Love Irresistibly


THIS TIME, BROOKE was ready to go when Cade showed up at her apartment. With her schedule, she didn’t get a date night often, so she’d spent a few extra minutes—okay, maybe a lot of extra minutes—on her hair and makeup and had slipped on a cute pair of jeans with her heels.

Cade eyes traveled over her when she answered the door, coming to rest on her shoes. “Are those the ones from Monday night?”

“They are.”

He stepped inside her apartment and kicked the door shut.

Well, then.

“I have good memories of those shoes.” With a warm gleam in his eye, he reached up and cupped the nape of her neck, leaning in to kiss her.

Hmm. She might have to wear these shoes all the time around Cade, if they put him in this good of a moo—

He jerked back, cursing under his breath.

Brooke blinked in surprise, still feeling the warm press of his lips on hers. “Um . . . what just happened?”

He winced, rotating his arm gingerly. “I reached around to grab your ass.”

“And . . . it electrocuted you?”

He chucked her under the chin. “No, sassy. My shoulder’s a little sore after playing football today.”

That was news to her. “I didn’t know you still played football.”

“I don’t. I was helping out someone else and got caught up in the moment.”

Someone who? Brooke nearly asked, then decided against it. If Cade didn’t want to let her in on this mysterious thing going on with him, she wasn’t going to pry it out of him. “Did you take anything for the pain?”

He brushed this off. “I iced it earlier. I don’t need anything for the pain.”

Men. “We can stay in and take it easy tonight, Cade. It’s no big deal.”

“I’m fine.” He raised an eyebrow, as if daring her to contradict that.

“Okay,” she said, with a shrug. If that was how he wanted to play this, she’d go along with it.

For now.

* * *

BROOKE HAD TO admit, Cade put on a really good tough-guy act.

If this had been a first date, she probably wouldn’t have noticed that anything was wrong. Not surprisingly, he was nearly pitch-perfect in covering up the fact that something was bothering him. He was charming as ever, he asked about her workweek, made her laugh, and told several interesting anecdotes about life as an assistant U.S. attorney. But by now she knew him well enough to pick up on the little signs, like the way he’d reached with his left hand to open the restaurant door for her. Or how his jaw had tensed slightly when he’d needed to use his right hand to cut his steak.

Going along with the charade, she said nothing through dinner, nor through their dessert of flourless chocolate cake, nor during the cab ride back to her building. Instead, she waited until they got inside her apartment.

“I have something for you,” she said with a deliberately mischievous air.

He raised an eyebrow. “I like the sound of that.”

She led him into the kitchen.

“More champagne?” he joked.

She shook her head. “Better.”

She took out a glass and filled it with water. His expression was one of confusion at first, then he made a face when she reached into a second cabinet and pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen.

“That’s my surprise?” He looked like a boy who’d been given socks for Christmas.

Brooke dumped two caplets into her hand and held them out. “Humor me.”

After a big show of scoffing and grunts of disapproval, Cade popped the pills into his mouth and took a drink of water.

“Do you miss playing?” she asked.

She figured he’d most likely fluff her off with his answer, the same way he’d nonchalantly handled her friends’ questions at the Cubs/Sox game. But it was something she’d been wondering about ever since watching the Rose Bowl video, and she just wanted . . . to ask.

Instead, he surprised her by looking at her for a long moment. “Yes.”

That quiet, simple admission tugged at Brooke’s heart. She’d seen his passion for the sport in the video, and his incredible talent, yet he hadn’t given up when football had been taken away from him. Instead, he’d channeled that drive and confidence into his legal career and had made a name for himself as federal prosecutor.

In her business, she worked with successful men and women all the time. But Cade Morgan . . . impressed her.

She came around the counter and held out her hand. “Come with me.”

His expression was skeptical. “What is it this time? A heating pad?”

“Not a heating pad,” she promised. But he was on the right track.

She led him into her white-marbled bathroom and headed to the oversized shower. Without saying a word, she reached in and turned on both the rain showerhead and the jets.

“Now this seems more promising,” he said.

