Finding Faith (Angels of Fire)

It took all my power to not pound my throbbing cock into her while she was in the middle of her orgasm. I was so hard for her I wanted to blow my load. The only thing that helped me control myself was to lean my forehead against her temple and talk to her as I jerked my cock to relieve some of the pain. She had me so hot my cock was already drenched in pre-cum, but I refused to rush.

I don’t care if she has to meet someone at noon. We’re going to do this right even if it means I have to drive like a Helion to get her where she needs to go later.

As she started to come down off her high, I ran my fingers across her flat stomach. My hand felt so cold against her burning skin. When her breathing returned to normal I spoke into her hair and said, “We’re just getting started,” pressing a kiss against her temple, taking in her soft floral scent when I finished.

Fully expecting her to give me some sort of argument she caught me off guard. She rolled over the top of me, straddling her legs, her cunt resting directly above the head of my dick.

Her hair hung around us like a curtain of auburn silk. With a wicked smile she purred, “I’m all in after that.”

The kiss that followed those words made my entire body spasm with excitement. I dug my fingers into her hips ready to flip her underneath when she stopped me. Leaning down so our chests touched, her mouth next to my ear, she said in a sultry tone, “Oh, no you don’t. This time it’s my turn.”

Her hands slid down my chest, tweaking my nipples. She was licking my chest and abdomen. When she’d had enough, she slid her sexy petite hands beneath me, reached my ass, grabbing my cheeks and dug her nails in.

“Ouch. Be careful with the equipment,” I said, sitting up on my forearms so we were eye to eye.

“Uh, honey I would never want to hurt the equipment, but I had to do it. I’ve been dying to do that since breakfast.”

Then breaking our connection she sat up so she was below my cock on my lap. Without any shyness she grabbed it and started stroking it. The look in her eyes is one I’d never seen from her. She was a woman possessed and wild. I was in love all over again with this new side of her.

My arms gave out, letting my head fall against the pillow, reveling in the sensations overtaking me. She leaned back down so we were skin to skin. Her breasts were stroking my stomach in time with every stroke her hand gave my cock. Deep guttural groans vibrated into my abdomen, causing her nipples to rub against me even more, putting me on the brink of breaking.

Luckily she started making her way down my body, rubbing me the entire time, heat on heat. When her mouth wrapped around the head of my erection I growled, “Oh, f*ck!”

The cords in my neck strained under the tension. The heat from her breath swirling around my already sensitive tip was almost too much to handle. I clutched the sheets with my hands, otherwise I was pretty sure I would end up hurting her if I touched her. The feelings were so intense I wanted to die.

“Turn around and come here. Sit on my face. I want to taste your sweetness.”

Faith wasted no time obeying my request. I was licking her p-ssy, f*cking it with my tongue like I would soon be doing with my cock. She tasted so f*cking sweet. Sucking her * into my mouth I teased the bundle of nerves until she was grinding into my face like I wanted her to do with my cock.

“Shit, John your tongue is f*cking magic. I love it almost as much as I love your cock.”

Her back arched, pushing her drenched p-ssy further into my mouth.

I tongue f*cked her, drinking in her sweet juices. Just as she was on the brink, I pulled out, lapping at her folds to bring her down, only to f*ck her with my mouth harder the next time, pushing her over and taking everything she gave.

She picked up right were she stopped, taking my entire length to the back of her throat. My cock was twitching out of control, the veins throbbing with each stroke of her burning tongue. Her head traveled the same path up and down driving me mad, swirling her tongue around the sensitive tip before following a vein down to the root with kisses on her descent. If I looked at my cock I would swear it was aflame from her mouth.

“That’s right baby, lick it all the way down. I want to feel your saliva all over my thick cock. I want it dripping with you.”

Glorious fire that I could have all day everyday it felt so damn good. Her mouth trailed down to my balls, sucking one and licking it before paying the same attention to the other as she stroked the taint just behind them, sending my muscles into convulsions.

