Extinction Machine

Chapter Sixty-three

The Warehouse

Baltimore, Maryland

Sunday, October 20, 10:55 a.m.

“Give me something to do,” Rudy pleaded. “If I simply sit here and do nothing while all this is happening I’ll go insane.”

“As it happens, Doctor,” said Church, “there is something you can do.”

He handed Rudy a sheet of paper on which was a list of names accompanied by notations about each person’s credentials and contact information. Several of the names were highlighted in yellow.

“These are some experts who might be able to provide some useful information relative to this case.”

“I recognize some of these people. George Noory? He has a conspiracy theory radio show. And Bill Birnes, he publishes UFO Magazine. They’re both on TV a lot in all those UFO specials.”

“Yes. The others are experts as well. Some areas of expertise overlap. You can speak frankly to any of the people whose names are highlighted.”

“Why them?”

Church gave him the smallest of enigmatic smiles. “They are friends of mine in the industry.”

Jonathan Maberry's books