Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 75

MONDAY MORNING WHEN she dropped Katy at Oak Hill Academy, Morgan went inside to advise the office staff and headmaster of what had happened in Tupelo. She wanted them to be on high alert. Her worst fear was that Katy would be kidnapped for revenge for Jake’s actions that night in the swamp, and Katy’s school was one place where Morgan couldn’t directly protect her. She did have faith in the staff, and she noticed a police cruiser sitting in the parking lot when she left. The young officer waved, and she realized why he was there. She pulled up beside the patrol car.

“Thank you.”

“No problem, ma’am.”

“Are you here all day?” she asked.

“For as much of it as I can, unless I’m needed somewhere else. We’re rotating so somebody’s around here during the day until this thing dies down.”

Morgan was almost moved to tears. “Thank you. Can I get you something? Are you hungry?”

“No ma’am. My wife cooks me breakfast every mornin’.”

“That’s sweet. How long have you been married?” Morgan wondered.

“Four months, yesterday,” the officer admitted proudly.

“Oh, so you’re still honeymoonin’!”

The officer blushed. “Yes ma’am.”

“I really do appreciate y’all doing this. Thanks again,” she said as she drove off and mumbled to herself, “Hot breakfast will probably last two more months, at most.”