Temptation (Chronicles of the Fallen, #3)

“Shhh,” Niklas said softly, drawing her back into his arms to comfort her. His gaze locked on Gideon, he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of his woman’s forehead. “We’ve been searching for almost two hundred years, Carly. Mikhail, Sebastian, Xander and I. For a while we thought there might be a chalice in Tibet…but it was just a legend with no substance. There’s no way to counter the curse.”

Gideon blinked in surprise at Niklas. He remembered Mikhail spending time in Tibet, but thought he’d been doing penance. He recalled the way the big warrior had come back looking so defeated. Mikhail had avoided Gideon for months after that. Gideon had never been able to figure out why. Had Mikhail blamed himself somehow? Felt he’d let his brother down?

This wasn’t their fault, none of was. No one deserved the blame here but him.

That his brothers had been searching on his behalf…that they’d been so careful not to let him know, so vigilant not to get his hopes up… He was humbled.

“We will break this curse, Gideon,” Carly stated again, her tone brooking no argument. “Don’t you give up, Gideon. Do you hear me? Don’t you quit on us. I won’t let you choose Oblivion. So just get that idea out of your head right now.”

“What are you talking about, Carly?” Niklas asked. Now that the cat was out of the bag and it was too late to stuff it back in.

“Damn it,” she huffed, anger pinkening her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Gideon. I didn’t mean to—”

“I never told you that,” Gideon hissed. How had she figured it out?

“I know you,” Carly whispered. “You’re like a brother to me. I. Know. You.”

Gideon stared at her a long moment. Touched and betrayed. Filled with love and torn asunder. He couldn’t deal with the emotions flooding him anymore. Spinning away, intent on getting the hell as far away as he could without shimmering, he drew up short.

Maggie stood in the doorway, clutching the frame for support. Her face was pale, and set in a scowl as she regarded him.

“What is she talking about, Gideon? What curse?”

Shooting an angry glance over his shoulder, he felt his world crashing around him. Carly stared back, clearly puzzled.

“She doesn’t know?” Carly shook her head. “How can she not know?”

“Because I’ve been careful to never touch her.”

Misery flickered across Carly’s features. “Oh Gideon. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t.” Gideon held his arm up and pointed at Carly. “Don’t you apologize again. And don’t you feel sorry for me anymore. No more pity. I can’t take it.”

“Gideon, what’s going on? What curse is she talking about? And what did you mean? Why have you been so careful not to touch me? I thought it was me. I thought you just didn’t…” Her voice trailed away, and her face filled with confusion and doubt.

Gideon clenched his teeth, feeling as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. He stared hard at her face, committing to memory the last time she would look at him without the pity that was sure to come.

When he remained silent, Niklas finally spoke up. “No one can touch Gideon, Maggie. Shortly before we rebelled against his reign, Lucifer cursed Gideon to never again know physical touch…except for when he’s in demon form. And then…well, you saw what happens when he’s in demon form. He doesn’t recognize friend from foe.”

Maggie was frowning now. She looked back and forth between the three of them in obvious disbelief. “You’re trying to tell me no one can touch him? That no one has touched him in how long?” Shaking her head, she crossed her arms, as if offended somehow.

“Two hundred years. No one can touch him, Maggie,” Carly assured her gently. “Whenever I try, my hand goes right through him. Like he’s a ghost. Or I am. I’m not sure which.”

“You’re wrong,” Maggie insisted, shaking her head.

“Jesus, Maggie, I swear you argue just for the sake of arguing,” Gideon snapped, frustrated and humiliated beyond endurance. “Carly and Niklas are telling the truth. No one can touch me, and I can’t touch anyone else. Not without being in demon form.”

Frowning now, still shaking her head, Maggie wouldn’t let it go. “Why are you trying to convince me of this nonsense?”

“Because it’s true.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Damn it. Just let it go, Maggie. I’m not—”

Gideon froze as she marched across the room, preparing himself for that nightmare moment when she would reach out and her hand would pass right through him.

Maggie lifted her arm and cupped his cheek, just as she had Mikhail’s earlier. Flesh to solid flesh.

Chapter Eleven

Stunned silence filled the room.

“There,” she said, clearly exasperated. “You see?”

The shock of feeling her skin—her solid, warm flesh—actually touching him nearly sent Gideon into shock. His head swam. His heart raced so hard, he feared he might pass out and wake up to realize this was all nothing more than a dream. She was really, truly touching him. Not ghosting a hand through him.

Touching me!

Afraid to believe. Afraid to hope. Thoughts of keys and Oblivion were forgotten in his stunned state. His hands shook as he reached for her. He gripped her shoulders. Firm. Substantial. There.

Brenda Huber's books