The Flame of Olympus (Pegasus, #1)

‘Because I’ve read the books!’ Joel shot back. ‘I do more than fight, you know. I read. The Iliad and The Odyssey are my favourites. They tell some of the stories of the Gods!’

‘Stories, that’s right,’ Emily challenged. ‘This is real life and a flame can’t have a heart!’

‘Emily, I know these books,’ said Diana. ‘My father had them in his palace before the Nirads attacked. They are not lies, just retelling of certain events. Believe me. The Flame of Olympus has a living heart. And my father sent Pegasus here to find the girl who possesses it. He is charged with bringing her back to Olympus to reignite our Flame.’

‘Wow,’ Emily said softly, struggling to take it all in. ‘But after so many generations, how will he know who she is if she doesn’t even know about herself?’

Diana smiled. ‘Pegasus alone can see the flame burning within her. She will draw him to her. He won’t be able to resist her, for she is the source of his strength.’

Joel nodded his head in understanding. ‘So, Pegasus came to Earth to get this girl. But he got hurt and crashed on Emily’s roof instead.’

‘That is correct,’ Diana said. ‘With his wing broken, he has been unable to fly to her.’

‘Where is she?’ Emily asked. ‘Is she even in America?’

Pegasus neighed softly.

‘Pegasus says the daughter of this generation is here in this country,’ Diana translated. ‘That she is not far away. But he says something is very wrong with her because the flame has grown weak within her. This is why it became so weak in Olympus, and enabled the Nirads to attack and defeat us.’

‘Maybe she’s sick,’ Emily suggested.

‘Perhaps,’ Diana agreed. ‘But whoever she is, she has a great destiny to fulfil. But a tragic one. For hers must be the greatest sacrifice of all.’

‘What do you mean?’ Joel asked.

‘When the Daughter of Vesta is taken back to Olympus, she must willingly sacrifice herself to the Flame,’ she said. ‘It will consume her. But in offering herself, Olympus will be reborn and all our powers restored.’

‘She’s got to die?’ Emily asked in a whisper.

Diana nodded. ‘She must be willing to sacrifice herself in order for the Flame to be reborn,’ she said. ‘She cannot be forced.’

‘But what can we do?’ Joel asked.

Diana dropped her head. ‘Pegasus needs you to talk to the girl when we find her. You are from this world. You can better explain it than I. You must make this child understand that her sacrifice will not only save Olympus, but this world too.’

‘The Daughter of Vesta is a child?’ Emily asked. ‘And you want us to tell her she’s got to die to save everyone?’

‘No way,’ Joel said, shaking his head. ‘I know you guys have your own special Olympian ways. But this is too much. You can’t expect us to tell a kid she’s got to kill herself.’

‘I do not know how old she is. Nor does Pegasus,’ Diana explained. ‘He only knows that she is near. She may be an old woman nearing her natural death or a young child just starting her life. But whoever, or whatever she is, ultimately, it must be her decision. None of us can force her to sacrifice herself.’

‘So,’ Emily said slowly, ‘we’re going to knock on someone’s door and ask them to commit suicide in order to save the world.’ She felt light-headed with shock. ‘What would you do if it were you, Joel?’

‘I’d tell us to get lost and call the police.’

‘Me too,’ Emily agreed.

‘Then all is lost and our worlds will perish.’ Diana said flatly. ‘The Nirads have enslaved the survivors of Olympus and destroyed our home. You have already seen them here in this world. They know of Pegasus’s mission, and will send more to kill him before he finds the Daughter of Vesta. I am here to help him any way I can.’

‘So will we,’ Emily said finally. She looked at Joel. ‘We haven’t got a choice. If there are more Nirads on the way, we’ve got to do all we can to stop them.’

‘Wait a minute,’ Joel said as an idea came to him. ‘What if we got the bridle back? Maybe we can make weapons to destroy the Nirads. Then when we take the Daughter of Vesta to Olympus, Jupiter will have time to figure out another way to relight the flame without her having to die.’

Emily looked at Diana. ‘Do you think it’s possible?’

‘I do not know,’ she said. ‘It might work.’

‘I’m willing to try,’ Joel said. ‘It’s better than telling some poor girl she’s got to kill herself.’

‘I agree,’ Emily said excitedly.

Joel led the group forward. ‘Come on, let’s get moving.’


Kate O'Hearn's books