The Persona Protocol


The Gambler

Macau, China

Like Las Vegas, Macau – a former Portuguese colony now returned to, but not fully assimilated by, the People’s Republic of China – was a city dominated by one thing: gambling. The relentless growth of the pastime, fuelled by increasingly affluent Chinese tourists making the trip from the mainland to wager their new wealth, had led to a full two square miles of new land being reclaimed from the sea – not to accommodate the people of one of the most densely populated places on earth, but to provide space for ever-larger casinos.

The Imperial was one of this new wave, a combined gambling emporium and hotel rising fifty storeys into the sky. It was styled to resemble, at least superficially, a traditional Chinese pagoda. A steeply pitched roof outlined in red neon curved upwards from the tower’s top, a garish hat with the word IMPERIAL blazing along each of its long sides. Even in daylight more neon was visible streaking down the tower itself, the structure visually jostling for attention amongst its equally glitzy neighbours.

‘So there’s no word in Macau for “subtle”, I see,’ said Bianca as she peered out of the window at the building. The team had set up temporary stall in another hotel not far away. ‘Zykov’s in the penthouse?’

‘Yes,’ said Holly Jo. ‘He checked in about three hours ago. He’s in the one on the right-hand corner.’

Bianca looked more closely. She could pick out windows beneath the illuminated crown, a balcony offering the occupants a spectacular view across the islands. She could also tell that the edges of the roof jutted out quite a distance from the tower itself. ‘Tony was right. I really wouldn’t want to climb along there.’

A knock at the door. ‘Can I come in?’ called a voice.

‘Yes, I’m decent.’

She turned as Tony entered the bedroom, a cellophane clothing bag draped over one arm. ‘I come bearing – wow, that’s a different look.’

‘I know.’ Holly Jo, in addition to her technical and linguistic skills, had revealed that she was also quite the stylist. Tying it back was normally the limit of what Bianca would do with her hair, but it had now been straightened and held up in a loose, stylish twist. ‘It’s so different I wasn’t even sure if I liked it, but I think it’s starting to grow on me.’

‘Just wait until I do your make-up,’ said Holly Jo.

‘Don’t make me look too tarty, okay?’

‘I don’t think that’ll happen,’ Tony said, smiling. ‘I’ve got the dress. And the shoes.’ He raised his arm to show off both the garment in question and a shoebox.

Bianca regarded the former dubiously. ‘It’s very . . . red.’

‘Ooh, let me see,’ said Holly Jo, hopping up to pluck at the cellophane. ‘Is that a Moschino?’

‘Only a knock-off, I’m afraid,’ Tony replied.

She put a hand on one hip in disapproval. ‘You’re giving her a quarter of a million dollars to gamble away, but you won’t spring for a genuine dress for her to wear while she’s doing it?’

‘This is a mission, not a fashion show. Anyway, I doubt anyone’ll be looking too closely at the quality of the stitching.’

Holly Jo shook her head. ‘The women will be,’ she chided, before taking the shoebox from him. ‘Louboutins!’ she squealed, seeing the red soles inside. Then her excitement abruptly faded. ‘Oh. Let me guess, more knock-offs?’ Tony shrugged helplessly. ‘You are so cheap.’

‘Hey, you try justifying a pair of thousand-dollar shoes to Harper.’

‘Just give me the chance and I will!’

Bianca took the box from Holly Jo. ‘High heels aren’t really my thing,’ she said, examining the vertiginous court shoes.

‘High heels are everyone’s thing,’ Holly Jo insisted, turning a foot to show off her own. ‘You just haven’t found the right ones.’

‘Anyway, foot fetishism aside,’ said Tony, putting the dress on the bed, ‘it’s time. Adam’s waiting in the other bedroom.’

‘Okay,’ Bianca said, hesitant. She knew what she was supposed to do; Kiddrick’s tutorials had been thorough, whatever she thought of him personally. But the original plan for her to practise using one of the recorded personalities at STS had been abandoned in the rush to reach Zykov. This would be her first time imprinting Adam for real. ‘Well . . . let’s give it a try.’

She went with Tony through the suite’s main room, where Kyle was stretched out on a sofa watching TV. Behind him, at a table, Billy Kerschner was working on a piece of equipment through an illuminated magnifier. Also in the room was a stocky Chinese man called Lau, whom Tony had introduced as one of the CIA’s local contacts. She nodded to them as she passed, then entered the other bedroom.

The PERSONA device and its recording unit had been set up on a desk. Adam sat beside it, staring at the window. He looked round as Tony and Bianca came in. ‘Are we ready?’

