The Flame of Olympus (Pegasus, #1)

Closer inspection revealed several other similar scars along its exposed body. There was a big one on the Nirad’s bloated face. When Paelen crept closer, he immediately recognized the shape of the scars. They were caused by Pegasus’s hooves.

Suddenly all the pieces of the puzzle came together. Back in Olympus, it was Pegasus and Diana who had killed the first Nirad. This Nirad here was also dead because of an encounter with the stallion. Pegasus was the only Olympian capable of killing them and they knew it. The Nirads needed Pegasus dead before they could complete the destruction of Olympus and all the other worlds. So they had followed him to this world to kill him.

Paelen had to warn the stallion. Pegasus had to be protected. He was the Olympians’ only weapon against the ferocious Nirads.

‘Was that a friend of yours?’

Paelen jumped. Turning quickly, he saw Agent J standing there, flanked by several security guards.

‘You must let me go,’ Paelen said desperately. ‘Pegasus is in terrible danger. The Nirads are here to kill him.’

‘Pegasus?’ Agent J asked.

‘Yes, Pegasus,’ Paelen insisted. ‘We must help him! He is the only one who can defeat the Nirads. I must go to him.’

‘You aren’t going anywhere,’ Agent J said. ‘You didn’t think you could get away from us that easily, did you? We have been following you on the corridor cameras from the moment you left your room.’

‘Cameras?’ Paelen repeated. ‘I do not understand.’

‘Yes, cameras.’ Agent J theatrically waved his hands in the air. ‘It is like great serpent’s eyes that show us what you are doing,’ he said. ‘You were never alone. We were watching you the whole time. I must say, that was a neat little trick with the vending machine. I’m surprised you weren’t sick from eating all that chocolate.’

‘I told you before, I need ambrosia,’ Paelen insisted. ‘You would not provide it. That food was the closest I could find. Now please, I need to help Pegasus.’

Paelen started to move, but several security guards stepped forward to block his path. ‘I do not wish to fight you, but I will. I must go.’

‘I told you, you aren’t going anywhere,’ Agent J said. Then he looked at his men. ‘Take him down.’

Paelen charged forward as the guards surrounded him. It was little effort for him to fight them off. He tossed them around the laboratory like they were rag dolls. When all the guards were down, Paelen shoved Agent J aside and made it to the corridor. He ran in the direction of the stairwell.

‘He’s running, he’s running. Lock down the facility. Repeat, subject is running. Lock it down!’ Agent J cried.

Loud alarms burst to life throughout the building. Paelen looked back and saw the men running towards him.

Paelen concentrated on getting to the stairs. But as he entered the stairwell, he heard the sounds of many feet charging down the stairs in his direction.

‘Stop!’ they ordered. ‘Stop or we’ll open fire!’

Paelen felt the sharp stinging of bees. He looked down at his chest and saw darts sticking into him. He pulled several out and threw them back at the men who shot him. When they struck home, the men fell to the ground unconscious. Paelen realized the darts were intended to make him go to sleep.

He continued up the stairs, using the darts against the men coming for him. But as each man fell, more replaced them. Soon the stairwell was filled with men chasing after him from below as well as above.

‘Stop!’ they shouted.

But Paelen couldn’t stop. He needed to get to Pegasus, to warn the stallion. Charging forward, he started to fight with the guards. But even though he was much stronger than all of them, their numbers were too great. He was quickly overwhelmed.

A sudden brutal blow came from behind and he was struck in the back of the head. Paelen turned to see the man pulling back his weapon to hit him again. It wasn’t necessary. As Paelen’s world started to go dark, more men pounced on him and drove him down to the floor.


It seemed to take half the night to work their way to where Emily used to play with her family in Central Park. Emily was back on Pegasus and trying to lead the group. But without a flashlight, and still no city lights to guide them, the way was dark and treacherous. The constant sound of the helicopters was a reminder of the danger they were in.

‘You sure you know where you’re going?’ Joel asked.

‘Not really,’ Emily admitted. ‘It’s been years since I’ve been up this high in the park. But it shouldn’t be much further.’

As they picked their way through the trees, Pegasus suddenly stopped. His dark ears sprang forward and he pawed the ground. Diana also stopped. She held up her hand and listened.

‘There is someone moving ahead,’ she said softly as she raised her brother’s spear and prepared to fight.

‘Em?’ a voice called softly. ‘Is that you?’

Kate O'Hearn's books