Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 76

THE POLICE SWARMED Moon Pie’s home so fast that he didn’t have time to get out of his La-Z-Boy. He had been watching ESPN analysts debate which teams would be paired in the upcoming college football national championship game. One minute he was pumped that an SEC team might be in the top two, and the next minute he had his hands up like he was signaling a touchdown—a beer in one, the TV remote in the other.

“What’s your name! Are you Ethan Daniels! Is there anybody else in the trailer!” an older officer asked as he holstered his weapon.

Ethan looked around at four pistols and two AR15s pointed at his head. “Yeah, you got me. I’m Ethan Daniels. What’d I do now?”

Two more officers entered the trailer and began searching it. Moon Pie watched them disappear down the small hallway.

“Shitter’s the second door on the left!”

“Okay, wiseass, where’s Tam Nguyen?” John Wesley asked him.

“Who?” Moon Pie acted surprised.

“Don’t play stupid with me, shit-for-brains. I ain’t got the time.”

“I don’t know nobody named Tam. Who is she?”

“Get up. We’re goin’ downtown to talk about it and refresh your memory.”

The two officers returned. “It’s clear, sir,” said the younger of them.

Moon Pie now was beginning to feel a bit cocky. “Why do you think I know this person?”

“Because his vehicle is parked behind your business.”

Moon Pie smiled. “People park back there all the time. That ain’t a crime, and it don’t mean that I know shit about it.”

“Nope, but harboring a fugitive is, as is aiding, abetting, and accessory after the fact. Plus, anything else we can dig up when we get a warrant and bring in the drug dog.”

“Look, I don’t need any trouble. I’m clean. I’m trying to be respectable. If I knew anything, I’d tell y’all.”

“Where’s Levi Jenkins?”

“He’s in love or heat or somethin’. He ain’t here.”

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know much of anything, do ya, shitbird?”

“Naw, I don’t. I do know that I was just sittin’ here, mindin’ my own business, watchin’ television, and y’all done come bustin’ up in here, treatin’ me like I’m some kinda common criminal. I do believe that’s po-lice harassment. I guess I’ll just have to speak with my attorney about this. He’s gonna—”

A local officer who knew Moon Pie interrupted, “Where’s your FJ Cruiser?”

The task force officers immediately understood the question. Moon Pie did as well. If he said it was stolen and they caught Tam in it, Tam would have another charge against him. If he said he had loaned it to Tam, it would implicate him as being involved. Shit! Shit! Shit!

Moon Pie’s bravado was now turned down a couple of notches. “Look, you know…I ain’t sure. I usually just leave it at the office. Levi and my other employees use it all the time. I don’t ever think about it. I like drivin’ that old Bronco out there.”

John Wesley said to another officer, “Cuff him. Let’s take him downtown. Maybe his memory will improve with better surroundings.”

Moon Pie didn’t like this, but there were way too many cops to resist. He couldn’t think of anything clever to say to get out of this bind when a muscular officer snatched him out of the chair and pulled his arms behind him, applying the cuffs. The officer began to frisk him and uncovered a Mercedes smart key. The officer tossed it to John Wesley.

“Well, this is interestin’” he said, turning it over in his hand. “I bet this doesn’t work on that old Bronco. Let’s see.” John Wesley pointed it out the front door and pushed the button. He pushed it again and then looked at Moon Pie and smiled.

Moon Pie looked down at the dirty shag carpeting.