Temple of the Gods


The three explosive charges Eddie had placed in the sky stone shattered the great rock’s heart, sending countless pieces flying in all directions. They were still aglow, held in the air by the earth’s invisible lines of force . . . but the smallest fragments almost immediately lost their charge and fell like hail. Most dropped down the volcanic shaft, heading for immolation in the searing magma chamber below, but some hit the ledge – and the people on it.

Eddie yelped as a stone bounced off his head, and looked up to see where it had come from. ‘Oh, bollocks,’ he gasped.

A swirling cloud of glowing rocks hung above him, ranging in size from golf balls to trucks. More energy bolts spat from them, stabbing at the rocky walls of the shaft. But the unearthly lights were rapidly going out, darkness spreading as increasingly larger chunks of debris exhausted their residual energy – and were reclaimed by gravity.

A piece of meteorite the size of a tennis ball smacked down beside him. Another, slightly larger, landed nearby a moment later.

A hard rain was going to fall.

There was danger below as well as above. The ground trembled, a low thunder rising from the base of the shaft as something huge slowly stirred from its long slumber.

The lava lake was boiling with the sudden release of earth energy. The volcano was erupting. Just as Nantalas had triggered a natural disaster in Atlantis, so Nina had here.

‘Nina! Dad!’ he shouted as he stood. ‘Get into cover!’ He started to run for the temple—

Stikes recovered from his shock, raising his gun.

Eddie dived behind the statue of Poseidon as he fired. ‘Get up!’ Stikes yelled to his men as more rubble fell around them, some pieces as big as footballs.

Nina had heard Eddie’s shout and struggled upright, briefly mesmerised by the sight of the asteroid field hanging overhead. She snapped out of it at a cry of pain from nearby. Larry lay on the ground, one hand to his head where a falling stone had struck him.

Another, much larger lump of rock was directly above him, the shimmering glow across its surface fading . . .

She raced forward and seized her father-in-law by his arms. ‘Larry, move!’ she screamed, trying to drag him clear.

The strange light vanished. The rock plunged—

Nina pulled harder, soles scrabbling for grip – and the stone slammed down where Larry had been lying, missing him by barely an inch.

Sophia gasped as she realised the danger she was in. No thought of helping any of the mercenaries, or even Stikes, crossed her mind; she ran for the shelter of the temple.

Ever larger debris pounded down on to the ledge. One of the mercenaries started to scream before being abruptly silenced by a half-ton chunk of meteorite that splattered him like an insect on a windscreen.

Eddie pressed himself against the statue as another boulder smashed to the ground just feet away, showering him with gritty shrapnel. He felt the shock of the impact through his feet – but the other tremors from far underground were rapidly growing stronger. A second panicked mercenary tried to scramble clear as an Olympian toppled. He failed, the falling figure smiting him as mercilessly as its namesake of myth.

Eddie risked a look round his cover. Stikes was taking what little shelter he could find beneath another statue.

But he was thinking of more than mere survival. The Jericho came up—

Eddie ducked sharply back as another round cracked off Poseidon. Even after the last of the floating stones fell, he would still be cut off from the temple. He glanced towards the towering structure, seeing Nina supporting his father as they reached it.

She hauled Larry into an alcove, barely containing a terrified shriek as a boulder the size of a small car slammed down less than ten feet behind them. The hammer-blow booms of rock against rock grew louder with each strike. But even they couldn’t drown out the rising rumble from beneath the earth – the impending eruption she had caused.

Too late to worry if she had done the right thing. All she could do now was wait for the last pieces of the meteorite to drop, then hope there was a way to escape.

She helped Larry lean against the alcove’s wall, then looked outside. Huge boulders plunged past the ledge towards the molten lake below. Only a few parts of the shattered sky stone now remained aloft.

The largest was above the circle of statues, a thirty-foot-long dagger.

Its glow flickered to nothing . . .

The giant shard fell.

