Theft Of Swords: The Riyria Revelations

Royce bit his lower lip and grimaced, refusing to look at his partner.


Hadrian saw his opening and pressed his advantage. “You remember how cold it was on top of that tower. Just think how cold it will be in a few months. You can spend the winter safe and warm, eating richly and drinking your favorite wine. Then of course”—Hadrian leaned closer—“there’s the snow. You know how you hate the snow.”


“All right, all right. Grab the gear. I’ll meet you in the alley.”


Hadrian smiled. “I knew there was a heart in there somewhere.”






Outside, the night was even colder than it had been. A slick frost formed on the roads. Winter snows would indeed be falling soon. Despite what Hadrian thought, Royce did not actually hate snow. He liked the way it blanketed the Lower Quarter, dressing it up in an elegant white gown. Nevertheless, its beauty came with a cost; tracks remained in snow and made his job much harder. Hadrian was right: after that night they would have enough cash set aside to spend the whole winter in quiet hibernation. With that much money, they could even consider opening a legitimate business. He thought about it every time they scored big, and he and Hadrian had discussed it on more than one occasion. A year ago, they had talked seriously about opening a winery, but it did not suit them. That was always the problem. Neither could think of any lawful business that was right for them.


He stopped in front of Medford House at the end of Wayward Street and across the street from The Rose and Thorn Tavern. The House was nearly as large as the tavern, which Gwen considered linking with by building extensions so customers could move back and forth freely without exposing themselves to the elements, or public scrutiny. Gwen DeLancy was a genius. Royce had never known anyone like her. She was clever and intelligent beyond reason, and she was more open and sincere than anyone he had ever met. She was a paradox to him, an impossible mystery he could not solve—she was an honest person.


“I thought you might stop by,” Gwen said, stepping out onto the porch of the House and wrapping a cape about her shoulders. “I was watching for you through the doorway.”


“You have good eyes. Most people never see me when I walk a dark street.”


“You must have wanted to be seen, then. You were coming to visit me, weren’t you?”


“I just wanted to be sure you received your portion of the payment last night.”


Gwen smiled. As she did, Royce could not help noticing how beautifully her hair shimmered in the moonlight.


“Royce, you know you don’t have to pay me. I’d give you anything you asked for.”


“No,” Royce insisted. “We use your place as a base. It’s dangerous, and for that, you get a part of the profit. We’ve been over this.”


She stepped closer and took his hand. Her touch was soothingly warm amidst the chilling air. “I also wouldn’t own The Rose and Thorn if it wasn’t for you. There’s a very good chance I wouldn’t even be alive.”


“I have no idea what you speak of, Your Ladyship,” Royce said as he performed a formal bow. “I can prove I wasn’t even in town that night.”


She stared at him with the same smile. He loved to see her happy, but now her brilliant green eyes searched for something, and Royce turned away, letting go of her hand.


“Listen, Hadrian and I are taking that job. We have to do it tonight, so I need to—”


“You’re a strange man, Royce Melborn. I wonder if I’ll ever really know you.”


Royce paused and then softly said, “You already know me better than any woman should, more than is safe for either of us.”


Gwen stepped toward him again, her heeled shoes crunching on the frosty ground, her eyes intense with pleading. “Be careful, won’t you?”


“I always am.”


With his cloak billowing in the wind, he walked away. She watched him until he entered a shadow and was gone.


















Sullivan, Michael J's books