‘Yes,’ Tony told him. ‘Okay, Bianca. Trial by fire.’

‘I wish you’d found a less scary way to say that,’ she complained as she took the skullcap from the case. ‘Right, let’s see if I remember how to put this on . . .’

‘The open part goes at the front,’ Tony joked.

She shot a sarcastic smile over her shoulder, then turned back to Adam. As she gently tugged the cap into place and positioned the clusters of electrodes, she realised he was watching her expression, his eyes tracking hers. But there was no sense that he was doing so out of any desire to form an emotional connection; it seemed purely analytical. Data-gathering.

She secured the strap under his chin. ‘Okay, that’s done. I hope.’

The disk had already been inserted into the recorder; she opened the screen on the main unit and started it up. It ran through its initial self-tests, informing her that it was ready for use.

She took the gas injector from the medical case. A quick glance at Tony, who gave her a look of reassurance, then she leaned over Adam. ‘Are you ready?’ A brief flick of his eyes sufficed as affirmation. ‘Okay. Here we go . . .’

She pressed the injector to his neck and pulled the trigger.

Adam drew in a sharp breath through his nostrils. Bianca couldn’t help but cringe at having caused his discomfort, but nevertheless began to count off the passing seconds. Ten, twenty. Any faint vestiges of expression that had been on his face evaporated away.

Thirty seconds. ‘Adam? Are you all right?’

His gaze locked on to hers, clear and blank. ‘Yes.’

‘Good, okay. Well. This is it, then.’

She turned to the PERSONA and entered a command.

The screen came to life as the transfer began. Adam jerked as if he had received an electric shock. Bianca knew what to expect this time, but was still worried. Despite Tony’s assurances, which she now knew were from first-hand experience, the process still looked painful. His fists were balled tight, tendons straining.

Nothing to do now but wait for the machine to do its work. She pulled up a chair, eyes on her patient as he took in the memories and experiences of another man. Was it more than just data? Had something of the other subject’s ‘soul’ actually been copied? She didn’t know, and wasn’t sure if the philosophical implications of the answer were something she wanted to know.

Tony stood beside her. ‘It’s going fine,’ he said. ‘You’re doing fine.’

‘Thanks.’ But she was still filled with concern.

Minutes passed. Then the activity on the screen slowed. The rapid flutter of Adam’s eyes returned to normal.

Tony reached into a case and took out a piece of paper. ‘Cheat sheet,’ he whispered. ‘To check his memory.’

Bianca nodded, still watching Adam. His eyes closed and he took in a long, slow breath, a look of pleasurable relaxation spreading across his features. ‘Adam?’

His eyes slowly opened again. The look he gave her was sleepy, and she might even have taken it for dumb docility – if not for the hint of a far sharper intelligence hiding behind it. ‘Hey, Bianca,’ he said, voice languid. ‘Tony, hi.’

‘We need to do the memory check,’ Tony told him.

‘Sure, sure.’ Another relaxed breath, then he shuffled his feet on the carpet as if settling them into a comfortable pair of slippers. ‘Ask away.’

‘Your full name?’

‘Peter William Vanwall.’

Tony checked the sheet, nodding. ‘Your date of birth?’

‘September twenty-first, 1951.’

‘Place of birth?’

‘Wilmette, Illinois.’

‘Mother’s maiden name.’


‘The guilty secret that you would never admit to anyone.’

A pause, then a sly smirk slowly oozed across Adam’s face. ‘Well, I wouldn’t say that I’d never admit it to anyone, since my gambling buddies all know – hell, some of them have even been in the room. But I’d really rather you didn’t tell my wife that I’ve paid for a few, ah, sexual encounters. Okay, more than a few.’ He looked Bianca up and down, taking in her undisguised expression of distaste. ‘Jeez, Bianca, don’t get your panties in a knot. She lost interest in sex years ago. Besides, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?’

‘Except for STDs,’ she said, annoyed – before the realisation struck her that she was being repelled by the behaviour of somebody who wasn’t even there. She was talking to Adam Gray, not Peter Vanwall. Peter Vanwall was thousands of miles away. She didn’t even know what he looked like.

Tony put down the paper. ‘Everything seems okay. The big question now is: can you beat Zykov at poker?’

‘Hell, yes,’ drawled Adam, standing. ‘Unless they’re actually cheating, I can take on just about anyone in the whole world. And since we’ll be cheating as well, I figure that puts us over the odds.’

‘Is that Vanwall boasting about how good he is, Adam,’ said Bianca, ‘or is it you assessing his chances based on what you know about him?’