It stabbed deeply into the heart of the ledge – which broke apart as if split by a hammer and chisel. Over half of it sheared away and plummeted towards the lava, taking one of the surviving mercenaries with it and leaving Eddie, Stikes and the last of his men on a ragged stump jutting out over the shaft. The remaining Olympians fell, the figure of Poseidon breaking apart and sending the metal trident clanging towards the nearby edge. Sections of the temple’s lower tiers collapsed, their own lesser gods flung to destruction.

With most of the natural bowl now gone, hot, fume-laden air from the magma chamber swept on to what was left of the ledge. Eddie coughed, cupping a hand over his mouth and nose. If he didn’t move quickly, he would be either suffocated or roasted. Eyes stinging, he peered over the broken remnants of the statue. Stikes and the mercenary, the latter closer, were still between him and the temple.

The temple—

The newly fallen tiers had created a ramp of sorts, unstable and treacherous yet high enough to reach the remaining stairs. And that wasn’t all – a rising column of steamy vapour was being pulled towards it, swirling into a vortex that disappeared into the shadows of a higher level.

Air was being drawn from the volcanic shaft through a second lava tube, newly opened by the tremors. There was another way out!

All they had to do was reach it.

He looked back at the two soldiers in his way. Both had been knocked down by the meteorite’s impact—

Eddie hurdled the wreckage of Poseidon and snatched up the metal trident, then ran as hard as he could. The ground shuddered with every step, almost throwing him off balance as he readied the ancient bronze weapon.

The mercenary sat up, astounded simply to be alive as he took in the devastation all around him. He breathed a sigh of relief—

Three metal prongs burst out of his chest.

Eddie slammed a foot against the dying man’s back to tear the trident free with a trio of bloody spurts. ‘Nina!’ he yelled, jabbing a hand at the ramp. ‘Climb up, over there!’ He hefted the trident and charged again. If he killed Stikes, that would only leave Sophia to worry about.

Stikes saw him coming. He twisted and raised the Jericho—

The trident slashed through his sleeve, one of its points gouging a deep rent in the muscle of his forearm. He screamed – but still managed to pull the trigger.

The bullet caught Eddie’s right biceps, tearing out a chunk of flesh the width of a finger. The pain made him recoil reflexively, throwing off his aim as he thrust the weapon down at the other man. The trident skimmed the side of Stikes’s body, ripping clothing but not skin, and hit the stone floor – and the entire three-pointed head broke off.

Stikes fired again, but Eddie jumped sideways and the bullet seared past him. He swung the trident’s shaft, catching Stikes a blow to the hand that fractured one of his fingers and sent the Jericho whirling towards the temple.

Nina had seen the new exit and started to run for the makeshift ramp, Larry behind her, when she heard the gunshots. ‘Eddie!’ she cried, turning—

Larry yanked her back as Sophia emerged from cover and opened fire with Eddie’s gun. Exposed, they seemed doomed – but the quake threw off Sophia’s aim. The aristocrat’s expression grew more furious with each missed shot. She started after her targets as they ducked back towards the alcove . . . only for the automatic’s slide to lock back as she exhausted its ammo.

The two women glared at each other – then Sophia fled for the ramp, throwing away the empty gun. Nina looked back at her husband as he smashed the metal shaft down like a baseball bat on to the prone Stikes with a clang that was audible even over the volcano’s rumble.

Eddie appeared to have the upper hand; she made a snap decision and ran after Sophia. The Englishwoman was already halfway up the pile of shattered stones; once she reached the top, the second lava tube would be just a short distance away. Nina pounded after her, Larry following.

Eddie swung at Stikes again, the shaft cracking off the other man’s elbow as he tried to shield his head. Stikes screamed. ‘Yeah, how’s it feel to be the one getting hurt for a change?’ Eddie yelled as he delivered another blow. ‘This is for everyone you killed in Afghanist—’

Another tremor made him lurch – and Stikes took advantage, sweeping his legs round to hook a foot behind Eddie’s knee, making his leg buckle. The Yorkshireman stumbled, the metal spear jolting from his hands. ‘You talk too much, Chase!’ Stikes shouted as he jumped up. ‘You always did!’

