Indelible Love - Emily's Story

“Jake, I can NOT wear both these rings at the same time. People will think I’m asking for a mugging. I look so pretentious.”

“I think it looks great. Also, your engagement ring is an original Asscher cut diamond. Joseph Asscher patented this cut back in the early 1900’s, and my great grandmother bought one of the original cuts before the Nazis came and seized all their diamonds during World War II. The Asscher cuts nowadays have seventy-four facets on the diamond as opposed to the fifty-eight you have on yours. I thought about having the diamond updated with more cuts but I decided to leave it as is. There are very few originals out there.”

“So how big is this diamond?”

“It’s about six carats.”

“Monstrous,” I said.

“Gorgeous,” he said.

When we arrived in London, Jake’s gram sent her driver to pick us up at the station. I guessed this was how the Reids travel in London as well.

“No Underground?”

“No Underground. Get used to it, Mrs. Reid,” he answered putting his arms around me. My new title gave me a warm tingle. It sounded delightful.

Gram also stood around five feet seven. She had a pale complexion with bright blue eyes like Jake’s, and her face was quite lovely. She was dressed from head to toe in designer clothing. As soon as we arrived, Jake went over to hug his grandmother but she passed right by him and came over to hug me instead.

“Gram, this is my Emily,” he attempted to introduce us. No introductions were necessary.

“Emily!” She hugged me like my grandmother used to hug me whenever we hadn’t seen each other in a while.

“Hi, Gram.” I hugged her just as lovingly. “You’re so beautiful! Jake must have been crazy to think I was anywhere as beautiful as you are.”

“Welcome to the family!” was my warm invitation from Gram. “Let me look at you. Why are you so thin? Has Jake not been feeding you?”

“Are you kidding me, Gram? She eats like a horse. And, she’s got tremendously expensive taste.” Jake tried to put his arms around me and pull me away from Gram. They got into a bit of a tug of war. Gram won.

“Gram, thank you for giving us your ring. It’s stunning.”

“Jakey told me that you refused his first proposal because the two-carat diamond wasn’t big enough. He came and begged me for a bigger diamond so I had to pass down my heirloom so you would finally marry my favorite grandson,” Gram accused.

My jaw dropped.

I started stammering. “No, Gram. That’s not true. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you told her that.” My eyes shot daggers. “Gram…” Then I turned to my fiancé, “Jake…”

They both started laughing at me. “Gram’s just kidding, Love.”

“Oh!” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Funny, Gram.” I tried to laugh.

Holding hands, Gram led me to a grand dining hall. She lived in a mansion-like flat with butlers, drivers, and maids. All of her furniture looked to be antiques, and although she lived most of her life in the States, she was born here, so she fancied herself more English than American. I felt like I was having tea with the queen of England.

The maid brought out an elaborate tea with more food than we could consume. There was a variety of scones, biscuits, and pound cakes. I couldn’t figure out the variety of creams that accompanied the tea cakes. There were fruits and chocolate and a myriad of teas to choose from. Of course, Jake broke the tradition and asked for coffee. I followed his lead, as hot tea was not my favorite.

“So when’s the wedding?” Gram inquired.

“I don’t know,” I said. “We haven’t discussed it.”

“How about the fourth of July?” Jake asked.

“Next year, fourth of July?” I questioned.

“No, I mean, July 4th, as in three weeks from now.”

“In three weeks?” Gram and I both said, our voices raised.

“Yup!” Jake wasn’t fazed at all. He obviously didn’t realize that you couldn’t put a wedding together in three weeks.

Gram wanted to know, “What’s the rush, Jakey? She’s agreed to marry you. She’s not going anywhere.”

“Gram, Emily won’t have sex with me till we get married. I need to get married right away.”

I just about wanted to die. I hoped that the ground would open up and swallow me whole. I couldn’t believe Jake just told his Grandmother about my sexual history, or lack thereof. My face flushed, my head fell to the ground, and I went mute.

“Good for you, Emily. I’m glad to see that my Jakey is marrying someone with virtues.” That sounded like a compliment, but I was too embarrassed to thank her.

Jake realized that he would be in trouble once we were alone.

“I’m sorry, Emi,” he said trying to snuggle up to me. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You see, Gram thinks highly of you for holding out on me.”

DW Cee's books