Riyria Revelations 02 - Rise Of Empire

BAILIFF: Officer who is employed to make arrests and administer punishments


BALDWIN: Lord whose landholdings include Hintindar


BALLENTYNE: \bal-in-tine\ Ruling family of the earldom of Chadwick


BANNER: Crew member of the Emerald Storm


BA RAN ARCHIPELAGO: Island of the goblins


BA RAN GHAZEL: Goblins of the sea


BARKERS: Refugee family living in Brisbane Alley of Aquesta; father Brice, mother Lynnette, sons Finis, Hingus, and Wery


BARTHOLOMEW: Carriage maker of Tarin Vale, father of Amilia


BARTHOLOMEW: Priest in Ratibor


BASIL: Officers’ cook on the Emerald Storm


BASTION: Servant in the imperial palace


BATTLE OF MEDFORD: Skirmish that occurred during Princess Arista’s witch trial


BATTLE OF RATIBOR: Skirmish between Nationalists and Imperialists


BELINDA PICKERING: Extremely attractive wife of Count Pickering, mother of Lenare, Mauvin, Fanen, and Denek


BELSTRADS: \bell-straads\ Noble family from Chadwick, including Sir Breckton and Wesley


BENTLY: Sergeant in the Nationalist army


BERNARD: Lord Chamberlain of the imperial palace


BERNICE: Former handmaid of Princess Arista, killed in Dahlgren


BERNIE DEFOE: Topsail crew member of the Emerald Storm, former member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild


BERNUM HEIGHTS: Wealthiest residential district in Colnora


BERNUM RIVER: Waterway that bisects the city of Colnora


BERYL: Senior midshipman on the Emerald Storm


BETHAMY: King reputed to have had his horse buried with him


BIDDINGS: Chancellor of the imperial palace


BISHOP: Lieutenant aboard the Emerald Storm


BLACK DIAMOND, THE: International thieves’ guild centered in Colnora


BLACKWATER: Last name of Hadrian and his father, Danbury


BLINDEN: Quartermaster’s mate on the Emerald Storm


BLYTHIN CASTLE: Castle in Alburn


BOATSWAIN: Petty officer who controls the work of other seamen on a ship


BOCANT: Family who built a lucrative industry from pork, second wealthiest merchants in Colnora


BOTHWICKS: Family of peasant farmers from Dahlgren


BRAGA, PERCY: See Percy Braga


BRECKTON: Sir Breckton Belstrad, son of Lord Belstrad, brother of Wesley, commander of the Northern Imperial Army, knight of Chadwick, considered by many to be the best knight of Avryn


BRIGHT STAR, THE: Ship sunk by Dacca


BRISTOL BENNET: Boatswain on the Emerald Storm


BRODRIC ESSENDON: Founder of the Essendon dynasty


BUCKET MEN: Term for assassin used by the Black Diamond thieves’ guild


BULARD, ANTUN: See Antun Bulard


BURANDU: \bur-and-dew\ Lord of the Tenkin village of Oudorro


BYRNIE: Long (usually sleeveless) tunic of chain mail worn as defensive armor


CALIAN: \cal-lay-in\ Pertaining to the nation of Calis


CALIANS: Residents of the nation of Calis, darker in skin tone, with almond-shaped eyes


CALIDE PORTMORE: Folk song often sung while drinking


CALIS: \cal-lay\ Southern-and easternmost of the four nations of Apeladorn, considered exotic; in constant conflict with the Ba Ran Ghazel


CAPSTAN: Spoked wheel on a ship that turns to raise the anchor


CARAT: Young member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild


CASWELL: Family of peasant farmers from Dahlgren


CENZARS: \sen-zhar\ Wizards of the Old Novronian Empire


CHAMBERLAIN: Someone who manages the household of a king or nobleman


COLNORA: \call-nor-ah\ Largest and wealthiest city of Avryn, merchant-based, grew from a rest stop at a central crossroads from various major trade routes


CONSTANCE, LADY: Noblewoman, fifth imperial secretary to Empress Modina


CORA: Dairymaid at the imperial palace


CORNELIUS DELUR: Rich businessman, rumored to finance Nationalists and involved in black market, father of Cosmos


COSMOS SEBASTIAN DELUR: Son of Cornelius, also known as the Jewel, head of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild


COXSWAIN: Helmsman of a racing ship


CRANSTON: Professor at Sheridan University, tried and burned for heresy


CRIMSON HAND: Thieves’ guild operating out of Melengar


CROWN CONSPIRACY, THE: Play reputed to be based on the murder of King Amrath, follows the exploits of two thieves and the Prince of Melengar


CROWN TOWER: Home of the Patriarch, center of the Nyphron Church


CUTTER: Moniker used by Merrick Marius when a member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild


DACCA: Fierce seafaring people who live on the island of Dacca, south of Delgos


DAGASTAN: Major and easternmost trade port of Calis


DAHLGREN: \dall-grin\ Remote village on the bank of the Nidwalden River, destroyed by Gilarabrywn




DANTHEN: Woodsman from Dahlgren


DAREF, LORD: Noble of Warric, associate of Albert Winslow


DARIUS SERET: Founder of the Seret Knights


DAVENS: Squire who Arista had a youthful crush on


DAVIS: Crew member of the Emerald Storm


DEACON TOMAS: Priest of Dahlgren, witnessed destruction of Gilarabrywn, proclaimed Thrace Wood as the Heir of Novron


DEFOE, BERNIE: See Bernie Defoe


DEGAN GAUNT: Leader of the Nationalists, sister of Miranda


DELANCY, GWEN: See Gwen DeLancy


Michael J Sullivan's books