Eddie sprang to his feet as Stikes charged at him. The two men crashed together, clawing and punching and kicking. Stikes slammed a balled fist against his opponent’s bullet wound, making him roar in agony – only to cry out himself as Eddie gouged his thumb deep into the ripped flesh of his forearm. They backed apart, sizing each other up once more.

Sophia reached the top of the slope and looked down to see Nina still in pursuit. She snatched up a lump of debris and hurled it at her. Nina yelped and ducked aside, the missile barely missing Larry. Sophia picked up another stone . . .

Part of the meteorite, a ragged purple chunk from the heart of the disintegrated rock. She stared at it for a moment, expression calculating – then shoved it into a pocket and ran along the tier.

Nina swore. If Sophia escaped with the meteorite fragment, there was a danger that the Group’s plan could be still carried out – with the worst person imaginable now in charge.

She scrambled up to the top of the slope, about to follow her—

Another seismic shock made her reel as the broken stones shifted underfoot – then a section of the tier ahead fell away and crashed down on to the level below, cutting her off from the lava tube. On the far side, Sophia reached its entrance and looked back at her with a mocking smile, then disappeared into the darkness.

The gap was too large to jump across. ‘Son of a bitch!’ Nina snarled.

‘Over there,’ Larry gasped as he caught up, pointing in the other direction. ‘There are stairs at the far end – we can go up to the next level, then jump down by the tunnel.’

It appeared that he was right. They would have to scale a tilting pillar to reach the undamaged stairway, but it seemed negotiable. ‘Okay, you go first.’ She turned to look for her husband as Larry began to climb the column – and saw that he was in trouble.

Stikes had backed Eddie perilously close to the edge of their lava-lit arena. The gases rising from below were painfully hot, and parts of the shuddering ledge looked on the verge of plummeting towards their source. Eddie knew he had to make a move, and quickly. The safest manoeuvre would be to try to break past Stikes for less dangerous ground, getting clear of the edge before resuming the battle.

Instead, Eddie charged straight at him to attack head-on. The best way to end the fight was by doing the unexpected—

Stikes twisted aside.

He had predicted the move, expected the unexpected – and now Eddie paid for it as the other man’s elbow smashed against his temple. He staggered, senses sloshing glutinously inside his skull . . .

Stikes’s arm locked round his neck, vice-tight.

The mercenary had grabbed him from behind in an unbreakable hold, crushing his windpipe. Eddie tried to claw at his face, but could only reach with his wounded arm, the pain sapping the strength from his strikes. He tried to bend forward to flip his opponent over his shoulders, but Stikes was too well braced.

Nina was about to run back down the pile of fallen stone to help him – when she saw a chunk of the ledge only yards from the two men split away and fall towards the lava.

The remainder of the rocky outcrop would follow at any moment.

‘I always win, Chase,’ the former officer hissed. The pressure on Eddie’s neck increased, blood pounding in his head. ‘I always win!’

The gloating words flooded Eddie with anger. He was not going to be beaten – not by Stikes! He shifted his feet. ‘Not . . . this . . . time!’

Stoked by fury, he straightened his entire body – and lifted Stikes on his back.

He only raised him by a couple of inches, but it was still enough to unbalance the mercenary. Eddie took full advantage of the moment and bent at the waist, pulling his enemy over with him – then threw himself backward with every remaining ounce of strength.

Stikes gasped, winded, as he thumped down on his back with Eddie on top of him. The Yorkshireman smacked a reverse headbutt into his face, then, drawing in choked breaths, managed to stand.