“F*ck, you’re so God damn beautiful. I love you so f*cking much.”

Her mouth swallowed my massive cock up, making my muscles tense as my back arched off the bed. The heat and suction from her glorious mouth took all my control away. I started bucking under her, f*cking her mouth with a force I hoped wasn’t too much for her to handle. With each deep thrust I could feel the back of her throat while my balls hit her chin. My hand dug into her hair, guiding her head down but she was in her own zone as well. F*ck she was so gorgeous. I couldn’t get over the realization she was here with me.

My heart wanted to burst with how much I loved her. The realization of how much I cared for her made my cock pulse with the need for release.

I don’t even know how I managed to dance with her earlier. It took every ounce of will power to get my feet to move with her tight little body in my arms knowing only a little piece of cotton was separating us. I had been dying to have this with her since last night. That song meant so much more to me than she’ll ever understand. Forcing my feet to move her around the floor, making love a different way than stripping her naked and dragging her to the couch was worth every bit of pain I endured. She felt like the old Faith as we glided across the kitchen together. Her face was glowing, her eyes twinkling, everything I burned to memory about her was there. When I saw a glimmer of confusion cross her face I decided it was best not to push it.

Hearing my sex kitten purr with my cock throbbing in her mouth brought me back to the now. She flipped back around planting kisses over my chest, still caressing my cock with her p-ssy, moving up and down, grinding on it like she had my face. I ran my tongue over my lips at the memory, savoring the last of her cum that she’d given me. Our breathing was jagged.

My eyes were glued shut but I could feel her gaze on me, watching my reactions to what she was doing. She gave me a reprieve, I thought, until I felt her take hold of my cock, placing the head at her dripping entrance before lowering herself on me in one swift movement.

“Shit.” My eyes popped open in surprise from the feel of her heat and wetness mixed together when she slid down my slippery length.

I had to take over. Without pulling out I flipped her underneath me, starting a slow shallow rhythm in and out. It wasn’t the pace I wanted. I really wanted to be a wild dog and pound the hell out of her but I was determined not to rush it.

Resting my forehead in the crook of her neck I growled through clenched teeth, “I want to pound your brains out about now. Do you have any idea how much I love being in your p-ssy?”

Then I gave her an open mouth kissed where my head was hiding, holding back the bite I was dying to deliver. The image of my mark on her neck exciting me, making my cock twitch in a frenzy.

“I love you in me. Feeling that thick cock stretching me,” she said arching her breast into me, urging me on by mirroring my movements. “Do it. F*ck me, I need it. I want it.”

She dug her nails into my ass again to make me move how she wanted. I was so enthralled with her I didn’t feel pain.

“No, Faith, I don’t want to f*ck you. I want to make love to you,” I said breathing harder as I started to go faster, but still holding back what I wanted.

“John, speed doesn’t make the difference between a f*ck and making love it’s how we feel. As long as you aren’t calling me a slut when you say it I like using the word f*ck. It turns me on. So F*ck ME.” This time she made sure I felt her digging her nails into me.

Faith’s nails in my ass worked the same as a whip to a horse. That along with her words were all I needed and I let loose.

I slipped my arm under her waist to make sure I had hold of her and rammed in to her tight p-ssy like I’d wanted to do since her mouth was sucking the shit out of my cock. She was so drenched you could hear us slapping against each other, making us that much more excited. On my way back out of one of my powerful thrusts I asked, “Are you okay?

“YES!” she screamed through gritted teeth as she clawed at my back.

Every time I was about to ram into her she knew because I would hold on to her waist a little tighter. Instead of tensing up to get ready for it she did the opposite and became slack. Little grunts of pleasure after each thrust when I ground our pelvises together to rub her already sensitive * some more would escape her straining throat.

We were both on the brink when she shuddered and asked, “Are you ready? I want you to cum with me.”

I had my head against her cheek drowning in her. All I could do was nod. Our sweat mixed to make a powerful elixir of seduction. I was wrecked.

