Riyria Revelations 02 - Rise Of Empire

“I’ve got a pretty long list of bad things right now, and I’m not sure which one I would put on top. So I’ll bite.”



“We did exactly what Merrick couldn’t do himself. He used us to disarm Drumindor.”


“So he never sabotaged anything? That would explain why Gile laughed when I told him Drumindor was going to explode. He knew it wasn’t. Merrick promised he would have it intact. Merrick’s a bloody genius.”


“I think I mentioned that once or twice.”


“So now what?” Hadrian asked.


“Now nothing. He’s beaten us. He’s sitting somewhere with a warm cup of cider, smiling smugly with his feet up on the pile of money he’s just been paid.”


“We have to warn them to reengage the master gear.”


“Go ahead.”


Hadrian shouted until the little observation door opened, flooding the cell with light.


“We need to speak to someone. It’s important.”


“What is it?”


“We realized the mistake we made. We were tricked. You need to tell the commander at Drumindor that we locked the master gear. We can show him where it is and how to release it.”


“You two never stop, do you? I’m not sure if you’re really saboteurs or just plain nuts. One thing’s for certain: we’re going to find out how you got in, and then we’re going to kill you.”


The observation door closed, casting them back into darkness.


“That worked out really well,” Royce said. “Feel better now?”




















Arista stayed in the corner of the stable, wrapped in Hilfred’s arms most of the night. He stroked her hair and, from time to time, without any particular reason, kissed her passionately. It felt safe, and lying there, Arista realized two things. First, she was certain she could be content remaining in his arms forever. And second, she was not in love with Hilfred.


He was a good friend, a piece of home she missed so dearly that she drank him in with a desert-born thirst, but something was missing. She thought it strange that she had come to this conclusion while in his arms. Yet she knew it with perfect clarity. She did not love Hilfred and she had not loved Emery. She was not even certain what love was, what it should feel like, or if it existed at all.


Noblewomen rarely knew the men they married before their wedding day. Perhaps they grew to love their husbands in time, or merely grew to believe they did. At least she knew Hilfred loved her. He loved enough for both of them. She could feel it radiating off him like warmth from smoldering coals. He deserved happiness after waiting so long, after so much sacrifice, and she would make it up to him. Arista would return to Melengar and marry him. Alric would make him Archduke Reuben Hilfred. She laughed softly at the thought.




“I just remembered your first name is Reuben.”


Hilfred laughed, then pointed to his face. “I look like this, and you’re making fun of my name?”


She took his face in her hands. “I wish you wouldn’t do that. I think you’re beautiful.”


He kissed her again.


Periodically, Hilfred would peek out at the sky and check the position of the moon. Eventually he returned and said, “It’s time.”


She nodded, and once more Arista transformed into the morose visage of Regent Saldur.


“I still can’t believe it,” Hilfred told her.


“I know. I’m really starting to get the hang of this. Care to kiss me again?” she teased, and laughed at his expression. “Now remember, don’t do anything. The idea is to just walk in and walk out. No fighting, understand?”


Hilfred nodded.


They stepped out of the stable. As they did, Arista looked up at Modina’s window. Although it was dark, she was certain she saw her figure sitting framed within it. Once again she recalled Modina’s final words, and regretted not asking her to come. Maybe she would have refused, but now it was too late. Arista wished she had at least asked.


Nipper came out of the kitchens, yawning and carrying two empty water buckets. He stopped short, surprised to see them.


She ignored him and headed directly to the tower.


Just as before, the Seret Knight stood at attention in the center of the room, his face hidden, his shoulders back, the jeweled sword at his side.


“I’m going to see Degan Gaunt. Open up.”


The guard drew his sword.


There was a brief moment of terror when Arista’s heart pounded so loudly she thought the seret might hear. She glanced at Hilfred and saw him flinch, his hand approaching his own weapon. Then the knight bent on one knee and lightly tapped the stone floor with the pommel. The stones immediately slid away, revealing a stair curving into the darkness.


“Shall I come with you, Your Grace?”


Arista considered this. She had no idea what was down there. It could be one cell or a maze of corridors. It might take her a long time to discover where Gaunt was. Just outside, she heard Nipper filling his buckets. The castle was already waking up.


“Yes, of course. Lead the way.”


Michael J Sullivan's books