Indelible Love - Emily's Story

Sandy put her hand over mine, knowing how sad I was hearing about Jake’s pain.

“Eventually, he found her, and she breathed life back into my grandson. He came to see me before proposing to Emily in Paris, and he told me about every date they’d ever had. More than any of my own children, Jakey’s love for Emily reminded me of my dad and my beloved husband. His love for a girl he’s known less than a year was more passionate than any I have seen. He didn’t ask me for the ring. I offered the ring to him. His passion earned him the ring, not his pleading.”

Gram looked at me and lovingly encouraged, “You and Jake are perfect for each other. You complement each other well. Love him as much as he loves you, and you two will live a happy life together.”

“Thank you, Gram. We will work hard to live up to your parents’ legacy.”

After ordering every treatment on the menu, we all had a light dinner and went home. I was sure there were many missed calls from Jake, but my phone got confiscated by Aunt Deborah early in the day, so I had no way of communicating with my groom. As soon as I got to our room, I texted Jake, hoping he could get away to call me.

Just got home. If you are able, call directly to our room. Missed you very much. Can’t wait to become Mrs. Reid. Love you even more.

As soon as I pushed the send button, the phone rang immediately.

“Hi, Honey. How was your day?”

“Hi, Beautiful. I had a fun but lonesome day today without you.”

“Where are you and what did you do all day?” I too felt alone.

“We’re about an hour north of home and we’re up at someone’s ranch, pheasant, quail, and chukar hunting. I shot a Reid record ten, beating the chief’s old record by two.” Haughty was not a word I associated with Jake, but he always enjoyed beating Uncle Henry.

“That’s great but what’s a chukar?”

“It’s a type of bird in the pheasant family. What did you do all day, my love?”

“We went to the spa and enjoyed every treatment thanks to Gram, but I really missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

As soon as he let these words out, I heard many unfamiliar voices making fun of my fiancé.

“Who are all those people in the background?”

“My college and med school buddies along with the rest of the family. You’ll meet them tomorrow.”

“When do you get back home?”

“I think we’re spending the night up here and then we have appointments at the spa tomorrow. I don’t exactly know. No one will give me a clear answer for fear that I may bolt on them. They’re all seeking revenge because I gave you diamonds for your wedding present.”

“Oh, I see. What would they do if I came to see you?” It was a tempting thought to drive over and see my soon to be husband.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Jane is guarding your door right now.” We both laughed. “I guess I’ll see you at the wedding.”

“Yes, you will, Dr. Reid.”

“Good night, my love. Sweet dreams.”

“I love you. Good night.”

Chapter 22 Our Happily Ever After

Sunday was the most beautiful day of the year. The weather was a perfect eighty degrees, and everyone arrived at the crack of dawn. Because of the perfect weather, Sandy and Barbara decided to hold the wedding outside, so it was chaotic for a while getting everything moved out of the ballroom and into the backyard.

I woke up and watched all the hustle and bustle outside, but decided not to leave my room. I liked being alone, giving myself some time to think about the magnitude of today and the joy that awaited us. Surprisingly, my nerves didn’t rattle me. I only reveled in the happiness of becoming Mrs. Reid by the end of the day. My face couldn’t keep from smiling as I watched all the workers transform the backyard into my dream.

Though it was early, I called Jake to see what he was up to. With so many men in one place, there would be no way he would still be sleeping.

My groom answered the phone on the first ring.

“Good morning, Handsome.” I sounded even sappier than usual.

“Hello, my beautiful bride. You’re up early. Did you sleep well last night?”

“No. I can’t wait to have you in bed with me.” It was my wedding day. I figured I could sound as brazen as I liked.

“Aw, Sis! I don’t need to hear this kind of stuff so early in the morning. It’s making me nauseous.”

Normally I would have died of embarrassment at Nick having heard our conversation but today, nothing bothered me.

“Nick, go find something else to do. Don’t listen in on a soon-to-be newlywed’s conversation. What did you expect?”

“We’re driving and you’re on speaker so we’re going to have to keep this conversation G rated, although I like the way you’re thinking.” Jake grinned through the phone.

“Where are you off to so early in the morning?”

“We’re coming home briefly to pick up our tuxes, and then we have to meet everyone at the spa for haircuts and grooming.”

DW Cee's books