A few steps away was a piece of the meteorite, a jagged chunk about two feet across. He picked it up. Pain burned in his injured arm as he raised the heavy rock above his head, about to smash it down on Stikes’s skull—

Another section of the edge dropped away into the liquid inferno below – and a crack lanced across the ground near the temple. He heard Nina’s voice over the volcano’s thunder. ‘Eddie! The ledge is gonna collapse!’

Survival outweighed justice. He threw the rock at Stikes then ran, scooping up the Jericho as he raced for the temple. Behind him, more chunks broke away from the ledge and tumbled down the shaft, luminous splashes exploding from the lava lake as they hit.

Stones rattled and slipped underfoot as he shoved the gun into his jacket and clambered up the makeshift ramp. Nina was at the top, waving him on. ‘Nina, come on!’ Larry shouted. ‘We’re running out of time!’

She reluctantly turned away from Eddie to climb the pillar. The constant quakes almost jolted her loose, but finally she was within reach of Larry’s outstretched arm. He grabbed her hand and helped her up the final few feet.

Eddie reached the summit of the slope and started to climb after her. Nina reached down, giving him a look of encouragement – which turned to horror. ‘Eddie, look out!’ Something stabbed agonisingly into his thigh.

The pain made him lose his footing. He dropped back down to the tier – driving the spikes deeper into his flesh.

It was the head of the trident, hurled by Stikes – who had scrambled up the slope after him, swinging the broken shaft like a club to deliver a savage blow. Eddie cried out, trying to dodge as Stikes struck again, but the pain of his impalement was so intense that he couldn’t move his leg.

Nina watched helplessly. Short of throwing herself off the pillar at Stikes, there was nothing she could do to intervene.


A broken piece of purple stone the size of a fist lay on the floor. She grabbed it; it glowed.

Stikes raised the bronze shaft high above his head, about to plunge its jagged point down into Eddie’s chest—

Nina hurled the stone.

She could have sworn that it veered slightly, as if guided to its target by her sheer willpower. Whether it did, or if she was just imagining it, the result was the same. The lump of rock cracked viciously against Stikes’s nose, blood spurting from both nostrils. He staggered, the spear still held high . . .

Eddie wrenched the trident’s head out of his leg, fury overpowering the pain, and stabbed it deep into the other man’s stomach.

Stikes let out a gurgling scream. He dropped the shaft, clutching both hands to the bronze fork buried in his gut and staring at Eddie in utter disbelief. ‘You can’t . . .’ he gasped. ‘You can’t have!’

‘Yeah, I can,’ Eddie rasped, struggling upright. ‘For old times’ sake!’

He drove his boot into Stikes’s groin with the force of a train. Convulsing in agony, the ex-officer reeled . . . and fell from the tier to the ledge below, slamming down on his back.

With a crack that shook the chamber, the entire outcrop sheared away from the wall of rock.

The huge wedge of stone plunged down the volcanic shaft, the hellfire glow up its sheer sides growing brighter with each moment. Paralysed with agony, Stikes couldn’t even scream—

The severed ledge hit the churning lava lake, the viscid magma absorbing some of the impact that would otherwise have instantly killed its unwilling passenger. Even so, the shock of landing felt to Stikes as if someone had dropped a car on him, ribs cracking and organs rupturing. Spitting blood, he lay sprawled and broken as the rock beneath him slowly sank into the molten sea.

The heat set his clothes alight as a glowing orange wave rose over the fractured edges of the stone raft. It surrounded him, closing in like jackals around dying prey. The pain became unimaginable as his blond hair seared and caught fire, a burning halo blistering his skull. Now he managed to scream as the molten circle shrank around him, consuming his feet, then his hands, incinerating his entire body inch by inch . . .

High above, Eddie watched with savage satisfaction as the fallen ledge was finally swallowed up by liquid fire. ‘Got you,’ he growled.

‘Eddie!’ He looked up to see Nina on the tier above. ‘Are you okay?’

One hand pressed hard against the stab wounds in his leg, he limped to the pillar. ‘I’ll live.’

