The Keeper of the Stones

Chapter 35

Early hours of 17th August – The War Council, Soreen Village - Rhuaddan

King Artrex and Jake were certain that King Vantrax would pursue them on their long journey south. He had to. He had no other option as far as they could see. The evil King had partially defeated the Rebel Army at Erriard and killed their influential leader. He had them on the run. Despite the success of the fortress raid, which would frustrate and anger him, he had to capitalise on the momentum his army had gained before the rebels had chance to regroup. He knew he needed to destroy or capture the stones before his enemy was able to use them against him, it had to be his priority, for he was fully aware of their power and potential and he couldn’t risk anyone learning how to unlock their secrets.

The war council in Seon’s Shield was convened at the earliest possible moment. The rebels planned to move out of Soreen immediately afterwards, according to the decisions and plans made therein. The alehouse was emptied of everyone except for the leaders and warriors of whom the council was comprised. A number of tables were pushed hastily together into the centre of the main room. King Artrex sat at the head, flanked by Jake and Queen Bressial. The rest of the council sat in no particular order, they included Ben, Zephany, Castrad, Onall, Verastus, and two captains of the army, as well as an elderly slave from the mine at Lidzenstor who had been selected as a representative from amongst the freed prisoners. A large map of the continent of Estia had been placed on the centre of the improvised table. King Artrex banged his hand down twice upon it to bring the meeting to order. He rose steadily from his seat to address the group.

“My friends… You all know how we have come to arrive at this blessed place. You know how far we have already journeyed in such a short space of time, the risks we have all taken, and the friends we have lost along the way. I believe and I hope, that by now, you also realise the size and perilous nature of the task we face. The sacrifices we have made already, we may be asked to make again, ten times over. But, the prize we seek is freedom! There is no greater prize. And no more worthy cause. We are already embarked upon our journey and we cannot stop now. We cannot turn back time. We have no option but to see this thing through to its ultimate conclusion, whatever it may be. Are we all agreed on that? From hereon, we do not falter and we trust in fate?” he asked, looking around the room for any signs of hesitancy or argument. Artrex saw nothing in their faces but grim determination and nobody spoke.

“So be it then. We may not have much time, so I hope we can all agree on the paths we must take now, without too much heated debate. Say your piece freely. But do not labour your point. Speak openly and plainly, for none here shall take offence if you speak i good faith. I will begin.

We have already achieved much in the past few days. The question we must answer now, is where do we go from here? The first thing to consider is our new army. We have swelled our numbers and we are delighted by that. Twelve thousand potential soldiers now look to us to lead them. But they are not an army yet! They need training and equipping with weapons if they are to stand any chance at all against the trained warriors who serve my brother. All of this will take time, precious time. Time that can only be achieved by travelling south, ahead of any army that pursues us from the north. It is proposed that we should attempt to break through the lines of my brother’s Southern Army. To join with those who already oppose him and have been fighting with some success these last few years. Their defences are weak, but holding. When last we heard they were centred around the mountains of Arechnivar and the besieged city of Dassilliak. That places them near to the borders of Perosya and Nadjan. It will mean a long and arduous journey, probably with a hard fight to look forward to at the end of it, particularly if my brother learns of, or guesses at, our intent, and manages to warn the Southern Army of our plans. All of this, we have to accomplish before we meet with our prospective allies, an army of various nations whose leaders may not even want to join with us. It all sounds daunting, I know. But I can see no real alternative.” the King stated plainly.

The war council members all studied the map that was sprawled across the table. There were no objections to what was being proposed and no alternatives were given. Everyone agreed, and after a minute or so of discussion, Princess Zephany was the first to respond to the King.

“Father, you already know that I will follow you anywhere. I believe this proposal to be the correct course of action for us to take. But, if I may? I would like to hear Jake’s thoughts on the subject.”

Jake was taken by surprise, he’d expected more debate from the rest of the group before having to give his own opinion, and he hadn’t considered properly what he was going to say. He looked at the King beside him. Artrex gestured with his hand, inviting him to reply, before taking his seat. Jake stood up and stared at the faces around him.

