They Walk

Chapter Fifty Five

“Maggie, wake up sweetie.” A woman’s voice whispers softly, that sounds strangely like my mothers.

My mother, and that thought alone pulls me from a dreamless sleep.

I open my eyes to see her leaning over me, and everything that happened the night before comes crashing onto me so fast, that I sit up gasping for breath. I wish that I didn’t though, because my entire body is alive with pain from my head to my toes. When my mom takes me in her arms and holds onto me, I can feel tears blurring my still swollen and puffy eyes, but I lean into all the same and let myself feel the illusion of safety.

“Am I interrupting anything ladies?” My dad Mark says, as he sits beside us.

I pull back from my mom so that I can get a good look at him, and he makes me smile right away. You have to love a man that can be an accountant but still look like the guy from the Die Hard movies.

“Hi dad, I’m just glad I didn’t dream getting you guys back.” I say, and I have to clear my throat as it feels all scratchy and achy.

When I place my hand to my throat and it hurts, that’s when I remember other events from last night.

Events evolving Hunter and him chocking me, and that would explain the sore throat. That’s not all that hurts this morning either, my head feels like I got hit by a semi going full throttle. Here is me, wishing I remembered to pack those pill packets I got from a doctor the other day.

“We’re glad to back together too honey.” My mom Karen says, as she lightly slides a lock of my hair back over my shoulders.

I try to give them both a reassuring smile, but here’s the kicker, I don’t know how to be myself around them anymore. I’m not sure they would like the girl I’ve become, and I’ve left out some things that have happened such as me killing to guys outright. I’m sure they would understand, but I don’t even know how to keep up with the changes, and I don’t know if I’m ready for them to yet.

“Those are some very interesting guys you’re traveling with Maggie.” My dad says as he stares beyond me.

I follow his eyes, and sure enough there are Gabe and Noah deep in conversation, no doubt about what the next move is. They are discussing things with the other people we met last night, and they look pretty shell shocked, if that’s possible. That makes me wonder how long I was asleep, but by the dim morning light in the Library, it must have been all night.

“If it wasn’t for Noah we wouldn’t even be here, he not only drove us but also got us weapons to use. You know Gabe already, Dan’s friend?” I say to my parents, whom are watching me questioningly.

“That’s Gabriel?” My mom asks, actually shocked by my admission.

My dad however leans forward and pears at Gabe in deep thought, before glancing back to me, with a proud expression.

“I honestly didn’t think he was the same boy, he has come a long way.”

“You have no idea dad.” I say softly, as Gabe and Noah both walk over to us leaving the others to themselves.

“Glad to have you awake Maggie.” Noah says to me as he actually smiles like he’s happy to see me.

I give him a smile in return, and I think he’s only being so friendly because of the whole Hunter thing. It’s not his fault that guy was a total lunatic. If I have the time, I’ll have to let him know that, and thank him for finding my parents. I lose my train of thought though, when Gabe comes over and sits right beside me and places his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in for a quick hug.

“I second that Mag pie. How are you feeling?” He says softly into my hair, which causes my face to heat up with a blush.

Feeling awkward with the pda around my parents, I shift to the side so that his arm falls off my shoulders and I even more awkwardly pat him on the arm. This gets me a confused look from him, and an even funnier one from my parents and Noah. Kill me now please?

“Feel like I got hit by a truck, but other than that still alive I guess.” I tell him and try to avoid looking at him, as my face flames.

“All right, let’s get to the point then shall we? We won’t all fit in my car, and we have to leave as soon as possible.” Noah interrupts the awkward silence, thank goodness.

“We were talking with some of the others, and they think that some of the cars that are parked on the other side of this building might have the keys still in them.” Gabe tells us.

“Right and we concluded that we should split up. One group head to my car and take off, while the other group goes after another one to use.” Noah finishes while gazing at my parents and I, as if waiting for something.

Split up the group?