As I thrust furiously into her she started screaming my name. When she yelled out, “John, I love you,” we went over the ledge together. The only sounds in the room were of our ragged breathing while I pumped languidly inside her bringing us down.

I held myself over her putting a kiss on the tip of her nose, then finding her mouth I meant to give her a gentle kiss but she took me, tasting every inch of my mouth like we had just begun instead of finished.

I was starting to get hard again while still in her. When I took a breather and looked toward the clock I saw she only had fifteen minutes to get back to her place.

“I hope you won’t get into trouble. You’re going to be late to meet whoever it is you’re supposed to at noon.”

I rolled off her, cupping a breast as I went and left my hand resting on it.

She looked down at my hand and in the dreamy voice that could make me cum all on its own asked, “Is that a new hand holder I wasn’t aware of?”

My mouth automatically curled up into a mischievous grin, “Yep,” giving it a squeeze for added emphasis before giving her shoulder a kiss. She giggled and rolled into my chest. I instinctively hugged her. I never wanted this to end.

“Did you hear me before? You’re going to be late, and you nuzzling into me like this isn’t going to help get us moving out of here any faster.”

I tickled her side to making her wiggle out of my arms.

After pushing her hair back out of her face she looked at me and said, “What do you mean us? You’re not coming with me.”

Now she was practically falling out of the bed she was so far away.

I tugged her by a wrist, bringing her closer to me, folding her up against me again. My cock was springing back to life but I had to ignore it.

“Yes, we.”

I gave her another smooch on the top of her head. “We never did have that talk I wanted to have before you seduced me.”

“Let me guess, you want to have it now while we’re naked and have no time to really talk?” She raised a brow at me, making me laugh. “And I seduced you?”

“Wow, you do know me so well. Yes, you seduced me. How could you rubbing yourself all over me not be considered a seduction?”

“You started it in the kitchen.”

“Lame. Try something else. You could have used that excuse if you ended up mounting me at the table, but unfortunately for us you didn’t.”

“Well, it wasn’t for lack of thought.” She pushed herself far enough away so she could peek up at me through her lashes and said, “So what do we need to talk about?”


“What about us?”

“This,” I gestured up and down at our mingled bodies.

“What about this?”

This time Faith gestured to our bodies hanging longer at my semi-hard cock then I think she planned. When she looked back at my face hers was red.

“Use more than a one word answer,” she said.

“What do you consider this? I know what I consider it.”

She wiggled her way out of my clutches and sat up. Oh, boy this can’t be a good sign.

“John, you know how I feel. We’re only friends.”

I sat up onto a forearm next to her so I could be eye level with her. She never could lie to me.

“Friends?” I repeated.

“Haven’t we talked about too many serious things in less than twenty-four hours? I have a rule about that.”

Before I could badger her to expand on how she thought we were just friends, she sprang out of bed and went into the bathroom. I really need to change door handles around here if this was going to become routine.

It may have taken me several years to learn her MO, but I was onto her game now. While she showered I got dressed so when she was done there was no running away while I was distracted. I didn’t mind, it meant I was able to keep her smell on me longer.

By the time I got out of the shower and stuck my head out of the bathroom door John was nowhere to be found. Thank God. Maybe he gave up and went out for something.

I was in such a hurry to hide from his inquisition I had gone into the bathroom without anything to put on. Do I put my dress back on, or do I take some of his hulk-sized clothes and borrow them? Brad was the last thing that I was concerned about at the moment. I had a bigger fish to fry named John. I fanned my face at the memory of what we’d just done, getting horny again. Pull your shit together, Faith.

Not wanting to risk getting jumped while looking for my dress, I chose to rummage through his drawers hoping to find something that might come close to fitting.

It didn’t take long for me to find a small stack of shirts and sweats in the back of his closet that fit.

How stylish will I be in sweats and blood-red spiked heels. All I can pray is that a cab is waiting downstairs so no one has time to notice.

