Inhale, Exhale


In nothing but his black boxer briefs, his swelling erection blatantly obvious, I found myself frozen in place. My mouth watered at the sight. The air felt thick, and the sexual energy buzzed around us, almost palpable. For weeks now, I’d fought to keep my feelings for Grant at bay, but now that he was in front of me, prowling toward me like a hungry lion, I wasn’t able to think of anything else.

I swam closer to him, until my toes could just touch the ocean floor. Since he had a good half a foot on me, it wasn’t as hard for him to stay afloat. “C’mere,” he beckoned, reaching toward me. I grabbed on to his hand and his sculpted arms easily pulled me through the water until my body was against his chest.

He placed his hands on my ass, lifting me so I could wrap my legs around his waist as I secured my arms around his neck. My pulse quickened and though the water was cooling to my skin, it felt like I was boiling inside. Grant’s hands circled my waist, his thumbs rubbing the small of my back up and down slowly.

“Kiss me,” I begged, pulling myself closer to him.

He didn’t make me wait any longer and crushed his mouth to mine. His tongue plunged into my mouth, swirling with my own and quickly taking control. He pulled my lower lip between his teeth and nibbled on the supple flesh, inducing a moan from me. I tilted my head to open more for him, wanting him to consume every inch of me. He sucked and licked until my lips were swollen and tender, but it wasn’t enough. I could never get enough of him.

Grant shifted positions slightly, so his now granite erection was pushed directly against me, between my thighs. I moaned louder this time, rubbing my body against his. He hissed at the movement and reached around my back to unclasp my bra before pulling it away from my body and tossing it behind him in the water.

Freed from the constraint, my already hard nipples pebbled into tight buds as he rolled them between his thumb and forefinger, his lips kissing and sucking a path in their direction. I splayed my hands across his chest, digging my nails into his fiery skin, and bending back to give his mouth further access to them. His rough hands cupped the underside of one of my breasts, lifting it toward his waiting mouth.

I thought he would suck, but he paused, emitting a sound between a groan and a growl. My body coiled tightly with desire, and I wanted his mouth on me more than I wanted air to breathe.

“Please, Grant,” I whispered against his ear, reaching out to nibble the lobe. I licked the salty skin just below the edge of his jaw, eager to taste any part of his body I could reach.

He shivered at the contact and exhaled heavily. “My God, Jillian. You’re more beautiful than I could have imagined.”

His words melted the last of my resolve, and I was reduced to a puddle of wanton desire. His head dipped down and he teasingly flicked my nipple with his tongue. My skin burned, and I opened my eyes, sure I was actually on fire while swimming in the ocean.

His hands slid back down to the curve of my ass and hoisted me up further. My thighs tightened around him and then we were moving. He easily carried me out of the water and up the beach before laying me gently on the blanket. Neither of us spoke, but we stared at each other, breathing heavily from our ocean tryst. He was leaning over me, keeping his weight on his arms. Cold drops of salty water fell on my skin from his wet hair, sending tiny shivers along my skin.

Hesitating only momentarily, he dipped his head back down to recapture my lips. I sighed into his mouth, chanting, Yes! Touch me, don’t stop touching me, in my head. His mouth was hot and salty, but sweet, like he’d been eating some type of fruit earlier. We kissed so hard, I was certain my lips would bruise.

After what seemed like hours, he tore his mouth away from mine, only to continue kissing along the soft line of my neck, down the column of my throat, and over the swell of my breast. My hands tangled in his hair and ran over his shoulders, loving the way he made my body feel.

His mouth resumed the worship of my breasts and I cried out at the sensation. With every nibble, every suck, every tug, and every flick of his tongue, need shot straight down between my thighs. I rubbed my body against him, smiling as his hard length jumped against my bare thigh. I moved myself closer, so my warm center was situated directly beneath his erection. I pushed my hips up, making contact and giving both of us what we wanted.

Grant’s eyes rolled back in his head as he breathed, “Goddamn,” under his breath.

His hands raked down my sides, stopping at the top edge of my panties. Nimble fingers slid against the tip of the elastic back and forth, over and over.

Teasing me.

Igniting me.

I pushed my pelvis up toward his hand, but he kept it elusively out of reach of where I wanted it most. All the while, he continued feasting on my breasts and driving me further into oblivion. His hand left the edge of my panties and continued down my leg, behind my knee, caressing my ankle before trailing a path back up so he could repeat with the other leg.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted him too badly. I reached down and curled my hands around the hard length of him through the thin fabric separating me from skin. Grant’s breath caught, and his mouth separated from my breast so he could look at me. I loved that I could make him feel as good as he made me feel, so I didn’t stop. I began to stroke him harder and faster. His hands clenched into fists at my hips.

“Wait, wait,” he panted, stopping me. “I’m not nearly done with you yet, and if you keep that up I will be.”