“I thought you might see it that way.” Brooke lifted her shirt over her head, and then toed off her shoes. She undid her jeans and slid them down her hips and off.

Her bra hit the floor next, and then her underwear.

Cade’s eyes were on her the entire time. Instinctively, he reached for the buttons on his shirt, then grunted in pain and dropped his right arm in frustration.

Brooke crossed the room to him. “I’ll get that.” She stepped close and began to undo the buttons on his shirt.

“Just in case you were getting any tricky ideas, I still have one good arm to throw you over my shoulder.”

She looked up at him. “I get the nothing-fazes-me routine, Cade. I really do. But tonight, let me take care of you.”

She saw a flicker of emotions cross his face, before he answered huskily.


* * *

CADE WATCHED AS Brooke finished undoing the buttons of his shirt, then carefully eased it off his shoulders. She freed his good arm first and then, gently, his other one. She smoothed her hands down his chest, and he sucked in his breath when her fingers brushed across his stomach.

She moved her hands to the button of his jeans, and thankfully wasted no time in undoing his fly. He helped her out, using his good arm to push his jeans and boxer briefs over his hips. He kicked them off with his shoes, then stood before her, naked.

Brooke took his hand and led him toward the shower, her dark gold hair tumbling down her back. She stepped inside and leaned her head back under the spray, looking like a goddess with the water streaming down her body.

Cade didn’t need an invitation. He stepped inside the shower and shut the door, closing his eyes as steam swirled around him and six jets pulsed against his skin. He growled low in approval when he felt Brooke press her warm, wet body against his.

“Keep your eyes closed and take a step back,” she said.

“You’re naked and wet. My eyes aren’t staying closed for long.”

“Trust me. You’ll like this.”

He couldn’t resist such a promise. Cade stepped back and inhaled sharply when one of the jets hit his sore shoulder. Then he relaxed as the hot water slowly began to work its magic. He tipped his head back, giving in. “That feels great.” He felt Brooke move around, then she stepped onto the marble bench behind him.

Her soft hands rested lightly on his shoulders. “Tell me if I do anything that hurts.”

She slid her hands down his chest, her fingertips like silk against his skin as the water beat over him. His erection swelled as her hands began to caress him in a sensual massage, soothing the muscles of his chest, arms, and back.

It felt like . . . heaven.

For several minutes, Cade did nothing except enjoy the sensation of Brooke’s hands and the pulsing water running over his body. He leaned back, his head resting against the lush curves of her breasts. She was careful around his sore shoulder, avoiding those muscles and letting the water, steam, and ibuprofen loosen him up. But then she lowered her mouth and kissed his neck, and by then he was so sensitized from the heat, the jets, and from her massage that he groaned.

She pulled back. “Does that hurt?”

“No.” Needing more than just her hands, or a teasing kiss, he turned around and snaked his good arm around her waist. He lifted her off the marble ledge, crushing his mouth to hers. As they kissed, he slid her down his body, skin to skin, until her feet touched the ground.

She pulled back from the kiss. “I’m supposed to be doing all the work,” she reminded him breathlessly.

Cade pressed her against the shower wall, the jets pulsing against his back as his cock pulsed against her. Unable to resist, he rubbed the tip of his shaft between her soft folds, fighting for control. “I need to be in you, Brooke.”

She looked up into his eyes, and whatever she saw made her meld her mouth to his while fumbling to turn off the water. He pushed open the shower door with his good arm, and in a tangle of towels, hands, legs, and mouths, they landed on the plush oversized rug in front of the bathtub.

Brooke reached over, opened one of the drawers in her vanity, and pulled out a condom. She ripped it open and slid it over him, then she straddled his hips and slowly eased onto him, inch by sweet, heavenly inch.

Her eyes opened and met his just at the moment when he was fully buried inside. Cade’s chest pulled tight at the intimacy of the moment, and he was filled with a sudden need for more.

He pushed up on his elbows, not giving a shit about the pain in his shoulder, and pulled her in for a kiss. He eased back to the ground, bringing her with him and holding tight, wanting to be as close as he could get as she began moving over him.

Julie James's books