain I don’t quite understand. It takes my breath away.

He presses me down so my back is against the bench and my head is half on half off. My hair hanging over the edge. I watch him touch me, the way his hands move across my body. Fight for breath. Every cell, every vein, every minute piece of skin is blooming. Kyle pushes up my shirt, and the tips of his fingers brush along my stomach. I realize he’s tracing my tattoos with his fingers. Taking his time. I let out another whimper. He leans down, and kisses my stomach, his lips and teeth explore down to the button on my jeans.

My body is tuned in. Awake. Alive.

A big smile cuts into my face. I sit up. Desperate to have his mouth on mine again. It’s new. Kissing. Touching. I don’t know if he wants more. My body wants it all—but not yet. Kissing and touching is more than amazing.

He cracks a grin. “What are you thinking?” he asks tenderly.

I move my hands along his chest to his collarbones and down his arms. “I want to kiss you again.”

He answers by covering my mouth with his, urging my mouth open and kissing me so deeply, so passionately, I feel it in my toes. His kisses are desperate, fierce, and hungry. I match his urgency, kiss for kiss. My tongue twirls and dances with his. It feels like we’re one. I’ve pressed my body so tightly against his I can hear and feel his heart beating. His hair is fisted in my hands and my legs are locked behind him, my body declaring what I’ve known along. He’s mine, and I never want to let him go.

Many, many minutes later, he slows his kisses down. His breathing slackens. I match his pace. My lips are swollen and my face feels raw from the scruff on his face. He suckles my bottom lip, and I sigh. Content. Happy.

“That was... You are…” I trail off. Kyle’s features are serious. Does he regret what happened? “What’s wrong?”

He takes my hands, and turns them over, like he’s studying them or seeing them for the first time.

“I’m sorry,” I say, realizing he probably wants more. That he’s used to much, much more.

He grabs me and pulls me tightly against him. “Maddie, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever known.” His voice is filled with tender astonishment.

I feel the same way about him, but I can’t find my voice. We stay wrapped in each other’s arms a long time. Until finally he pulls me off the bench and walks me home.

At the door he asks, “What are you doing tomorrow?”

“I have a test to study for.”

“Can I cook you dinner at my place?”

My face lights up. “What time?”

“I’ll pick you up at six.”

RaShelle Workman's books