‘What happened to Stikes?’

‘He’s a lava, not a fighter.’

Nina withheld comment, clambering back down to assist him. Larry looked over the edge, relief filling his face. ‘Oh, thank God! I thought – I thought he was going to kill you.’

‘He bloody nearly did,’ Eddie admitted. He saw the wound on his father’s head. ‘Are you all right?’

‘Got hit by a rock, but never mind me. Come on.’ He lay down on his front, both hands reaching for Eddie as Nina supported him from below. The constant rumbling grew stronger. ‘We need to get out of here PDQ.’

‘Where’s Sophia?’

‘She went up the tunnel,’ said Nina as Larry hauled Eddie up. She climbed after him. ‘Part of the floor collapsed – we’ll have to go across the level above and jump down.’ Rising steam and fumes continued to be drawn into the lava tube. It was still clear, then – but with the quakes growing stronger all the time, it might not remain so for long. ‘And Eddie . . . she’s got a piece of the meteorite.’

He set his jaw against the pain as they hurried past toppled statues towards the stairs. ‘Can she get the DNA from it?’

‘I don’t know, but we can’t take the chance. We have to catch her.’

‘There’s always f*cking something, isn’t there?’

The temple shuddered as they made their way up to the higher tier and crossed it. Nina glanced down, and regretted it; the lava was rising after them, no longer a lake but a maelstrom boiling over the top of the magma chamber. ‘I think Stikes gave it indigestion! We didn’t bring the world’s largest bottle of Pepto-Bismol, did we?’

‘How the hell do you manage to make jokes at a time like this?’ Larry asked in disbelief.

‘A habit I picked up from your son. It’s either that or scream and panic!’ They passed over the entrance to the second lava tube. ‘Okay, I think we can get down here. I’ll go first. Larry, you help lower Eddie so I can support him.’

‘Might be safer if you both lowered me,’ Eddie suggested.

‘Don’t worry,’ said Larry. ‘I won’t drop you.’

‘That’s what you said when I was six, and I’ve still got the dent in my head!’

‘God, you have one butterfingers moment, and nobody ever lets you forget it . . .’

Nina had already settled the issue by dropping to the tier below. No sign of Sophia beyond the dark opening in the wall, not that she had expected her to hang around. ‘It’s clear. Come on.’

She reached up to hold Eddie’s legs as his father eased him down as far as he could. ‘You got him?’ Larry called.

‘Yeah. Ready?’ she asked Eddie. He nodded. ‘Okay, let him go!’

Larry released his hold. Even with Nina’s support, it was still a heavy landing. Eddie gasped in pain as his wounded leg hit the ground. ‘Oh God, I’m sorry!’ she cried.

‘Not – your fault,’ Eddie said, grimacing. ‘F*cking Stikes! If I had an asbestos fishing rod I’d haul him back up just so I could kick him off again.’

‘You might not need the rod to reach him in a few minutes,’ Nina warned him as she took another look over the temple’s side. Though it was still hundreds of feet below, the lava was visibly rising. ‘Larry, come on!’

The elder Chase dropped down with a grunt as Nina and Eddie entered the lava tube. It was smaller and steeper than the one through which they had entered, the air within as choking as a poisonous sauna. But it was their only hope of survival. Eddie recovered his torch from a pocket and shone it ahead. The tunnel wormed away into darkness. ‘Can’t tell how long it is,’ he said.

‘It goes up, that’s the main thing,’ Nina replied. ‘How fast can you move?’

‘Faster than that f*cking lava, I hope.’ He set off in a limping half-walk, half-run, Nina supporting him by his uninjured arm. Larry caught up and they hurried along the passage, which shuddered around them. Ominous crunching sounds came from the walls and ceiling, dust and grit dropping from newly formed cracks.

‘This whole place is going to come down!’ said Larry between coughs. ‘We’ll never make it.’