‘A bit of both,’ he replied. The smirk had gone, though a faint but seemingly permanent upward turn remained at the corners of his mouth, as if he had worked out the punchline to the joke that was life but was keeping it to himself. ‘Vanwall is as good as he says – as good as he thinks, anyway. He genuinely believes he’s a world-class player.’

‘Don’t all gamblers? I used to play the occasional card game at university, and I thought I was pretty good compared to my friends. But I’m sure I would have been cleaned out in five minutes if I’d taken on a serious player.’

‘I’m confident.’

‘You, or Vanwall?’


‘I hope you’re right,’ Tony said to him. ‘You and Vanwall. Because if we can’t get Zykov’s persona, we won’t have any leads on al-Rais or Lamplighter.’

‘I’ll beat him,’ said Adam. He was more serious now, but Vanwall’s lackadaisical smugness was still present. ‘You just make sure everyone else is set to catch him.’

‘We will be. Speaking of which, it’s your turn to get ready, Bianca. I’ll turn you over to Holly Jo.’

‘God knows what I’m going to end up looking like,’ she said as she headed for the door.

Adam watched her go, paying particular attention to the sway of her hips. ‘I’m looking forward to finding out.’

Bianca looked at herself in the mirror. ‘Well, that’s . . . rather good, actually.’

‘I’m glad to hear it,’ said Holly Jo, leaning over her shoulder to fuss a powder brush over her cheek. ‘So? Happy?’

‘Yes, thanks.’ The combination of the new hairstyle and the slightly overdone but still elegant make-up was leagues removed from her everyday look, but she couldn’t deny that it was perfectly suited to her character for the evening: the wealthy English dilettante splurging money on a new thrill. PERSONA wasn’t the only way to take on a new identity.

‘Cool. Okay, get your dress and shoes on, then Billy should have some special jewellery for you.’

Bianca regarded her newly applied false nails. ‘Can you give me a hand with the zip? I don’t want to break these.’

‘No problem. Step into it?’

She did so, Holly Jo helping her slide the bright scarlet dress over her legs and body. As the American started to pull up the zipper, the door opened and Kyle rushed in. ‘Hey, we need to— Saaay,’ he said, tone swinging instantly from urgent to smarmy. ‘Two girls playing dress-up. Nice.’

‘Kyle!’ Holly Jo yelped. ‘First, knock. And second, shut up!’

‘For God’s sake!’ Bianca added, blushing. ‘Five seconds earlier and you would have caught me in my underwear!’

‘Oh, you shouldn’t have said that,’ said Holly Jo, with a disgusted sigh. ‘Now he’s thinking about it. What do you want?’

He filed away the mental image for future reference before becoming more professional. ‘We need to get moving. One of Lau’s guys at the casino said they’re about to start taking buy-ins for the game.’

‘Already?’ said Bianca. ‘I thought that wasn’t until six o’clock.’

‘I guess they can’t wait to get their hands on the money. Anyway, we’ve got to get over there before all the places are taken. It’s first come, first served.’

He backed out, giving Bianca another quick look before closing the door. ‘That jerk,’ Holly Jo muttered, pulling the zipper all the way up. ‘Okay?’

‘Yes.’ Bianca fidgeted with the dress, then hurriedly put on her shoes. They may have been knock-offs of a designer brand, but they were still a much better fit than the pair she had worn for the Luminica presentation – God, only four days before. Her life had undergone a drastic change in a very short time, she realised as she caught her reflection in the mirror. Red dress, high heels, glam look . . . and about to throw away a quarter of a million dollars as part of a plot hatched by a team of international spies. ‘This should be a movie,’ she said quietly, hardly able to believe it.

‘You look the part,’ Holly Jo assured her. ‘Ready?’

‘Yes. I think. I hope!’

The two women went back into the suite’s main room. Its occupants had been joined by Baxter and one of his men, the leader of the tactical team talking to Tony. ‘When our truck gets within twenty feet of the cab, the transponder activates the rigs under the passenger seats and Zykov and his guys all get a needle in the ass. By the time they feel it, the truck will have hit the car. Five seconds after that, they’re out . . .’ Baxter trailed off as he realised that Tony’s attention had wandered, and turned to see why. ‘Damn,’ he said as he saw Bianca.

‘All right, guys, knock it off,’ said Holly Jo. ‘It’s not as if you’ve never seen a woman before.’

‘Not one as stunning as this,’ said Adam, grinning broadly. He swaggered across the room to the pair. ‘Not that there was anything wrong with the way you were before, but right now you look like a million dollars.’

