Indelible Love - Emily's Story

Near the sushi table was the pasta station. This staff of four cooked our favorites from seafood risotto, gimelli pasta with shrimp and tomato, and a spinach lasagna. Across the way from these two was our most famous California chef, preparing Japanese and American Wagyu steaks, along with onion rings, Matsutake mushrooms, roasted carrots, and Jerusalem artichokes. My mouth watered again smelling all the food in the air. When the dinner tent opened many guests flocked over and grazed these marvelous food stations.

Our four-layered cake, covered in a mossy green fondant with flowers sitting on all four layers, sat next to darling petit fours with caricatures of both of our faces. This was a tribute to our Paris trip I wanted to include in our wedding. We went over to see ourselves emblazoned on a piece of dessert. I snacked on a caricature of Jake before sitting down for dinner.

All our guests happily noshed on dinner and sat in the large open tent with the orchestra playing all our favorite music. Jake and I walked over to our table to finally have a bite to eat before beginning our festivities. Jane and Sarah continually came by to see if they could help with anything, and Jake eventually told them to leave us alone.

We saw Nick go up to the podium, ready to give a heartfelt best man speech toward the end of dinner.

“Jake and Emily are the only married couple I know who were broken up longer than they were together. I think they technically dated less than three months. Due to my brother’s stupidity, Emily left him for Japan for four months and they finally reunited with the help of Emily’s ex-boyfriend, of all people.” This got a few howls from the audience. Nick continued to tell of our disastrous reunion in New York and our fateful one in Kyoto. He also explained our trip to Paris, and why there were so many petit fours on the dessert table. “I’d like for you all to help me cheer my brother and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Jake Reid.” The crowd rejoiced while Nick came and hugged us both.

Jane signaled for us to come cut the cake, and I heard her warn her brother not to get any cake on my face or dress. But just in case, the makeup artist followed us to the cake table. I chuckled to myself. Jane obviously didn’t trust her brother to fear her threat. We sliced the cake, with a paparazzi of photographers marking our every move. Jake carefully fed me the first slice and though he had a devilish look on his face, he was an absolute gentleman.

I, on the other hand, was not a lady. With an extra-large helping of cake in my hand, I couldn’t help but mash it on his face. All of the cousins loved this and gave me a standing ovation. Jake retaliated with a ferocious kiss. I hoped the photographers captured those moments as well.

With dinner and dessert about done, the orchestra died down, and we all moved back into the lounge tent, as the DJ came back to life. He called us out for our first dance. Without my knowledge, Jake had chosen an Elvis Costello song that reminded him most of me and our relationship, and we happily glided to the song. Thanks to Jake crossing off another line on my to-do list, I could dance in front of people without tripping over my own feet. We squeezed in ballroom dancing lessons during our few free days and became decent enough to dance the night away.

“Honey, do you know that by the end of our honeymoon, you will have crossed off half my bucket list already?” I commented while dancing.

“My goal is to cross them all off for you, although I don’t think I can send you on a trip with some random man. Maybe I can somehow arrange for you to have a meal with him when we visit New York.”

“Do you know that you are the most amazing man?”

“That’s why I’m married to the most amazing woman.”

Everyone joined us on the dance floor but Jake and I might as well have been in a room by ourselves. We noticed no one. We broke into another one of our endless embraces and didn’t notice Max attempting to dance with me. We had tuned everyone out.

“Excuse me, may I cut in?” I heard but didn’t pay attention.

A little louder the voice repeated, “Excuse me, may I cut in?”

Our lips parted, annoyed. It was Max chuckling at our annoyance and smug that he finally got our attention.

Jake hesitated and warned, “Briefly. I’ll be right back to claim my wife.” He winked and tried to walk away but I quickly whispered a favor in his ear.

“As if it isn’t bad enough that I have to watch you make out in front of me, must you whisper to one another while I’m standing right here?” Max jokingly complained. “Em, you look gorgeous!” he added with his boyish grin.

“Thanks, Max. I’m happy to see you here.”

“I’m glad to be here and thrilled to see you so happy. Is this what you imagined married life to be?”

“It’s better than anything I’ve ever imagined. Thank you. I owe a lot of this to you. I thank you for loving me for four wonderful years. Much of who I am is thanks to our relationship. I learned so much from you. I truly wish you the same kind of joy.”

Max leaned closer and hugged me. “You know I’ll always love you, Em.”

DW Cee's books