When I came out of the bedroom in forest green sweats with our alma mater running down the side and a navy shirt, I scanned the open floor plan and saw no sign of the sex maniac. Relief poured out of me. My feet were still sore from the night before and I was in no immediate danger of getting boned so I took my time walking.

My hand was on the door to leave when I heard his deep voice behind me. “Hell, I don’t know which is hotter. Your ass practically hanging out of one of my T-shirts or your perfect little body showing off our old St. Mary’s gym sweats. I would have to see the heels with you in my shirt to make a fair judgment. Do you have time?” John asked with a wag of his eyebrows before taking a vicious bite of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

His doors must be solid because my head made a dull thud when it collapsed onto the dark wood. Too bad I hadn’t done it harder to knock myself out. I’d rather be unconscious than deal with this horn dog now.

“I thought you were gone.” I kept my head against the door with my eyes closed. Maybe if I pretended to be irritated he’d leave me alone. Who was I kidding, I wasn’t pretending.

“Nope. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I was just hungry.”

He put a hand on my shoulders to pull me away from the door.

Resting his chin on my shoulder and his hip against my ass so I could feel his hard-on he whispered close into my ear, “You will never fool me again, Faith.”

When he stood back up he took another bite out of his sandwich as he opened the door saying, “Shall we?” extending his arm out in front with that hand I wanted all over me again.

As I walked past he spanked my ass, making me jump. “Get a move on, sweet cheeks,” he said with a devilish smirk, pulling my coat from the hook before closing the door.

I gave him the best glare I could muster because I really wanted to f*ck him right there.

“Since when are you so horny?” I asked.

“Since I found you again,” he said with lust-filled eyes roaming me from head to toe. “Nothing’s better than finding you, handshakes and PB and J.”

I didn’t have a comeback for those words, so we headed down to his truck in silence. Why did he have to say things like that?

While in the elevator he rested my wool coat over my shoulders like a cape. “Can’t have my little sex kitten catching pneumonia can we?” he said, doing a bad job at holding back a smile.

I rolled my eyes at him but kept my lips shut, not wanting to encourage him. It was clear he didn’t need much help.

Once we were tucked safely away in John’s truck from the brutal winds of the city, he tossed his coat in the back of the cab and turned to look at me. His eyes were back to the heavenly green I loved.

He said, “Now that I have you confined to a small space and you can’t run away, what the hell do you mean we’re friends?” He did weak air quotes when he said friends.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I really didn’t. I thought I had gotten away from talking about this. Add the idea of finding Brad seething at my place on top of this friend conversation and it completely overrode the glorious morning I’d just had with John. I yanked my coat off my shoulders throwing it on top of John’s to have a distraction.

Brad already texted three times wanting to know what was taking me so long. I tried to tell him I ran into some trouble and that we could meet up after my meeting but he refused to hear it.

The leg closest to John was bouncing like a spring at the same time as the butterflies in my stomach were eating me from the inside out. I was anxious, to say the least. I couldn’t get the feeling to stop no matter how much I shifted around and changed the positions of my legs. I wanted this entire confrontation over.

It didn’t make things any better that John was here with me. If Brad sees John what will he do? Surely he’ll recognize John from work. Then when he sees how I’m dressed it’s going to make everything so much worse. My hands went over my face at the thought. I wished I had magic hands like John’s tongue that could make me invisible. A pained groan, only meant for my head, came out.

John pulled me closer to him, his arm flexing, showing off the dip between muscles and bulging veins in his forearm. When we bumped thighs he rested his hand on top of my bouncing knee, caressing it until it stopped.

“There, that should be better,” he said with a satisfied smile.

Sure, if better is making me soak your seat. The bulge I saw in his pants made me cream even more. How could he have a constant hard-on?

I shifted again onto a butt cheek to get rid of the tingles down below, putting me at an angle facing him. He really was beautiful, inside and out.

