Indelible Love - Emily's Story

But, most likely it was because my head was still wrapped around that little, correction—huge—diamond ring.

Who would have thought I’d be so consumed with a ring.

Around midnight, we found ourselves in front of my room, entangled in a kiss good night.

“I guess we have to separate, huh?” I murmured.

“We don’t have to. You choose to. Good night, my love,” was all he said as he walked into his room.

Today’s lesson: Viande et Poisson—Meat and Fish.

We used the stock we made yesterday and cooked many classic French fare. Beef Bourguignon, a beef stew, seared Foie Gras, which tasted amazing even at 8:00 a.m., frog legs, Coquilles, and Loup au fenouil, sea bass in a creamy fennel sauce. All of this was a bit overwhelming to taste so early, but again, I enjoyed every moment of the lesson.

Rather than going straight to Jake’s room, I headed back to my room to give Sarah a call. We had only spoken once since she got back from her honeymoon and I missed her, and wanted to get an update on married life. It was midnight her time, but I thought I’d give it a try.

“Hello?” answered a sleepy voice.

“Sarah!” I answered back cheerfully.

“Emily. Hi! Are you still in Paris?”

“Yeah, it’s our third day here.”

“Is life with Jake as wonderful as you dreamed it would be?”

“Yeah, it’s been incredible. I’m having so much fun. I’m even taking cooking lessons here at the hotel. Jake’s thought of everything for me.” My bipolar mood surfaced with each answer.

“That’s great, but why do you sound like that? Let me guess…he hasn’t popped the question yet.”

“No,” I moped. “What if he decides he doesn’t want to marry me after all?”

“Emily, are you kidding me? This is a man who flew all the way to Japan to reconcile with you. You told me yourself he was miserable without you the past five months. Just be patient and be happy. You’re in Paris, the most romantic city in the world! Being with Jake is what you’ve dreamed of for the last six months. You guys are finally together. Even if a proposal doesn’t happen this week, he’s not going to let go of you ever again. When the time is right he will ask again.” She consoled me the best she could.

“I know. Thanks, Sarah,” I tried to say in a more cheery way. “How’s married life?”

“Incredible!” she answered.

“You two have dated for nine years. Is it really that much different?”

“Married life is more amazing, more intimate, more…everything!”

“All right, I get the hint. I’m sure I’m interrupting something very important. I’ll call when I get back home. Bye.”

Sarah started cracking up. “Bye, Emily. Have a great rest of the trip.”

We hung up and I promised myself that I would change my attitude. My sour disposition wasn’t fair to Jake. When he’s ready, he will ask again.

Jake caught me as I was about to walk out of my room.

“Why are you here by yourself?” His brows creased with worry. “Is everything all right?”

“It’s perfect! I came in to call Sarah. I was just heading your way. Did you get the breakfast I sent over?”

“Yes,” he said with a good morning embrace. “Thank you.”

“What’s on the itinerary today, Dr. Reid? Speaking of, don’t you miss being at the hospital?”

“Nope. Not when I’m with you.” He smiled. “Today, how about we do a little shopping, and then go to the Opera House? Francois sent over a list of specialty shops. There are two large flea markets we can visit.”

“Sounds great!” My chipper face was back on.

Today was a day where I was grateful to have a loaner car and driver from the hotel. At the Saint Ouen flea market in the 18th arrondissement, it took us almost four hours to walk around the entire marketplace. For Sandy, I bought an antique clock, and for Bobby I found an old ink pen. There wasn’t anything to my liking for Nick and Jane so we got in the car and visited numerous antique shops, clothes shops, and shoe and accessory stores in Porte de Vanves in the 14th arrondissement. I had better luck there and found a frighteningly racy lingerie for Sarah and Charlie, which Jake begged me to keep for myself, and a cool hat for Jane at a vintage shop.

DW Cee's books