The Book of Spies


London, England
DOUG PRESTON sat in his rental car in a public parking lot near the River Thames, arms crossed, head resting back, drifting in and out of sleep. He had delivered Charles's body to the Library of Gold jet, and it was safely gone. He had also phoned his NSA contact, who had gotten back to him with the bad news that Eva Blake's cell phone was turned off, which meant it could not be tracked yet. Then he had handled a new assignment for Martin Chapman, hiring a specialist in Washington to break into Ed Casey's house.
Now he was waiting for a call from NSA that Blake's cell phone was activated and her location pinpointed, or from the director that he had learned through Ed Casey's intel where Blake was going. Either would do.
Restless, he adjusted his aching body behind the steering wheel. Springtime shadows dappled the parking lot. Somewhere on the river a boat's horn sounded. He checked his watch. It was a little past one P.M. He closed his eyes, ignoring the pain in his ribs. He was starting to sink back into sleep when his cell finally rang.
Martin Chapman's tone was full of outrage: "Tucker Andersen is CIA."
"So State was his cover. Tell me everything." Preston shook off the chilling news.
"Judd Ryder e-mailed Tucker Andersen. The reason we know is because Andersen sent a copy of the e-mail to Catherine Doyle, also CIA. They're part of some kind of black program. Doyle is chief." The director's voice was tense. "Ryder is a private contractor for CIA now."
"Jonathan Ryder's son?"
"Yes. He's the gunman, and he's been helping Eva Blake. Everything in the British Museum was a setup. The CIA's the one that planted the bug on the book and got Blake's sentence commuted. They intend to find the Library of Gold. We're going up against your old employer, Preston. You were loyal." The voice had grown harder, the question unspoken.
"That was a long time ago. Another life. I was glad to walk away. Even gladder you wanted me." Then he said the words he knew the director needed to hear, and he meant them: "My loyalty is only to you, the book club, and the Library of Gold."
There was a pause. "The e-mail said Ryder and Blake were heading to Rome to see Yitzhak Law. You can't get there in time. How do you suggest this be handled?"
Preston stared out the car's window, considering. A plan formed in his mind, and he laid it out for the director.
"Good. I like it," the director said. "Since we're dealing with a black unit, it's contained. That's the only advantage we have. I have an idea to take care of Tucker Andersen and Catherine Doyle. I'll get back to you when I need you."

Gayle Lynds's books