I hadn’t noticed that I was staring at him until he said, “Do I have some jelly on my face?” scrubbing around his mouth with the back of his hand to make sure.

“No,” I mumbled, turning to look out the front window, wondering if my face was as red as it felt.

My knee got a pinch on either side, getting my attention. “Talk to me.” John’s face was sullen, his words quiet.

“What do you want me to say?” I shrugged biting my lip. Now I understand why Grace does it so much.

“That you feel like I do. That we’re more than friends.”

“I can’t say that.” I shook my head as I kept staring out the front window.

“You can’t say because you don’t want to be more, or because you’re afraid?”

“Do we really have to talk about this now?” I rolled my eyes as I faced him, hoping that I was convincing him with my annoyed act.

“Yes, we do.” He mouth was set into a serious pout telling me he wasn’t playing around.

I just wanted to kiss those lips without answering anything.

“Then I don’t want to be more.” I crossed my arms and put a gap between us so our thighs didn’t touch, but I couldn’t move any further away. “There, happy?”

We were magnets. He was the North Pole to my South, and no matter how hard I tried to get further from him I couldn’t pull away, our attraction was that great.

“I don’t believe you. The way your body responds is the complete opposite of what you say. Would it be so horrible to give us another chance?”

Shit! He caught my love you slip up. That was because of the sex, I didn’t mean it.

My building came into view. I had never been so happy and terrified all at once.

“Let me out,” I blurted as I dove for the passenger door. John ignored me, finding a spot a little ways down.

“You are not coming with me,” I said.

“Yes, I am, and you don’t have time to argue with me. Not to mention you need me to walk next to you so people don’t think you are coming back from a one-stand stand, Miss High Heels and Sweat Pants,” he said as he leaned into the back seat to grab our jackets.

He was trying to make light of the situation but if he had an inkling of what we were about to walk into he wouldn’t be joking.

We managed to get inside with only one obnoxious honk. John responded by giving a huge thumbs up to the guy and waving like he was a movie star while pulling me in close to drape his arm around my caped shoulder. I was completely embarrassed.

“I think that guy knows you’re doing the walk of shame,” he said as he tucked me under his arm some more.

Shaking my head I said, “You’re such an ass.”

“Yeah, but at least I’m your ass.” His grin made me giggle on the inside. Crap, I shouldn’t be laughing at that. He’s not mine. My scowl grew but it was aimed at myself this time.

We stepped into the drab beige lobby and my heart stopped. I was steeling myself for the confrontation with Brad, fully expecting him to be pacing back and forth waiting to attack. He would surely start calling me names if he saw me with John.

John felt me tense up and tightened his grip around me while rubbing my arm. “Geez, I was only joking.”

Stan, my front desk man as I liked to call him, had his back to us and the rest of the small lobby was deserted. I let out a breath relieved, settling myself a little better under John’s arm.

“I know. I was worrying for nothing,” I said.

Brad must have gotten sick of waiting and took my advice to come back after my meeting.

For the first time since we left John’s place I was feeling young again. Maybe we could try it. It sure did feel pretty damn good to be with him. I took his hand from my shoulder and laced our fingers together. I looked at our hands folded into each other. His hand was so much bigger than mine, reminding me of how strong of a person he was.

It was hard for me to think that there was a time that he was lost and it was in part because of me. He still wanted me. How could I not want to be with him? When I glanced up to his handsome face I saw he had been watching me intently. Our eyes met and he showed me the most unguarded love in his smile I’d ever seen, causing my heart to ache. What was holding me back?

Just as I was about to tell John I was willing to give our relationship a chance one of the two elevators rang out its arrival. We stepped into the elevator linked and I pressed the button for my floor as the second set of elevator doors slid open.

As our doors were closing, it looked like Stan was trying to say something to me. Through the sliver that was left open I could see a tall man cross his path. Stan’s eyes shifted between the man and our elevator and before he could say something to me our doors shut. If it was important he’d call.