Make Quilts Not War

chapter 20

Carla brought a bag of doughnuts with her when she and Wendy arrived the following morning. She set the toddler on the kitchen floor with a brightly colored toy piano keyboard then went to the stove to make tea.

She put three cups on the table then put four doughnuts on a plate, emptying the bag, and set the plate in front of Harriet, who was sitting in her customary spot.

“How thoughtful,” Aunt Beth said as she came into the kitchen. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to take mine to go.” She took her cup to the sink and poured the hot tea into a travel mug, picked a plain doughnut up in a napkin, and left, shouting a quick goodbye when she reached the door.

Carla broke another plain doughnut into thirds and handed a piece to Wendy. When Wendy was settled, she went to the diaper bag and pulled a second white sack from under the toddler’s diapers. She silently unloaded two apple fritters, three jelly doughnuts and a cinnamon twist, putting each on the plate, and returned the remaining plain doughnuts to the bag.

“Well, well, aren’t you—” Harriet started.

“Sneaky was what you were going to say,” Carla said with a small smile, her cheeks pinking as she spoke. “With everything going on at Aiden’s, I needed this.”

“Whatever the reason, I appreciate the extra sugar and fat today.”

“How’s your arm?” Carla asked.

“I’ll live, but it’s not fun. It feels hot this morning. Enough about me, though. Anything new with Michelle?”

“Aiden hasn’t kicked her out or anything, but I can tell he’s getting tired of all her drama. She’s called him home from work twice for an imaginary crisis, and that’s in addition to the food poisoning last night.”

“I hope he figures it out, for all of our sakes.”

“Do you miss him?”

“Ah…” Harriet started.

A knock sounded on the studio door, saving her from having to answer, and Carla went to answer it, returning after a moment with Tom Bainbridge. Scooter wagged his tail but didn’t get out of his fleece-lined dog bed.

“You were the talk of the festival last night,” he said. “I thought I’d come by and see what happened and how you’re doing.” He pulled a small gold foil-wrapped box from his pocket. “Here, this should make it feel better,” he added and handed her the box.

Harriet took the box and, recognizing it, held it to her nose.

“Mmmmm, chocolate.” She smiled as she took a deep breath.

“Let me help you,” Tom said and slid the gold ribbon from the box, then lifted the top, revealing a half-dozen plump truffles. His hand brushed hers as he completed the motion, sending a jolt of electricity through her that had nothing to do with pain or her burn.

“Do you feel well enough to come to the concert tonight?” he asked, the concern plain in his voice.

“I do, unless the doctor forbids it.”

“Is it okay if I lay Wendy on a bed upstairs to change her?” Carla asked, scooping up the toddler and taking a clean diaper and a travel pack of baby wipes as she spoke.

“Sure,” Harriet said, not fooled by her friend’s move to give her and Tom a little privacy.

“How are you really?” he asked when Carla was out of earshot. He pulled a chair beside Harriet’s and sat down.

“I won’t really know until I see my doctor this morning. My arm is sore, but I think at least part of it is from the scrubbing they gave it as opposed to the burn itself. They said something about abrading away the damaged tissue to help the skin graft they expect I’ll need.”

“Sounds awful,” Tom said in the whispery voice he used only when they were alone. He leaned in and put his arm carefully around her shoulders, pulling her gently to him. She laid her head on his shoulder, her heart thudding in her chest.

“The sad part is, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean, I’m glad it was me instead of Jenny if someone had to be hurt, but I would rather have had neither one of us be a target.”

“You’re lucky it was only your arm. From what I heard from the other vendors, the lady had a pretty big jug of acid with her.”

“It was just a large water bottle, but I was fortunate—someone asked to see the back of the quilt just as acid lady was beginning her attack. I had pulled the corner up to show the back just as she threw the liquid. The quilt was wrapped around me, protecting most of my body.”

“Why on earth would someone want to harm Jenny, of all people?”

Harriet was quiet.

“What do you know?” Tom asked.

“Nothing for sure. We just think Jenny isn’t being forthcoming about her past. Lauren looked the attacker up on the Internet, and it seems that Jenny’s brother was involved in an incident that ended with the woman’s father being killed. Jenny’s brother didn’t kill him, but he was jailed for two years for his involvement.”

“So, why come after Jenny? Why not her brother?”

“That’s why we think there’s more to the story than Jenny is telling.”

“Clearly,” Tom said and snuggled Harriet more tightly to him. He took his forefinger and tilted her chin up then laid a gentle kiss on her lips. She didn’t protest, so he deepened the kiss, only ending when they heard the artificially loud sound of Carla’s voice as she reached the top of the stairs.