I let go and kissed him again, but he pulled back slightly. “We can stop whenever you want. Just say the word. I don’t want you to think—”

I kissed him hard again. “Please don’t stop. Don’t ever stop,” I moaned against his mouth. “I want you. All of you. With me. On me. In me.”

He smiled mischievously at me. “Your wish is my desire. And I do aim to please.”

I giggled, but it was cut off when his mouth found its way back to mine. All playfulness ceased as desire flared up again. His hand moved from my outer hip to my inner thigh, but this time he didn’t tease me. I spread my legs further, granting him access. His fingers slipped under the fabric of my panties, circling the delicate bundle of nerves at my core, now slick with the evidence of how much I wanted him. I cried out at the sensation, but he only sped up his rhythm.

My body shook with pleasure and I began to pant. He didn’t relent, and glided his fingers down before he pushed two inside me. My back arched up off the blanket and I cried out again, louder, practically screaming his name. “Grant! Oh my god, yes. Please don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

In tune with the motion of his hand, his fingers overwhelmed me. I grinded my body against his hand. I was teetering, and about to fall off the edge again, when his thumb lightly brushed over my swollen nub in one broad stroke and I fell apart, completely unraveled.

I bucked my hips as my eyes rolled back and my vision blurred. Grant never stopped or even slowed. Tears welled in my eyes and trickled out as I continued to soar higher. With a final shudder, I slumped back against the blanket, panting hard.

Grant lay back down next to me, kissing my shoulder. “There are no words, Jillian. Nothing out there could suffice to fully explain how much you amaze me.”

I took a few gulps of air and peeled my knotty, wet hair off my face and into a messy bun with the band around my wrist. After my heart rate had slowed to a less dangerous level, I crawled back toward him. His eyes darkened and his pupils dilated as my intent became clear. I wasn’t done with him.

As I hovered over him, I stared. How could I have ever thought he wasn’t my type? He is a Greek god, an Adonis, and David rolled into one. His well-defined shoulders and arms, evidence of years of rowing, flexed as my eyes roved over and down to the taut, flat surface of his stomach. And his ass—God, I could bounce quarters off of that beautiful ass.

Grant reached up and grabbed my shoulders, flipping me on my back so we reversed our positions. His fingers pulled my hair free from the tie. “Down. Keep it down,” he growled before leaning down to kiss me once again.

His hands glided down my body and hooked into my panties, edging them down. I lifted my hips to help, loving the little hitch in his breathe when they slid down my thighs, tangling at my ankles until I was able to kick them free. He didn’t move, but stared at me for a few seconds. And while I felt vulnerable and exposed, I felt desired and wanted too.

He pulled away, but only for a second as he shed the last scrap of clothing between us. My whole body trembled waiting, not from the cold of the evening air, but from anticipation. Grant leaned back and fumbled with his jeans that lay in a ball on the other side of the blanket, fishing through the pockets until he found the little foil packet he was seeking.

Quickly tearing it open, he applied the condom and laid over me so our bodies were lined up. His hands cupped my face and he kissed me gently. “You are ridiculously f*ckin’ sexy.” He kissed me again. “Unbelievably, ridiculously sexy as hell.”

I glanced at him through hooded lashes, suddenly shy from hearing his compliments. But only for a moment. Only until he slowly, inch by inch, entered me. By then, I was back to firing on all cylinders as need blasted through me and raw passion crashed over me like a tidal wave.

I didn’t want slow. I didn’t want gentle. I wanted the actions of our bodies to match the emotions I felt. I thrust my hips up, and he slammed home. My hands balled the blanket and ground was spinning like I was drunk.

“Ohhh, you feel so good,” I panted, trying to match the rhythm he set.

His lips found mine once again, and his tongue plunged inside. I tilted my hips a bit as he thrust up, and he groaned. “Yes, do that again. Just like that.”

I did, adding a clenching of my muscles as he pulled out just a bit. “Ohmygod, if you keep that up I’m gonna come.”

I stopped clenching my muscles, not wanting this to end. Instead I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself even closer. Our bodies were slick with sweat, and we slid together easily, increasing the tempo. He groaned in my ear as he thrust over and over. Faster. Harder. Deeper.

I couldn’t catch my breath and felt lightheaded. But I didn’t stop, or even slow. Instead I willed my body to speed up until I couldn’t take it anymore. Until my body began to shudder and I unraveled once again, crying out as I dug my nails into his back and flew apart. Grant joined me second later, throwing his head back as he came.

For several long moments we laid there, trying to catch our breath. I was exhausted. Slowly, we came back to awareness. Grant shifted to his side, pulling me against him. I laid my head on his arm and his kissed the spot behind my ear. I sighed contentedly and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep.

Just before I let my unconscious take me away, Grant whispered, “I’m pretty sure I’m falling hard for you, Cupcake. And I will make you mine.” But I was too exhausted to tell him I was falling too.

Sarah M. Ross's books