‘Only a quarter of a million,’ Bianca reminded him. She stopped, teetering for a moment on her towering shoes. ‘Oh! Bloody heels.’

‘They look great,’ Adam said, giving her legs an admiring look. ‘But they’d also look good kicked off at the foot of a bed.’

She couldn’t help blushing, the overbearing Vanwall persona so different from Adam’s usual self. ‘Well, er, they will be,’ she managed to say. His smile took on a more lascivious curl. ‘My bed, after we’re done tonight. And I go straight to sleep.’

The unctuous smirk faded, but didn’t disappear. ‘It’s gonna be a long night. Who knows what’ll happen?’

‘What’ll happen,’ said Tony firmly, with more than a hint of disapproval, ‘is that we complete the mission and get the hell out of here. Okay, the taxi is rigged. Adam, it’s up to you to get Zykov out of the casino and into that cab. Make sure that he’s mad enough to come after you to get his money back. We’ll handle the rest. Bianca, Billy’s got some equipment for you.’

From his use of the word ‘equipment’, she half expected to see a selection of guns and lasers laid out on the table for her, but instead found a pair of large gold earrings and two small plastic cases, similar to the kind used to hold memory cards. ‘These aren’t just to make me look pretty, I assume.’

‘No, no, these are something special,’ said Billy. He picked up one of the earrings, cradling it in his palm. ‘There’s a skittle camera inside it. It points forward, so it’ll see more or less what you see. It’ll set off the metal detector, but then it’s a piece of metal, so they’d expect it to, right? There was enough room for an extra battery, so it should work for about six hours. Hopefully the game’ll be done by then.’

‘That’d be a long game,’ Bianca agreed. ‘What about Adam, though? Won’t the metal detector pick up his earwig and the power pack and everything?’

Billy shook his head. ‘They’re mostly conductive polymers rather than metal. A lot harder to pick up. And speaking of earwigs, I’ve got one for you.’ He put down the earring and tapped one of the plastic cases.

Bianca looked more closely. Inside was a silver sliver the size of a grain of rice. ‘You’re going to drop that in my ear?’ she said with dismay.

‘Oh, don’t worry – I’ll glue it in.’

That actually sounded worse, but she still sat – with considerable trepidation – so he could do the deed. ‘What’s in the other box?’ she asked, as he delicately picked up the earwig with a pair of angled tweezers and dipped each end into a small drop of clear adhesive.

‘It’s a microtransmitter,’ Billy said. ‘Okay, stay very still . . .’ She held her breath as he lowered the earwig into her right ear.

‘So you can tell us if you think Zykov or any of the other players are bluffing without having to speak,’ Tony elaborated. ‘We’ll glue it under your fingernail – a fake one, not your real one,’ he quickly added. ‘It doesn’t do much, just sends a bleep if you apply pressure to it. But that’ll be enough for you to give us a code. One bleep if they’ve got a genuine hand, two bleeps if they’re bluffing. If you’re not sure, don’t send anything. Holly Jo will pass your signal on to Adam via his earwig.’

To Bianca’s relief, Billy withdrew the tweezers. ‘Okay, it’s secure. Holly Jo, can you check that it’s working?’

Holly Jo had already donned a headset and crossed the room to her laptop. ‘Okay, Bianca, I’m sending . . . now. Testing, testing, can you hear me?’

The last was said in a whisper, but Bianca heard it – tinny, but perfectly clear – as if it were coming from inside her skull. She flinched. ‘Oh! That was really, really weird.’

Another telepathic whisper. ‘But you can hear me okay?’

‘Yes. It’s as if you’re right next to me. Well, closer. You’re literally a voice in my head.’

‘Don’t worry,’ said Adam. ‘You’ll get used to it.’ Tony nodded in agreement.

Billy took her left hand and placed the transmitter under the false nail of her little finger. ‘Holly Jo? The bleeper’s in place. Bianca, if you can just very lightly press your nail against the table . . .’

She did so. ‘It’s working,’ Holly Jo called.

‘Great,’ said Tony. ‘Okay, Bianca, we’ve got some extra jewellery so you look the full part, and then you and Adam need to get moving.’

‘Don’t worry,’ said Adam as she stood. ‘These guys’ll be watching out for you the whole time. Just be cool, have a good time . . . and lose all your money.’

Enough of the real agent came through the sleepy, smarmy Vanwall persona to make her feel that she genuinely was in safe hands. ‘Okay,’ she said. ‘And you just make sure that you win it all back.’

Vanwall returned. ‘Oh, I will. Be sure of it.’

Andy McDermott's books