“Thanks, I needed that,” Harriet whispered as Tom scooted his chair back to its normal place at the table.

“Can I bring you ladies anything?” he asked, getting up. He walked over to Scooter’s basket and scratched the little dog behind the ears. “You take care of your mother for once,” he said to the dog.

“We’re good. We have to go to the doctor in a little bit, so we can stop at the store then, if we need to.” Harriet said.

“I hate to leave you like this, but I’ve got to go tend my booth. I’ve got a group of ladies from the school coming in today to do macrame demonstrations, and I’ve got to help them set up.”

“I’m glad you stopped by,” Harriet said.

“I can see myself out,” Tom said and then made his way out through the studio.

Harriet picked up a jelly doughnut and took a bite.

“Things are looking up,” she said.

Carla’s face turned pink again, and she busied herself with Wendy’s hair clip.

“How do you feel?” Carla asked when Harriet came back into the waiting room after seeing her doctor. Harriet sat down beside her. Wendy was playing with a wooden train set that sat on a child-size table in the corner; Carla set a timer on her phone and told Wendy she had five more minutes and then they would be leaving.

“It was no picnic having it cleaned and dressed, but he put this elastic sleeve over this gelatin-like dressing and the combination of gel and pressure actually feels good. He also said I have to get a different antibiotic. In spite of all the precautions, it has a spot of infection.”

“Do you want to go anywhere on your way home?” Carla asked.

“I was hoping to stop by the festival and check on my booth. I don’t expect DeAnn to have any trouble, but I’d like to make sure everything is going smoothly.”

“I figured you wouldn’t want to sit home all day. I’m guessing you can’t stitch with that thing on your arm,” Carla said, pointing at the bulky over-wrap on Harriet’s arm.

“Yeah, he says I only have to wear this for a few days, luckily.”

A few minutes later, Carla’s phone chimed, and she scooped her protesting child up in her arms, slinging the diaper bag over her opposite shoulder. Harriet led the way out of the office and to the parking lot.

“Isn’t that Colm Byrne?” Carla asked and pointed to a small man walking toward the exhibit hall as she unbuckled Wendy from her carseat.

“Looks like it. I wonder where he’s been that he’s coming back this early in the morning—and carrying a guitar case.”

“I thought he and his band were staying in a tour bus behind the auditorium.”

“Someone said he was from this area—he has some connection to Jerry Weber. Maybe he spent the night with the Webers. He probably brings his guitar wherever he goes so he can play for his host.”

He caught sight of them and turned toward them.

“Good morning, ladies,” he said when he reached them.

Carla eased Wendy back into her carseat.

“Did Skeeter bring you ladies the extra backstage passes for your group?” Byrne asked. “I saw you getting out of your car,” he explained to Harriet as he stopped. “I heard you’d been injured last night. Are you okay?” He nodded toward the white bandage on her arm.

“I’m fine, or I will be in a few days.”

“Do you know who did this to you? I was having a few brews with an old friend last night so I didn’t hear there’d been an accident until this morning. Skeeter didn’t mention any names, though. I hope the festival committee has hired additional security.”

“The police think it was a case of mistaken identity. I don’t know who the woman is, and I haven’t heard anything about increasing security. It was late when I got done at the hospital, and I went straight home. Since the woman who threw the acid seemed kinda crazy, I’m assuming she was acting alone, but no one’s told me that.”

“I suppose it would be locking the barn after the horse is stolen, but I’m going to bring in some private security guards for the rest of our stay,” Colm said in his lilting accent. “I’d be happy to provide coverage for you, too.” he added. “It’s the least I can do, given your injury.”

“It wasn’t your fault I ran into a crazy,” Harriet said.

“When someone like me comes to town it tends to draw the crazies in. It’s part of the business. I’m sure you know how many celebrities have been killed by overzealous fans. I can’t help but think that if I wasn’t headlining your event, maybe your acid lady would have stayed home.”

“I’m sure you do draw your share of weirdos, but this time it doesn’t seem like it’s about you.”

“My offer stands. I have a security firm on retainer, so it’s really not a problem to add one more assignment to the roster.”

“Thanks, but I don’t think it will be necessary.”

“I hope you’re well enough to attend the show tonight. And if you’re up to it, maybe you’d like to join me for a late dinner.”

“I wouldn’t miss the concert, but dinner? I’m not sure how I’ll feel by then.”

“You would tell me if you were spoken for, wouldn’t you?” he asked. “I wouldn’t want to step on any toes, but I would certainly enjoy the company of an attractive lass like yourself.”

“Can I take a rain check?” Harriet asked.