‘Oi!’ snapped Eddie. ‘Less of that – we will bloody make it. Know why? ’Cause I’m not having my niece go to three funerals on the same day!’

Abashed, Larry picked up the pace. Nina looked ahead. ‘I can see daylight!’

‘And I can see stuff falling in front of it,’ said Eddie in alarm. Larger pieces of rubble were dropping from the ceiling. ‘Both of you, run! Go on, get out!’

‘We’re not leaving you,’ said Nina – at the same moment as Larry. They exchanged looks, then carried Eddie between them towards the oval of light ahead.

A loud boom echoed up the tunnel as part of the ceiling caved in. There was a sharp crackling noise like the opening of a gigantic zipper – and suddenly they were inundated by dust as a gash split open along the length of the roof. ‘Oh, f*ck!’ yelled Eddie, the pain in his leg forgotten as he broke into a panicked run. ‘Go, go, go!’

Nina and Larry didn’t need to be prompted. All three charged for the exit. More ground-shaking thumps like a pursuing giant’s footfalls came from behind as the entire tunnel collapsed section by section, displaced air shrieking past. A rock hit Nina hard on one shoulder, but she kept running for the light.

They reached it – and found nothing under their feet as they burst from the tunnel.

It opened on to a steep slope near the volcano’s summit, another landslide having torn away the barricade the Atlanteans had built to block it. Flailing and wailing, the trio arced through the air amidst flying debris before hitting the ground. Larry immediately tripped, Eddie managing a few loping steps before he too stumbled. Nina lasted longest, but even she couldn’t keep her balance on the treacherous surface. They rolled down the hillside before finally slithering to a stop on a shallower ledge.

Nina groaned as a dozen new bruises made themselves known. She sat up and discovered that her camera had caused at least one of them. Its lens had broken off, black dust trickling out of the body. She looked round at a moan from nearby. ‘Larry?’

He lay on his back, one hand over another cut on his head. ‘I’m – I’m all right,’ he mumbled. ‘But I think I’ll just stay here for a while.’ The ground shook, loose stones rattling. He hurriedly sat up. ‘Or maybe not.’

‘Where’s Eddie?’

‘Over here.’ She turned and saw her husband sprawled against a large rock. He gave her a pained grin. ‘Give us a hand, will you?’ As she helped him up, he looked towards the summit. The plume of steam that had been rising from the crater when they arrived was now much bigger – and darker.

‘You were right,’ said Larry as he stood. ‘We made it!’

Another tremor rocked the mountainside. ‘Yeah, but we’re still standing on a volcano that’s about to go Krakatoa,’ Eddie reminded him. ‘We can’t be too far from where we went in, so the Land Rover should be that way.’ He pointed downhill.

‘If your ex hasn’t taken it,’ said Larry.

Nina started down the slope, Eddie following. ‘How would she know where we left it?’ he said.

‘We landed right next to it,’ Larry replied.

‘You came in a chopper?’ Eddie asked. His father nodded. ‘Did the pilot stay with it?’


‘Good. Saves us a drive, then.’

‘Again, if Sophia hasn’t taken it,’ Nina added. She pocketed the memory card before abandoning the broken camera. At least pictures of the Temple of the Gods would survive . . . if they could escape the eruption.

The ledge where they had left their vehicle came into view below; as Larry had said, the AW101 that had ferried the Group into the desert was waiting. The 4×4 itself, however, was not. ‘There!’ said Nina, pointing. The Land Rover was heading downhill. It dropped out of sight as it picked up speed.

‘Shit!’ Eddie spat. ‘That bitch took our ride!’

‘At least she left us the chopper . . .’

The helicopter’s rotors began to turn.

‘Damn it!’ said Nina. ‘I have got to stop with the fate-tempting!’

‘We can still make it!’ Larry said, overtaking the couple. ‘It took ages to get up to takeoff speed when we flew here.’

