The Impossible Dead


The Victoria Hospital again.

Fox didn’t doubt that the reporter Brian Jamieson would be on the prowl somewhere in the vicinity. Fox’s wound had been cleaned and stitched. Painkillers were swooshing around inside him, and he had a prescription for more in his pocket. His shoulder was strapped and there was a dull ache if he tried moving his left hand. His jacket and shirt had been bagged as evidence. Forensics would head to the scene once it was light, seeking out bullet casings and the pistol and the noose.

No weapon had been found in the car. Pears must have tossed it. Fox was standing in the injured man’s room right now. His was the only bed in there. One of the medics had listed his injuries: a couple of broken ribs, two damaged knees and facial bruising.

‘Why you should wear a seat belt,’ the medic had stated.

A wire cage beneath the bedclothes was keeping pressure off the patient’s legs. He had opened his eyes when Fox stepped into the room. There was a police officer on duty outside. He had noted Fox’s name and taken a good look at his warrant card. Fox didn’t blame him: the borrowed hooded top and baggy jogging bottoms were hardly standard issue for a cop.

‘I think he’s asleep,’ the officer had said.

But Stephen Pears was awake for Fox.

‘We’ll find the gun,’ Fox told him.

‘And what will that prove? That I was so scared of you, I felt the need of it?’

‘Scared of me, were you?’

‘You and your outlandish theories.’ Pears tried to clear his throat, his mouth parched. He looked at the water jug next to his bed, but Fox wasn’t about to oblige.

‘You don’t seriously think that’s going to work?’ he asked instead.

‘You’d just accused me of murder,’ Pears went on. ‘You’d told me to drive to the spot where Francis Vernal died. I panicked, thinking you had a similar fate in mind for me.’ He was staring hard at Fox.

‘And that’s all you’ve got to play with?’

‘It’s all you’re going to get from me.’

Fox watched as Pears slowly turned his head away from him. There was just the tiniest gasp of pain as he did so. Fox bided his time, knowing another visitor would be arriving soon. On cue, the door behind him flew open. Alison Pears ignored Fox and strode towards the bed.

‘Stephen!’ She leaned over her husband, planting a hard kiss on his cheek. ‘What in God’s name happened?’

‘Can you believe they left me here alone with that madman?’ Pears replied. She straightened up and turned towards Fox.

‘Your husband had plans to kill me,’ Fox informed her. ‘Same as Francis Vernal and Alan Carter. When a noose wouldn’t do the job, he tried using a gun instead.’

‘Get out,’ she commanded.

Fox shook his head slowly. Alison Pears’s eyes narrowed. ‘That’s an order, Inspector.’

Fox held her stare. ‘I’m wondering how long you’ve known. You do know, don’t you?’

‘Know what?’

‘That you married Hawkeye. Did you work it out before the wedding or after? I’m not entirely sure the pair of you have ever talked about it. Ancient history, after all – you were both other people. No need to dredge up the past. Happy, healthy, wealthy and going places …’

‘I’m telling you to leave.’ Her voice was almost a snarl, both rows of teeth bared.

‘So you can start to get your stories straight?’ Fox surmised. ‘Can’t have this huge, talented edifice crumble – is that your thinking?’

‘I told you he’s insane,’ Stephen Pears complained. ‘The man’s completely obsessed.’

‘Yes, I’d say so,’ his wife agreed, her voice dropping a little. ‘Obsessed and paranoid – seeing conspiracies everywhere.’

‘Everywhere,’ her husband echoed.

Silence descended on the room. Fox stood his ground, then nodded slowly.

‘You’re going to fight this?’ he asked.

‘Whatever it takes,’ Alison Pears replied.

Fox nodded again and reached into his pocket, removing the little digital recorder and pressing the ‘play’ button. The speaker was tiny, but with the volume all the way up, the conversation was clear enough.

So you’re going to tell me why you killed Francis Vernal?

You have to go back further. You have to understand how things were …

Fox fast-forwarded a little and hit ‘play’ again.

Okay, so I took the money …

It was Alice Watts you were interested in.

His eyes fixed on those of Alison Pears, he moved the recording forward a little further.

Alan Carter had nothing on you?

It was Alison’s name he had.

And forward again.

Nasty little man – not the sort that can be reasoned with.

Fox switched the machine off and held it between thumb and forefinger. Alison Pears seemed frozen for a moment, then inhaled and exhaled before turning towards the bed.

‘You’re a fool, Stephen, and it’s beginning to look like you always were.’

Pears had squeezed shut his eyes, as if every word was a fresh affliction. She loomed over him, hands gripping the metal side-rail as she started to get her breathing back under control. Blood had risen to her cheeks, and she rubbed her fingers down them, as if to erase the colouring. She ran her tongue across her lips and faced Fox again.

‘I knew nothing about any of this,’ she declared. ‘It’s all come as a complete and utter shock.’ She straightened her jacket and brushed a few stray strands of hair back into place. Fox was reminded of the transformation that had taken place in her study, when she’d answered her telephone.

‘The pair of you are well matched,’ he commented. ‘Hard to know which one is the colder, actually.’ He gave a twitch of the mouth, maintaining eye contact with Alison Pears. ‘Fine, then – you’ll tell your story and I’ll tell mine. Whichever way it works out, you’ve ended up married to a killer, and I doubt that’ll sit too well with the position of Chief Constable. I’m guessing it might even be a matter for the Complaints …’ The recorder was back in his pocket. He used his good hand to open the door. The officer on duty was trying not to look too interested in the commotion he’d just heard. As Fox stepped into the corridor, he turned his head towards Stephen Pears. But Pears’s eyes were still closed, so Fox let the door swing shut, leaving him to his fate.

Ian Rankin's books