Riyria Revelations 02 - Rise Of Empire

“Your problem is obvious. You don’t like this New Empire crowding you.”



“Indeed, I do not. They’re everywhere and spreading. For each one you see in uniform, you can expect three more you don’t. Tavern keepers and blacksmiths are secretly working for the Imperialists, passing information. It’s impossible to run a proper guild as extensive and elaborate as the Black Diamond in such a restrictive environment. There is even evidence they have spies in the Diamond itself, which is most unsettling.”


“I also happen to know that Degan Gaunt is your boy.”


“Well, not mine, per se.”


“Your father’s, then. Gaunt is supported by Delgos, Tur Del Fur is the capital of Delgos, and your father is the ruler of Tur Del Fur.”


Cosmos laughed again. “No, not the ruler. Delgos is a republic, remember. He’s but one of a triumvirate of businessmen elected to lead the government.”




“You don’t sound convinced.”


“It doesn’t matter. The DeLurs are backing Gaunt in the hopes of breaking the empire, so something that might help Gaunt would help you as well.”


“True, true, and what are you bringing me?”


“An alliance with Melengar. The princess here is empowered to negotiate on behalf of her brother.”


“Word has it Melengar is helpless and about to fall to Ballentyne’s Northern Imperial Army.”


“Word is mistaken. The empress recalled the northern army to deal with the Nationalists. We passed it near Fallon Mire. Only a token force remains to watch the Galewyr River. The army moves slowly but it’ll reach Aquesta before Gaunt does. That will tip the scales in favor of the empire.”


“What are you suggesting?”


Royce looked at Arista, indicating that she should speak now.


Arista set down her glass and gathered her thoughts as best she could. She was still befuddled from the day’s ride and now the wine on an empty stomach caused her head to fog. She took a short breath and focused.


“Melengar still has a defensive force,” the princess began. “If we use it to attack across the river and break into Chadwick, there would be nothing to stop us from sweeping across into Glouston. Once there, Marquis Lanaklin could raise an army from his loyal subjects and together we could march on Colnora. We can catch the empire in a vise with Melengar pushing from the north and the Nationalists from the south. The empire would have to either recommit the northern army, leaving the capital to Gaunt, or let us sweep across northern Warric unopposed.”


Cosmos said nothing, but there was a smile on his face. He took a drink of his wine and sat back to consider their words.


“All we need you to do”—Royce spoke again—“is to set up a meeting between Gaunt and the princess.”


“Once a formal agreement is struck between the Nationalists and Melengar,” Arista explained, “I can take that to Trent. With the Nationalists on Aquesta’s doorstep, and my brother ravaging northern Warric, Trent will be more than happy to join us. And with their help, the New Empire will be swept back into history, where it belongs.”


“You paint a lovely picture, Your Highness,” Cosmos said. “But is it possible for Melengar to break out of Medford? Will Lanaklin be able to raise a force quickly enough to fend off any counterattack the empire sends? I suspect you would say yes to both, but without the conviction that comes from knowing. Fortunately, these are not my concerns so much as they’re yours. I’ll contact Gaunt’s people and arrange a meeting. It’ll take a few days, however, and in the meantime it’s not safe for you to stay in Colnora.”


“What do you mean?” Royce asked.


“As I said, I fear it’s possible the guild has been compromised. Mr. Price tells me imperial scouts were on hand when you passed through the gate, so it would only be wishful thinking to suppose your visit here was not observed. Given the situation, it’ll not take a genius to determine what’s happening. The next logical step will be to eliminate the threat. And, Duster, you’re not the only Diamond alumnus passing through Warric.”


Royce’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Cosmos and studied the fat man carefully. Cosmos said nothing more on the subject, and strangely, Royce did not inquire further.


“We’ll leave immediately,” Royce said abruptly. “We’ll head south into Rhenydd, which will carry us closer to Gaunt. I’ll expect you to contact us with the meeting’s place and time in three days. If by the morning of the fourth day we don’t hear from you, we’ll find our own way to Gaunt.”


“If you don’t hear from me by then, things will be very bad indeed,” Cosmos assured them. “Gibbons, see that they have whatever is needed for travel. Price, arrange for them to slip out of town unnoticed, and get that message to Gaunt’s people. Will you need to send a message back to Medford?” Cosmos asked the princess.


Michael J Sullivan's books