Riyria Revelations 02 - Rise Of Empire

“So Derning put them up to it?”



“Maybe, but …I don’t know. Derning doesn’t seem like someone Bernie would take orders from—especially not such stupid orders.”


“Makes sense. So then—”


A muffled thump, like another body hitting the deck, brought them to their feet. Hadrian threw open the door of the galley and cautiously looked out.


The larboard watch was on duty, but rather than the typical watch-and-snooze routine, they were hard at work, running a boat drill. They had hoisted the longboat from the yard and had it over the side, where it bumped the gunwale once more before being lowered into the sea.


“Odd time for a lifeboat drill,” Wyatt said, walking toward them from the shelter of the forecastle.


“Trouble sleeping?” Royce asked.


Wyatt beamed a grin. “Look who else is on duty,” he told them, pointing at the quarterdeck, where Sentinel Thranic, Mr. Beryl, Dr. Levy, and Bernie Defoe stood talking.


They slipped around the forecastle, moving quickly to the bow. Looking over the rail, Hadrian saw six men rowing toward a nearby light.


“Another ship,” Royce muttered.




“A small single-mast schooner. No flag.”


“Is there anything in the longboat?” Hadrian asked. “If that’s payment going to—”


Royce shook his head. “Just the crew.”


They watched as the sound of the oars faded, then waited. Hadrian strained, peering into the darkness, but all he could see were the bobbing light of the little boat and the one marking its destination.


“Boat’s coming back,” Royce announced, “and there’s an extra head now.”


Wyatt squinted. “Who would they be picking up in the middle of the night from Delgos?”


They watched as the longboat returned. Just as Royce had said, there was an additional man—a passenger. Wrapped in ship’s blankets, he was small and thin, with a long pasty face and wild, white hair. He looked to be very old, far too old to be any use as a sailor. He came aboard and spoke to Thranic and Dr. Levy at length. The old man’s things were gathered and deposited beside him. One of the bags came loose and two weighty leather-bound books spilled onto the bleached deck. “Careful, my boy,” the old man cautioned the sailor. “Those are one of a kind and, like me, are very old and sadly fragile.”


“Gather his things and take them to Dr. Levy’s quarters,” Thranic ordered. Glancing toward the bow, he stopped abruptly. He glared at them, licking his thin lips in thought, then slowly approached. As he did, he held his dark cloak tight, his shoulders raised to protect his neck from the cold wind. Between this and his stooped back, he resembled a scavenger bird.


“What are all of you doing on deck? None of you are part of the larboard watch.”


“Off duty, sir,” Wyatt answered for them. “Just getting a bit of fresh air.”


Thranic peered at Hadrian and took a step toward him. “You’re the cook, aren’t you?”


Without thinking, Hadrian felt at his side for the hilt of his absent sword. Something about the sentinel made him flinch. Sentinels were always scary, but this one was absolutely chilling. Returning his gaze was like staring into the eyes of restrained madness.


“You joined this voyage along with …” Thranic’s eyes shifted to Royce. “This one—yes, the nimble fellow—the one so good at climbing. What’s your name? Melborn, isn’t it? Royce Melborn? I heard you were seasick. How odd.”


Royce remained silent.


“Very odd, indeed.”


“Sentinel Thranic?” the old man called, his weak voice barely making the trip across the deck. “I would rather like to get out of the damp wind, if I could.” He coughed.


Thranic stared a moment longer at Royce, then pivoted sharply and left them.


“Not exactly the kind of guy you want taking an interest in you, is he?” Wyatt offered.


With the longboat back aboard, the captain appeared on the quarterdeck and ordered a new course—due east, into the wind.


















Another dispatch from Sir Breckton, sir,” the clerk announced, handing a small scroll to the imperial chancellor. The elderly man returned to the desk in his little office and read the note. A scowl grew across his face.


“The man is incorrigible!” the chancellor burst out to no one, then pulled a fresh sheet of parchment and dipped his quill.


The door opened unexpectedly and the chancellor jumped. “Can’t you knock?”


“Sorry, Biddings, did I startle you?” the Earl of Chadwick asked, entering with his exquisite floor-length cape trailing behind him. He had a pair of white gloves draped over one forearm as he bit into a bright red apple.


“You’re always startling me. I think you get a sadistic pleasure from it.”


Archibald smiled. “I saw the dispatch arrive. Is there any word from the Emerald Storm?”


“No, this is from Breckton.”


Michael J Sullivan's books