That didn’t work so well the last time, and I don’t know if I could do it again. From the way Gabe is watching me so intently now; I wonder whose group he and I will be in.

“How are we going to divvy up?” My dad asks the question, I am too afraid too.

Gabe and Noah share a look, before fixing my dad with one.

“We three, plus two of the other guys should head for the parked cars too check them. We could use the muscle in case of trouble.” Noah says hesitantly.

“Okay…what about the rest of us?” My mom asks.

“Maggie will be taking you to Noah’s car, and get you to the Collisee.” Gabe says while he watches me.

My heart almost stops beating, how could he even think of leaving me? I know he thinks he’ll be doing the rest of us a favor, in the off chance they don’t make it, but this plan sucks for sure.

“Are you kidding me? You’re entrusting me to get everyone else out of here? Have you met me, all I know how to do is swing an ax here boys.” I say with a shaky laugh, surly they have to have a better plan to use.

When they both fix me with a serious look, I know they really mean for me to be the getaway driver.


Gabe sensing my confliction, scoots back closer to me, and places a hand on my cheek so lightly, I almost don’t feel it.

“Maggie, you’re the strongest person I know, and you can do this. We’ll be putting a dent in the dead with the machine guns and grenades, so it won’t be a big fight for you guys. I know you can do this.” He says.

As he leans in and stares intently into my eyes, I ignore the fact that my parents are sitting right next to me.

“What about you though? What if there isn’t a car for you guys to use, then what? You can’t just walk from here to the Collisee.”

“I hope we find one, but if need be, we can walk if we have too.” He says softly.

“That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard Gabriel. I don’t like it, and if you say it’s going to be alright, I’m so kicking your ass.” I say just as softly.

He smirks at me and leans back to say, “I love you Maggie, you know that?”

Feeling tears in my eyes again, I nod at him and turn away before they fall.

When I’m out of the safety of his arms, I realize that everyone else is now standing a ways from us giving us privacy. Taking a deep breath, I reach for Gabe’s hand and we get to our feet and join them. As we do, I try to ignore the way my parents give strange looks to me and Gabe being ‘together’.

“So here it goes, I’m going to take lead with the grenades. Then Gabe and Mark are going to be firing with the machine guns. After us, Dean and Ian are going to trail us with handguns and we are all going to clear a decent path for us all.” Noah says in a commanding voice to everyone, and the faces me when Gabe and I get close to the group.

“Maggie, you’re leading everyone else to my car. Don’t stop for anything no matter what, and just get out of here. Can you do that?” He asks.

I stare around at everyone, and for some reason this feels like the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I have to do it even if it scares me, and I can’t let anyone down. So I nod a yes to Noah, to mortified at the moment to use words.

“Good, let’s get ready then, it’s now or never.”

Noah tosses me his keys that were clutched in his hands, and I catch them clumsily to myself.

I pray I don’t get anyone killed.

It takes us all at least twenty minutes to gear up with what we have, and when we do, I’m still not ready to go. Before the guys leave, my dad is saying goodbye to my mother on the other side of the room, so I see my chance to do the same with Gabe. I pull him to the side, and before he can question me I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and pull him down to me.

When his lips meet mine, I sigh into him and stand on my toes to push into him deeper.

His arms latch around my back and he squeezes me tightly, so much so that I let out a moan into his lips. We pull apart breathlessly at the same time, and I quickly lean in to just hug him now, and pray that this won’t be the last time we touch.

We all regroup then, and I swiftly unhook both knives that are still attached to my ankles and give them to the girls who are named Brooke and Rose. I noticed they are the only ones to not have weapons on my little team. My mom has a gun, and so does the guy in my group Mason. The other woman with is Eva, has a knife of her own. Stopping myself from being distracted, I watch nervously as Noah and Gabe start for the entrance of the Library.

I grip the ax in my hands as we follow close behind.

Amy Lunderman's books