Theft Of Swords: The Riyria Revelations

“No.” Albert looked longingly at the pitcher.


“Could I get another mug and another plate of supper?” Hadrian asked the hefty man behind the bar.


“Sure thing,” the bartender responded as he added another mug. “I’ll bring the food over when it’s ready.”


They returned to the table with the viscount trailing them. Albert looked curiously at Myron and Alric for a moment.


“This is Albert Winslow, an acquaintance of ours,” Hadrian explained as Albert pulled a chair over to their table. “These are—”


“Clients,” Royce cut in quickly, “so no business talk, Albert.”


“We’ve been out of town … traveling, the last few days,” Hadrian said. “Anything been going on in Medford?”


“A lot,” Albert said quietly as Hadrian poured the ale. “King Amrath is dead.”


“Really?” Hadrian feigned surprise.


“The Rose and Thorn has been shut down. Soldiers tore through the Lower Quarter. A bunch of folks were rounded up and sent to prison. There’s a small army surrounding Essendon Castle and the entrances to the city. I got out just in time.”


“An army around the castle? What for?” Alric asked.


Royce motioned for him to calm down. “What about Gwen?”


“She’s okay—I think,” Albert replied, looking curiously at Alric. “At least she was when I left. They questioned her and roughed up a few of her girls but nothing more than that. She’s been worried about you. I think she expected you to return from … traveling … days ago.”


“Who are ‘they’?” Royce asked, his voice several degrees colder.


“Well, a lot of them were royal guards, but they had a whole bunch of new friends as well. Remember those strangers in town we talked about a few days ago? They were marching with some of the royal guards, so they must be working for the crown prince, I would think.” Again, Albert glanced at Alric. “They were combing the entire city and asking questions about a pair of thieves operating out of the Lower Quarter. That’s when I made myself scarce. I left town and headed west. It was the same all over. Patrols are everywhere. They have been ripping apart inns and taverns, hauling people into the streets. I’ve stayed one step ahead of them so far. Last thing I heard, a curfew was ordered after nightfall in Medford.”


“So, you just kept heading west?” Hadrian asked.


“Until I got here. This is the first place I came to that hadn’t been ransacked.”


“Which would explain the large turnout,” Hadrian mentioned. “Mice leave a sinking ship.”


“Yeah, a lot of people decided Medford wasn’t so friendly anymore,” Albert explained. “I figured I would stick around here for a few days and then start back and test the waters as I go.”


“Has there been any word concerning the prince or princess?” Alric asked.


“Nothing in particular,” the viscount responded. He took a drink, his eyes lingering on the prince.


The rear door to the inn opened and a slim figure entered. He was filthy, dressed in torn rags and a hat that looked more like a sack. He clutched a small purse tightly to his chest and paused for only a moment, his eyes darting around the room nervously. He walked quickly to the rear of the bar, where the innkeeper filled a sack of food in exchange for the purse.


“What do we have here?” asked a burly fellow from one of the tables as he got to his feet. “Take off the hat, elf. Show us them ears.”


The ragged pauper clung to his bag tightly and looked toward the door. When he did, another man from the bar moved to block his path.


“I said take it off!” the burly man ordered.


“Leave him alone, Drake,” the innkeeper told him. “He just came in for a bit of food. He ain’t gonna eat it here.”


“I can’t believe you sell to them, Hall. Haven’t you heard they’re killing people up in Dunmore? Filthy things.” Drake reached out to pull the hat off but the figure aptly dodged his reach. “See how they are? Fast little things when they want to be, but lazy bastards if you try to put ’em to work. They ain’t nothing but trouble. You let ’em in here, and one day they’ll end up stabbing you in the back and stealing you blind.”


“He ain’t stealing anything,” Hall said. “He comes in here once a week to buy food and stuff for his family. This one has a mate and a kid. Poor things are barely alive. They’re living in the forest. It’s been a month since the town guard in Medford drove them out.”


“Yeah?” Drake said. “If he lives in the forest, where’s he getting the money to pay for the food? You stealing it, ain’t you, boy? You robbing decent people? Breaking into farms? That’s why the sheriffs drive ’em out of the cities, ’cause they’re all thieves and drunks. The Medford guard don’t want ’em on their streets, and I don’t want ’em on ours!”


A man standing behind the vagabond snatched his hat off, revealing thick matted black hair and pointed ears.


Sullivan, Michael J's books