Eddie winced at the resurgent pain as he took his hand from his thigh to draw the gun. ‘I’ve got our boarding pass.’

Nina still supporting Eddie, they hurried towards the helicopter. Its rotors picked up speed, the shrill whine of its three Rolls-Royce engines rising. The rear ramp was still open; the pilot had apparently decided that getting off the ground before the volcano erupted outweighed standard operating procedure. ‘Come on, quick!’ cried Larry as he ran for the gaping entrance.

‘Dad, watch out!’ Eddie shouted. He was sure the pilot would be another of Stikes’s mercenaries – and unwilling to accept stowaways. He pulled free of Nina and raised the gun.

Larry reached the metal ramp and hurried up it. The passenger seats were all empty, tarpaulins bundled over the expedition’s supplies behind them.

The pilot was at the controls at the far end of the cabin. He looked back—

And drew a pistol.

Fear froze Larry’s muscles as the gun came round . . .

Eddie dived at him, knocking him down – and unleashed four shots in mid-air. Two punched through the cockpit windows … but the others hit their target. The pilot slumped over the console, making the helicopter lurch as the cyclic control stick was pushed forward beneath him.

Nina reached the foot of the ramp, seeing from the splatter of blood and brain matter on the windows that the pilot was no longer a threat. She vaulted the two men and hurried up the aisle to pull the dead mercenary back upright. The AW101 jolted again as the stick returned to the neutral position. ‘Are you okay?’ she called down the cabin.

Eddie pushed himself off his father. ‘Are you?’ he asked.

‘I . . . I think so,’ said Larry, breathing heavily. ‘My God! You . . .’ He regarded his son, wide-eyed. ‘Eddie, you saved my life. Thank you.’

Eddie feigned a casual shrug, but was unable to keep an appreciative smile off his face. ‘All part of the job. Come on.’ He stood, helping Larry up. The smile quickly faded as he regarded the red-tinged cockpit windows. ‘Buggeration and f*ckery. Don’t suppose you know how to fly a chopper, do you?’

‘Well, er, funnily enough . . .’

‘You do?’ Now it was the turn of Eddie’s eyes to widen. ‘Shit, come on! You’ve got to get us out of here!’ He pushed his father down the aisle.

Larry was already having second thoughts. ‘Okay, I’ve been at the controls of a chopper. The real pilot did all the hard stuff. Like taking off. And landing. I’ve only had about two hours’ experience in total.’

‘That’s two hours more than me and Nina. Do what you can.’ He guided his father to the empty co-pilot’s seat.

‘I don’t really think – oh, Jesus.’ Larry recoiled from the dead man in the neighbouring position.

‘Just don’t look at him.’

‘How can I not? He’s right there! And some of him’s all over the windscreen!’

‘We’ll move him,’ said Nina. ‘Just try to look through the window and not at it.’ She and Eddie started to haul the corpse from the seat.

Larry could still barely contain his nausea. ‘How can you be so . . . so nonchalant? It’s a bloody dead body! Literally!’

‘Sad fact is, you kinda get used to them,’ Nina said, briefly reflecting on just how much she had changed over the past five years. But there were more pressing matters to think about. They pulled the dead man into the aisle, Eddie dragging him back towards the ramp as she dropped into the newly vacated space. ‘So, Larry – can you fly this thing?’

Still trying to keep the worst of the gore out of his eyeline, Larry surveyed the controls. ‘It’s about five million times more complicated than anything else I’ve ever flown, but . . . cyclic, collective, that must be the throttle, rudder pedals. I recognise the basics. I have no idea if I can actually get it into the air, though.’

A tremor rattled the aircraft, a thunderous rumble coming from the volcano’s peak. ‘Take your best shot,’ said Nina urgently.

Larry licked his dry lips and gripped the two sticks, placing his feet on the pedals. ‘All right. Okay. How did they do it? The instructor talked me through it once. Let’s see – hold the main rotor in a flat pitch –’ he held the cyclic control in front of him in its centred position – ‘bring the throttle up to takeoff revolutions – I don’t know how fast that is . . .’