“Until then,” he said and nodded first to Harriet, then Carla before heading to the auditorium.

“Maybe you should take him up on the offer of security,” Carla said when Colm was out of earshot.

“No one’s after me. I was just in the way. Jenny’s the one in trouble, but until she comes clean and tells us what’s really going on, we don’t know how much. Acid lady may be the extent of it.”

“But you don’t think so, do you?” Carla asked.

“I don’t. She’s supposed to go talk to her brother with Robin, but it will remain to be seen if she does. He came to me for help; maybe I can convince him to tell me what’s going on. And even if she does talk to him, I’d like to see if their stories match.”

“Maybe your aunt is right, and we should stay out of police business.”

“Jenny’s right—Bobby isn’t going to talk to the police, and in her misguided attempt to protect him, neither is she.”

“You are going to rest at least part of the day, aren’t you? I mean, you aren’t going to make me lie to Beth, are you?”

“Carla,” Harriet said, “I would never ask you to lie for me.”

Carla blushed a fierce red.

“Leaving things out is the same as lying,” she insisted.

“Don’t worry. We’ll check in with DeAnn, see if we can catch up with Bobby, and then I’ll go home without argument.”

“Do you promise?”

“You’re getting tough,” Harriet said with a smile then headed toward the south vendor area.

“What are you doing here?” DeAnn asked when they arrived at the booth

“I just wanted to check and see that everything is okay,” Harriet said. “Diane Frank was difficult the other day, and I expect she’ll be back before this event is over.”

“I figured you were here to find out if Robin and Jenny had spoken to Bobby yet.”

“I did want to make sure you were doing okay here, but you’re right, I’m curious as to what, if anything’s, been said.”

“Robin said they looked for him at Fogg Park, but the other homeless people said he hadn’t been there the previous night. They tried the warming shelter at the Methodist church and the food line at the Catholic church without luck and then took a swing past the coffee shops in town, but still nothing.”

“Where are they now?” Harriet asked.

“Robin called an hour ago and said the police wanted to talk to Jenny again about acid lady. They were going to drive by Jenny’s so she could change into her costume before coming back here, but so far I haven’t seen either one of them.”

“I was going to be surprised if Jenny actually followed through and talked to her brother, and I should have guessed the police would want to talk to her after last night.”

“Speaking of last night, shouldn’t you be at home resting?”

“We’re on our way home from the doctor. Don’t tell my aunt we were here.” Harriet glanced at Carla. “Unless she asks, that is.”

“Do you have food at home for me to make you lunch?” Carla asked as they walked back to the car. “Or do I need to swing by the store and pick something up?”

“I have stuff,” Harriet said. “But I would like to make one more brief stop.”

Carla sighed.

“I hope your aunt doesn’t come by to check on you while we’re still out.”

“This will only take a minute. I’m going to call Lauren and find out if her guys know where Bobby is. If they do, we’ll go have a chat with him.”

“Who are her guys?”

“Long story, but the short version is, her personal geek squad is playing private surveillance.”

“Detective Morse isn’t going to like that,” Carla said.

“Only if she finds out,” Harriet said with a laugh. “Don’t worry, it will be fine. Lauren’s people aren’t interfering with the police. They’re just watching and reporting back to Lauren.”

Carla sighed—something she’d been doing a lot of lately.

“If this is too much for you, I can see if Lauren can pick me up. I know she’s curious about what’s going on.”

“I’m sorry. It’s not that I’m not curious,” Carla said. “It’s all the drama going on at Aiden’s. I’m afraid I’m going to have to quit my job.” Tears filled her dark blue eyes.

“I knew it was bad, but I didn’t think it would come to this. Do you need a place to stay? I know Connie would be happy to have you, too.”

“I don’t want to leave Aiden. He’s not handling things very well, and I know my being there helps, but I don’t want Wendy to grow up thinking it’s okay to let people abuse you. And make no mistake—living with Michelle is daily abuse.”

“We can go home,” Harriet said. “I’m being selfish.”

Carla used the heels of her hands to wipe her eyes.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be complaining to you when you’re not well. The distraction is probably just what I need. If we sit around your house too long, I’ll just worry about what to do. Besides, look.” She pointed at Wendy, who had fallen asleep in her car seat while they were talking. “She’s been missing a lot of naps lately.” She helped Harriet into the passenger seat. “It’ll be better if we let Wendy sleep for a while. I can sit in the car with her if Lauren tells you where Jenny’s brother is.”

“Are you sure? We can wait and see what Robin says. She’ll make Jenny talk to her brother eventually.”

“No, let’s do this thing,” Carla said and started her car.

Arlene Sachitano's books