“Well.... Okay then, I believe King Artrex is right. You... Err, sorry we, need time! We need allies and numbers. We have to go south. We have to build up our strength if we’re going to match the Northern Army. Rhuaddan and Nadjan will have to endure Vantrax’ rule a little while longer, until we are ready to return. There are many in our ranks who won’t understand that decision, they will question why we’re ‘running away.’ There will be rumour and dissent. But to fight now, would be stupid! We’re not ready to fight a war and we’re not strong enough to defeat our enemies. I suggest that King Artrex and the rest of you lead the army south as planned. But… You detour along the way, stopping at every village, town and city within reach to recruit as many volunteers as you can. Queen Bressial and Lord Castrad should be paraded in full view of all the population. Let them be seen, and let them be the rallying call for all of Nadjan. Look!” he said, pointing at the map enthusiastically. He was now speaking with real purpose and an excitement that seemed to come from nowhere.

“You already pass the cities of Nahohial, N’sede, Esorlian, Tiscar, Etriol on your journey. Many towns and villages are also within riding distance. Fly your banners proudly and let your people rise to support you and your allies.” he said confidently, looking directly ahe ueen as he spoke.

She nodded her head firmly at him. “It will be as you say, Jake. I swear it!” she stated proudly.

“Ra! Good!” shouted a delighted Artrex, growing excited at the momentum that seemed to be developing. “We leave in two hours! Get your soldiers ready to move.”

“But… What of Jake and Ben, father?” asked the young Princess before anyone had left the table. “You have not mentioned them in your plan at all. I believe others in this room will want to know the full extent of what is being proposed.”

Artrex smiled slightly at her and nodded his head a little in agreement. “Yes my daughter, you are right.” he answered. “For those of you who do not know, our two young friends are leaving on a different quest. They will attempt to find the wizard, Tien. Last heard of living in recluse in the Phelanagarth Mountains. Together, they will try to restore or replace the stones that have been damaged, for they hold the key to defeating my brother, and we shall have need of their powers before this war is won, I am sure of it.”

“Begging your pardon, sire?” Verastus said suddenly. “I would like to go with the Keeper, if he will have me?”

Jake and Ben looked to King Artrex for approval. Artrex nodded with a smile on his face and the boys looked back at their friend.

“Be a pleasure to have you along.” said Jake, and he reached over to shake Verastus’ hand.

“Yeah, big man,” added Ben, “I was hoping you’d ask. I’ve kinda grown used to having you around. Bin’ a bit lost without you actually.”

The council members all laughed at Ben’s reaction. Princess Zephany silently volunteered to go with Jake’s group also, but King Artrex denied her whispered request with a firm shake of his head.

“No, Zephany. I need you with me, daughter. I have need of my best warriors and leaders on this journey.” he hissed softly in her ear, so that the others couldn’t hear.

Zephany didn’t object. She had earned the admiration and respect of everyone for her actions, most of all her father, and that was the most important thing in the world to the young warrior. It comforted her greatly in her sorrow.

Everyone began to exit the alehouse in order to make their preparations to leave. As they left the room, Zephany gave Jake a smaller map of Nadjan and the rest of Estia. “Here, Jake. Take this, you may have need of it.” she said, as she gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Good luck. Find the wizard for us, Keeper. Restore those stones of yours, and help my father to be a King again.”

Ben saw and heard the exchange. He playfully snatched the map out of Jake’s hand as he was passing, deliberately interrupting the goodbye. He placed it into his bag as he continued walking. Then, he stopped and looked back at Zephany.

“Princess, your dad needs no castle or throne to be a King. His actions are enough to earn that title. His courage and honour are there for all to see. But my friend Jake, ‘The Keeper’ West, will see it done for ya!” he said, laughing to himself as he walked away.

Jake and Zephany looked at each other, not knowing what to make of Ben’s strange outburst. Then they both began to laugh too.

M J Webb's books