‘Volcano, about to go boom,’ Eddie reminded him loudly.

‘Okay, okay!’ He increased power, the airframe swaying in response. ‘Get it up to speed, and then increase the collective pitch . . .’

He cautiously pulled up the collective control lever beside his seat. The AW101 shuddered – then rose slightly, its landing gear creaking as the weight on it was reduced. ‘That’s it, that’s it!’ said Nina. ‘Keep doing more of that!’

Larry gingerly lifted the collective higher. The helicopter bounced alarmingly on its wheels. He stifled a yell and jammed the throttle to full power, bringing up the lever—

The chopper lurched again – and left the ground.

Ten feet up, twenty, and rising with increasing speed. The mountainside spread out below as it ascended. Eddie returned to the cockpit, grabbing Nina’s seat for support. ‘Okay, now get us out of here.’ The AW101 kept climbing – vertically. He looked back, seeing the volcano’s summit coming into view through the open rear ramp. The smoke and ash belching from it was now almost completely black, globules of glowing lava spitting into the air. ‘Dad, we need to go forwards!’

‘Yes, I know!’ Larry snapped. ‘Let’s see if this works . . .’

He pushed the cyclic. The aircraft’s nose tipped downwards . . . and it started to move. More pressure, and the tilt increased, the helicopter picking up speed away from the mountain.

‘That’s it, keep going!’ Nina cried. She looked down at the ground. The barren hillside swept past below – as did the Land Rover. As she watched, the 4×4 slewed out of control and flipped over, mangled debris flying from it as it tumbled down the slope. ‘Whoa! Sophia just wiped out!’

Eddie glanced at the wreck, but the growing thunder of the volcano was foremost on his mind. The earth energy that Nina had unleashed might make it explode at any moment – and the helicopter was still dangerously close. The shockwave alone could swat it out of the sky. ‘Dad! How fast are we going?’

‘You find the speedo and tell me!’ Larry shot back, concentrating on keeping the AW101 in the air.

Eddie scanned the console, finally spotting the dial of the airspeed indicator. Sixty knots and accelerating. Another look over his shoulder. The retreating volcano was framed in the open ramp, more lava spewing out of the crater. As he watched, part of the hillside suddenly flowed like liquid, the subterranean quakes triggering a landslide. One had exposed the entrance to the Temple of the Gods – and now a vastly larger one was erasing it from the face of the earth.

Ninety knots, and three thousand feet in altitude. They were well above the summit now, but still only about two miles from where they had taken off. Nina twisted in her seat, gawping at the sight that greeted her. ‘My God!’ Great sprays of molten rock burst from the crater, splattering down on the crumbling cone of rock below.

It struck her that she had been the cause. One person, channelling earth energy, was directly responsible for a volcanic eruption. Any lingering doubts about whether she had done the right thing instantly vanished. Nobody should have that power.

And now nobody ever would. The meteorite and the primordial DNA it contained were destroyed, consumed by the rising lava, and the piece Sophia had taken would end up buried beneath dozens of feet of ash. Ever the Group itself had been eliminated. That threat had ceased to exist.

Another remained, however, growing more deadly with every passing second. The gouts of lava became stronger as pressure built up inside the confined shaft, even the noise of the helicopter overpowered by the basso roar of escaping gas. More landslides stripped the volcano’s flanks. One whole side of the mountain began to bulge, visibly swelling as she watched.

Four thousand feet. One hundred and twenty knots. Three miles from their start point. Still climbing and accelerating, but it might not be enough . . .

The distended mountainside pulsed, rippling from within. For a moment, the jet of lava and ash choked as the enormous pressure rising from below was blocked, the mouth of the shaft too narrow for it all to escape at once . . .

Then it forced its way through.

The volcano erupted.

Andy McDermott's books